park minjung's symptoms ¦

minjung, park
haekyung ; dani ; ten
COMMENTS // meep. done. cheapass. yey. asdfghj-- there's a lot of words and not a lot of words. i just wanted it done and i'm confident. /tHROWS IT. LOVE THE CONCEPTPT BTW. AND YEAH I KNOW. TYPOS AND AND SPELLING AND ENGLISH SCREAMS. done with life alright just just my symptoms ajshgakud. minjung is just a grumpy cat. pet her gently and she'll purr like a ferrarri. ;v; hopes i didn't make mistakes. asdfgh. buttttocks thanks for readings! /dancesss.
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION // her world revolves around the distingtive scent of soup and water, she wastes every hour scraping dishes forthe rich, and scowls at every scrap of delicacy she'll never get to eat. life as park minjung isn't easy, especially when you're out of luck everyday, all day. be it tripping over her own feet, bumping into the wrong person, or even walking into stupid, ing walls, park minjung has it rough. but, no. it doesn't mean she's some clum- little weakling. oh, nonono, because park minjung wants to be more than just a fuss-up, jinx. she's tired of playing lousy-lucy, and has had enough of these unfortunate events; sass has nothing to do with it when you're finally making a come back to reality. and ow, she's ready to start anew, no matter what it takes. she will strive to get there, onday, someday, even if it means giving away something she loves. today she's just your average independent woman, that hence forth claims she doesn't need a man to live happy. afterall, "billion" is just an "aire" away.
LOVE INTEREST DESCRIPTION // he's never stayed in one country for so long, so when seoul came and when his mother finalized the place, here he came. for all his life, he's been set free to do what he wanted. spent the money, make all friends. drive a car at the age of 14. even get a tattoo here, there, where. wu yifan has livedthe high life and as of now he wants out. from living around places for so long, he's been tossed around families again and again, causing him this game of persona. it was to play the character they wanted to see, rather than play yourself. to him, that was his entertainment. to him, everyone else was the dumb ones, because he was siand tired of being the kid who had it all. his mother only ever focused on work and because he rarely had time to spent with her, he just became rebelious. sleeping with girls and losing his ity at 17 was just the first thing. but, then she didn't care. she just needed him there for when the company needed someone new - and that new was going to be him. so for as long as he lives, he has all he's ever wanted except what he can't have. he has if all, buut when he doesn't he'll take it because he can. you follow him because you have to. that's how he's grown up. people are morons and so he'll be the smartest man he can be, even when he's wearing a mask everyday, he waits for a person to dig beneath it and help him find who he truly is and show him that he can be loved - even when it isn't shown.
misfortune follows

full name minjung park
bod & age 0213 + 24
ethnicity full koren
place of birth seoul, south korea
face claim 1 chaegyung
gallery // // // // // // 畫廊
face claim 2 sori
gallery  //  //  //  //  //  // 畫廊
appearance standing at 163cm, and weighed around 57kg, park minjung is anything, but a tall, dark, spontaneous model. lanky, maybe, but spontaneous? n'aw. just un-coordinated and totally cut down on fashion; her hair is the length that it is because it bugs the out of her which is of a dark-brown red from her mother demanding flare. also, because she's a cheap-eating piggy, she's a little rounder around the cheeks (and maybe stomach, but she ain't no stripper, so you no getty the goody). you may not see it often, but she's got a killer smile that's pulled off with a pair of pink, pale lips. and of course, she's too much of a lazy to show it. that also goes for her - well, chest area. she isn't magically endowed. she lacks in money, lacks in grace and lacks in bodacious body parts. oh, wells.

style style? what style? the girl can't ing afford rice! so, what do you mean by style? if you mean just walking around with clothes on, then you got it! her sense in style isn't spectacular, but she isn't entirely shabby either. she just wears a lot of hand-me-downs and finds ways to make them look good. plus, clothes that aren't too clingy, sparkly, fru-fru and stuff, are more of her style. her entire waradrobe consists of wool sweaters, worn-out jeans, scarves, sneakers, convers, teeshirts and peejays. and i swear to god, she really will walk out in her cow slippers and pj's, because who really gives a ? it's not like she's looking for friends, you know? she just gets her waradrobe from family members, both male and female; cheap stores, thrift shops, secondary shops, etc. if she can afford it, then she'll wear it. as long as she isn't strutting down in her birthday suit. ah, but please take note that if you ever try to snug her into a dress, a skirt or a pair of killer kicks, just know that she'll deck you with a fork or running the other way.

just give me a reason, to keep my heart beating

traits impetuous » fatuous » witty » attentive » individualistic
in-depth ❝ you can treat me like a pawn. but in reality  i'm the fking queen. ❞
 // she walks like she owns the place, talks like she knows it all and carries her pride right over her shoulders just so you can stare it awe - but, in reality, she's a smart- little prick that hates being told what to do. no matter what state she's in and no matter what status she carries, park minjung rocks her world her way in all her minimum wage glory. she's never been a stickler towards being judged, but that's not to say she's not a judgemental person herself. yeah, so maybe, just possibly, she was the rotten little girl that scoffed at every human that came her way. she's the one that found life a complete waste of time and friends just about as lousy as a broken umbrella.. okay, yeah she's never been much of a people person either. she just likes to take it solo. no-bro, no boho, just "me, myself and I". but, that also doesn't make her a selfish person. it just means that when you fall, she's debating whether to pick yo' up. don't take it the wrong way, but park minjung is who she is. imperfectly tranquil.

it has something to do with how luck throws her aside like a pair of you found on the floor, how she's tired of falling on her face all the time and would rather pick herself up along with her pride. now, as a very blunt, sassy, "doesn't-give-a-" sort of person, having this insufferable ability to belly flop in the middle of a hall is from her way of moving impulsively. rules are for ers, and park minjung is not a er. she's just a really crude, dorky that trips over her stupidity. now, dorky, in a sense that she can come up with the most stupidest ideas just because someone else came up with a good one. it's pride i tell you, pride; she ain't gonna get rid of it. and with that pride is a lot of independence. well, more like, 'i'm right, you're wrong, left, up, down, all around'. it's why she doesn't do what you tell her unless further noticed. it's why she moves left when the world moves right, and why she makes the dumbest decisions to ask, "how high" when you tell her to jump (possibly for a bet). she's just far too close-minded and too set on what she knows is right. let's just say she carries the ability to make something sound correct in a matter of foul words. what she says goes (or most of the time anyways). it gets her into sticky situations, more or less when the time comes. but, "that's what non-stick pans are for."

be it her words, her actions, her butter fingers or what, there's never been a day when minjung has not gotten herself into trouble. but, because she likes sticking to herself, she wants to deal with it on her own. you can't in - she won't let you. and she probably, never will. you may push, she'll just shove. you may pull, she will kick. and despite her aspects, she's not an entirely horrible person. she may be cheap, may do trivial things, may ing dance on some sacred ground because she ing wanted to, may say whatever pops into her little head,  and may, perhaps judge you right off the bat like some front up niqqa, minjung will still be that bestfriend you need, that boyfriend, that girlfriend, that mother, that father, that sister, that brother and all you'll ever need. expressing herself just causes her problems, for not even she can understand. that is why she needs someone willing to teach her, and put up with what she is. if she just so happens to find that person, they might just change her life. and that, is all she'll ever be asking for. (besides meat, food and money).

despite it all, park minjung is just a troubled specimen of human needing a trail of bread crumbs to follow home. she pushes and whines and throws insults like they're confetti - she just wants some responsibility; some strength she can call her own for when the orld is against her, she'll need to save herself before she's saving anyone else.
"how do i love when i can't love myself,
when hate is all i've ever learned."
lifestyle she's up by 6:00 o'clock in the morning, dressing, eating, prepping up until 6:35. by then she's out of the house and taking two buses, one train and 2 blocks of walking until she reaches one of the super fancy hotel's who's name she never cares to remember. by 7:00 am, she's setting everything up by herself, the ingredients, set-ups, dishes, clearing the resturant, prepping, etc. by 7:45 she's opening up and helping all the chefs, waiters and her co-workers. by 9:00 she's working, cleaning up, scrubbing, cooking, etc whatever work her boss gives her. she's basically working for 11 hours doing whatever her boss throws at her, and she can't complain about the pay because she can't get another job. she doesn't have the time nor effort to find another job, so sheck being a slave thing. she's off by 8:30, after clearing and is on her way home. by 9:40 she's home, tired, exhausted and usually takes a 15 minute shower. she cooks something easy, eats, ignores her social life and is dead around 10:00 or later. on weekends, she's just eating, watching on netflix, zoning out on her laptop or playing video games. she rarely ever goes out and when she does she's out grocery shopping, or heading to the library. on breaks, if given any, she just sits and reads while eating whatever's available.
→ she loves meat more than humans
→ she doesn't have a hand-phone because she can't afford it
→ she usually only ever uses one light in her house and has the strangest pet peeve when someone leaves on the lights in one room, but not the other
→ she'll either use a paper fan or the plug-in fan instead of the air con because she wants to save up
→ she gets really judgemental around rich people and thinks they're all snobs due to working around in a scrubby, nasty kitchen that feeds their snotty faces
→ she hates getting tickled
→ try to initiate skinship and she's ing go super saiyan
→ she works behind the scenes in a fancy hotel - doing all the rubbish . washing dishes, cleaning floors, windows, bussing tables, garbage duty, etc, etc. she pretty much does all the dirty work and gets paid less than she's supposed recieve, but she has no time to find another job
→ she used to have a dog named, "popora", but it ran away when she was young
→ she's allergic to needles and doctors and dentist (or so she claims) and if you try to take her to one, she will scream bloody murder
→ she majored in art during her first year of college, but ever since she dropped out she's never really caught up on it despite the acrylics sitting lonesomely in her bedroom closet
→ she's easily attracted to all sorts of guys (esp. if they're really hot), but acts like dating is the last thing on her mind (which is true)
→ she hates the cold, but also hates hot weather (she's an in-doorsy person)
→ she was voted for "most likely to become a cat lady" in highschool, which she found hilarious because she absolutely despises cats (or is scared of them, actually)
→ she's left handed, but uses her right hand a lot 
→ she wears contacts, and only wears her glasses at home
→ okay, so maybe she plays a little skyrim, leauge of legends, diablo etc. whatever. gamers are swaggy ok.
→ she only has an xbob, ps3, laptop and ds because her older cousin gave them all to her (including all the games that came with them)
→ she cooks rather decently, but won't cook for you if you asked
→ she has the biggest habit : swearing. it's her second language.
→ she secretly loves affection; hugging, kisses, etc. but she just gets shy and lies.
→ she still has the very first portrait she's made sitting wedged between her coffee table and wall. she's been thinking of selling it for a while now, but soonhyuk keeps telling her not to.
→ more to be added if any.
stand up, stand up

OLDER COUSIN lee soonhyuk : 27 : mature, frugal, charming : besdies her parents, soonhyuk is probably the closest person to a friend minjung has ever had. they grew up together, despite the differences in age; they were practically brother and sister and if it weren't for their parents being so well-kept together, they probably wouldn't have the relationship they have now; knowing each other like they know their own bodies, finishing each other's sentences and not only having each other's backs, but fronts too. soonhyuk has always been that one older brother, and minjung hasd always had an attachment to this figment when they're both only child's themselves. how they act is like any other set of siblings, just a lot closer than regulars and even twins. soonhyuk will protect her with his life, and will be the only person minjung would ever let scold. minjung is the one to obey his every command, because that's how much she feels owed to this guy. they're just - so close together, it's almost weird. but, family is family, and when minjung turned alone, soonhyuk was there on speed dial and two doors down with a tub of rocky road.
history ❝ sweet home alabama ❞ 
// park minjung was born on friday, january the 13th, a day meant to be a cursed hour among the american cultre. when this girl was born she was taken to procations, thus kept sheltered a majority of her life, only ever having her older cousin as acompanion and source of human life. she was schooled regularly as most kids, living an average life that held no fancy aspects what so ever and if read personally, it was a rather boring life. she rarely let out, and would only stay home studying which had her at the top of her class and school. her family consisting of over-achievers had her forced into doing things she didn't want, and thus began a rebellion that had her turning for the worst. she graduated withhigh grades, but not scholarship and because of it, she was enrolled into a college her parents chose, away from her highschool life of horrendous boring altitude. college was even worse and pursuing to be a nurse was not what she wanted for the fact that she absolutely hated doctors at the time and still does. the girl had always been an artistic child, but her parents often neglected their daughter's talents. she forced herself to appeal to her families needs - but once she hit 20, she broke. dropped out of college at 22 and managed to live with her cousin soonhyuk until her endless amount of part-time jobs had her buying her own cheap place. and thanks to her cousin, she managed to get herself a shabby job that paid for the bills right. but, now, with her dream to be an artist already aside, she's stuck whether to follow her dreams or trample them to keep a living.
i take this chance that i make you mine

love interest wu "kris", yifan.
back-up park chanyeol.
personality ❝ because i told you so.❞ 
// a pretty face is all he is until he's smooth talking you into bed and leabing a note, "see you next time" at your bed-side table. a manipulative person is what wu yifan ensues to be, using his own gross, corrupted charms to fool others into thinking something else. an egotistical man with a pride big enough to feed all of asia. why he chooses to play a man he's not is simply because of how he's learned to be. pleasing others is what he does best and to do so, he must play both the hero and bad guy. what he wants, he gets, and that's all their is. but, when the prince doesn't get what he's asked for, a is gone and there's no time to waste for he's on his horse getting himself. persistence causes him to often get impatience and aggressive, foul words thrown and careless actions are taken upon when his plans are tampered with. he is truly an easily sadistical man, and he will go to all lengths to get what he wants. selfish means he doesn't care for who he hurts or who he sees. he wants what he wants, and will even get you to come to him. like an who knows his line, he knows how to reel you in - it's just, when the catch is too big, he won't let it go. in fact, he'll keep pulling and pulling, trying and trying to annoy and annoy until that line snaps and is gone forever. he'll live to tell the tale and even when he says he doesn't care - he does. because when you're a man that treasures the moments he cause, they will never leave you no matter how hard you say you do not care. "i love you" are three words he will never truly mean, and only when he's lost his line - then it will be true. a man that will never know what he loves will never know the meaning of no for he is a man who rejects, rejection and that is truly that.
"i take because i can, i give because i want you,
but i would never take it back if i wanted you here."
how you met/meet all he wanted was a sandwich, but instead he found himself drenched in dish soap and in a downpour of plates and utensils. the girl he saw was plain, but pretty. so what were the chances of her saying no? yet instead, her words were longer, and burning. his passion for her only grew. clumsiness caused her morestrain than ever, for this time instead of a lecture to follow, was a stupid, lanky man who's korean went . from sandwiches, to dishes, to horrid spitting of words, end tragically.

with arms caged over he feminine frame, a shiver courses down her spine when lips ghost into a whisper and a man is too close for comfort. "you follow me and this all goes away. no more boss, no more lanlord, just you and me. i'll give you all the money you desire. all the riches, all the fame. all it takes is a little.." his hand travels down to the curve of her hip. ".. love, and it'll all be yours."

let's just say, kris has never felt so confused - or injurted, for that matter.

relationship she hates him more than she hates the feeling of lost; he is angered by the fact that she doesn't want him. they don't understand each other, but yet they end up accepting one another too easily. kris is always persistent around her, pissing her off and following her around, trying so many ways to get her to like him. dates, roses, dropping by almost every ing day. the guy just doesn't know when to quit and minjung is there to show him. she always pushes him away - legitimately. and even when he tried to buy her that cellphone or car, or that really nice scarf she totally, actually wanted, she winot let him off easy. even if she likes his hugs, or the way she likes the touch of his hands. so, what if she likes the affection and attention she recieves? him. she hatit. hates it for loving it and she'll never admit the truth. let her tsundere mind stay the way it should and no matter what he does, she will never give in. even if he's stolen a kiss or two. he's recieved a punch or two more. (feel free to add to it LOOL)
they might call me crazy, for saying i'd fight

what was your first impression of me? 
"''yah, who the hell is this? what is he? and why?'. i thought you were a bratty ing rich kid that said what he wanted, did what he wanted and flashed his money like he flashes skin. i thought you were a stupid, inconsiderate kid that bossed everyone around because you had the money to do it. ah, and you know what?" (/she tilts her head and smiles) "you are!" (/smiles fades and she scowls)."i also thought you were kind of handsome.. but, now you're just-- ugh."
what do you think of me?
(/she scoffs, rolling her eyes) "there's nothing to think, there's nothing to say. you're just you, and that's as bad as it gets. you're an insufferable, arrogant, manipulative- thing! and you're annoying as hell."
wif you dislike me, explain why. if not, explain what you like  about me "how are you not getting any of this?" (/laughs half-heartedly) "aish, what a moron.. i dislike you because that's all you ever think about. yourself. yourself, yourself, yourself." (/she racks a hand through her hair and sighs) you push me around like you own me, think you can buy me. think you can pity me, make me listen to you because you act as if you're an almightly . but, you're not. and i won't let you think so." (/crosses her arms, staring dead at him) "i'm not one of those girls who're willing to sleep around just for some freakin green. i'm not desperate enough to sleep with you, yifan. why do you always treat me like i would?..." (/she pauses, lips pursing whilst eyebrows crease) "what i like about you, huh? ha.. well.. i guess.. you.. just keep me company sometimes? keep me from feeling lonely by ticking me off everyday or every minute..? or something like that. you don't know personal space - you're like a ing fly. it's irritating, but i can tolerate you.. personality-wise, attitude-wise.. there's nothing to like. nothing."
what would you do if we were in an arranged marriage? 
"jump out a window, get hit by a train, submissively drive myself off a bridge.  i don't know- kill myself? arranged marriages.. i'd be fine if i didn't know you before the marriage, but since i know you now, you can forget it. it's not like i could ever come to love you anyways. arranged or not, i'd want to love my spouse at least in a way that i care for him. i just- wouldn't marry you even if you were the last man on earth. and it's funny because - you're a woman in my eyes. (/she cracks a smile) and plus, it'
s not like you'd ever marry a girl who basically works as a janitor for a living. (/she snorts) i highly doubt you're the type to agree to something like that anyways."
if there was one thing you can change about me, what would it  be? "everything. no objections. honestly, i think you should just die and get reincarnated into something - maybe, quieter? meek? not you? like, i'm sure someone would love you for who you are, but i'm sorry, i'm not that girl. i don't know what your intentions are, but.. i don't think i can ever love such a person."


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