{ tagged // ; eleven questions by -justbecause

Rule 1: Post the Rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.

1. how tall are you?
i'm a shawty girl at around 5'2" ok. i'm lazy to convert that into cm, but it's short yeup. it bc when vixx came to vancouver for a concert (tHAT WAS ONLY FOR $3.00) there were so many arms and posters when they came on, so i just crouched down and cried bc i couldn't see-- :'D oH BUT THEY SUNG A HAPPY BIRTHDAY THING COINCIDENTALLY ON MY BIRTHDAY. CH'YEAH.
2. would you rather be an awesome dancer or an awesome singer?
an awesome dancer- because i'm a dancer. but, i'd love for a killer voice too. i'm an average singer, but i ain't no beyonce - bUT I CAN TOTES PASS FOR NIKKI MANAJ OR WHATEVER.
3. what was the last book/fanfic you read?
i've got to catch up on books tbh - and the last fanfics i read today were pretty one II & christmas wedding.
4. what is your favourite color?
black & kuro (psst they're the same thing).
5. tell me a random fact about yourself.
i'm double-jointed and i can dislocate my fingers and twist them (s0) ily, yeup.
6. do you believe in ghosts?
ok, sometimes i get suspicions about them, but i'd rather not believe ;;;
7. what is your favourite disney movie?
mulan because she's so very swaggyyyyy ;v; (oh and princess and the frog)
8. tell me the story of your first time crush hehe
oh gosh this is gonna be long. uhm. i had a really good friend - he just happened to be korean, and his name was sunwoo. i was like, maybe in only kindergarten or something, but i'm pretty sure i liked him. i just didn't know. we used to hang out all the time at school, and played a lot. there was a time where we played house or something, and he was my big brother. i always treated him like my older broither, and i was really clingy. basically, we were kind of close and i remember one time, during gym, i switched a girl's shoes with his just so he would sit with me LOOL (because we were in a circle). when he moved to elementary, since i'm a year behind, we lost contact. when i caught up to him we were really awkward and barely talked. and there was a time when i thought he really hated me because i was weird. then highschool hit and BOOM forever forgotten. i saw him maybe once or twice, and he remembered my face. a time was so embarassing though when he waved at my from the street and i turned around like - who, me?! and the time at the bus when he waved at me and smiled. but, recently he's been waving at me during the halls. before he'd give me the cold shoulder and not respond. now, when he sees me, he gives me this hey. and it started because he was selling tickets for a dance and me and my friends went over. and out of curiosity, i went over and was like, "sunwoo! do you rememe?" and he said, "of course! you're danica!" and then he said, you can go with you friends because i didn't want to buy. i said, "what friends? i don't have friends. i don't even know these guys, they're ust here!" and he shohis head and laughed. gosh darn he is so handsome now and like - my frist crush, if we lived a little close, because we do live close, i'm just wondering if we'd be closer.

yeah, it's so long, but my first crush was my kindergarten bestie that i miss tons.. ;;;
we were so close. even my mom remembers his name and one time, he was working at the corner store by my house, owned by a korean couple (that often has korean goooods), and my mom came in just after my shower and said, "danica! go to the corner store! buy something! sunwoo is there!"
9. what is a fear you have overcome?
i haven't because i fear everything. ;A;
10. how did your bia(es) get your attention?
ugh, mainly through reality shows and friends. and then i'M LIKE, "WOW SO KYUITE SO HOT SARANGHAE".
11. what were you like 5 years ago? (2009 yo)
hyper, loud, obnoxious, annoying, dumb and impulsive - i still am. and i'm 16 now huehue.
tagged: idek whoever sees this try it ;v;
1. how did you get into kpop?
2. do you prefer sweet foods, spicy foods or none at all?
3. any korean drama recommendations? or a good song to listen to?
4. eye-candy? who be your eye-candy?
5. do you speak any other languages?
6. if you could choose a korean, jap or chinese name - what would it be, or do you already have one?
7. say, something k-drama happens. you bump into a good-looking guy, and your key-chains entangle! you---
8. what did you get this christmas?
9. do you have any siblings?
10. what if someone scouted you to become an sm, yj, jyp, big three idol or something?
11. eyy' how did we meet?
number 11. huehue anticipates.


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We're the same height! Maybe! I'm somewhere between five foot flat and five foot two. Every time I measure I get a different height ._.

-justbecause #2
i'm around 5 ft 2 too ; u ;
+ the birthday thing is so cool ; u ;


HAHAHAH. double-jointed people are cool
wow that sounds cool & freaky but mostly cool

mulan is very swaggy

no i like long stories hehe
CHILDHOOD BESTIES. MF. the shoe swapping thing asdfghjkl
omg haha your mum is awesome
i ship daniwoo / sunni

aw bby otl
you're just adorable