Food For Thought - AFF Updates

Food for thought before people start complaining about the AFF updates. 

1) This is a free site, so you shouldn't get bent out of shape when changes happen. If you paid for this site, then yes, get bent out of shape, but until you start paying to keep things running and being given extra bandwidth to keep the site up, think about what Boss Nichi is doing before you start complaining. If you don't like the changes because it's not visually appealing to you, then take a moment and think about why there are changes in the first place. Usually the changes either pertain to helping out AFF users or making sure the site remains free. And I don't know about you, but not everyone is willing to pay to keep this site running. 

2) There is complaining, and then there is you actually giving feedback that will help. If you don't like how the site is set up because you just don't like the layout, well then you're just going to have to get used to it. If you're complaining about things not working or it being unreadable, then take your concerns to AFFhelper. But when you do that, don't sound as if the world revolves around you or be that one guy that cusses them out all the time for doing stuff that is only helping the site. (I know you all like this site and want to keep it free, so be understanding and don't complain because you think the layout . If anything, this layout is much better than other fanfiction sites out there.)

3) Bandwidth is pretty important and when you have a site that's getting close to going over the bandwidth that we're given, then things will have to change. You can't be that one kid on the playground that doesn't clean, doesn't play nice with others, or just likes to antagonize others and their parents. So if you can, go through some of your stuff and delete some stuff if you can. If you have stories that you aren't ever going to update again, delete them. (Yes, you'll have less subscribers, but how important is subscribers when there is the chance of the site becoming not free or breaking down?) If you have useless blog posts, delete them, especially those that use this site as if it's twitter or tumblr. If you need to stay on top of your groups, get a tumblr/twitter. They are free and they'll keep you up to date with pictures and gifs.  (Note: some of this may affect it or it might not, but do we really need all these stories that aren't being updated or just have forewords or blog posts with nothing but a few pics/gifs cluttering the site? Is it absolutely needed? Definitely not.)

4) Don't use the marketplace as a place to show off your layouts, unless they use the contentID stuff and people can buy them. Don't have previews in separate blog posts or under separate user IDs (I know plenty of users do that and it's unnecessary of you to do that. And really, how hard is it to just have one long chapter of all your layout and then a link to the code at the end.). 

5) Don't use the discussions place as a way to advertise your fics, especially if you aren't going to delete the post after a while. Not only do people usually not check the discussion posts, most don't use the discussion place for that. (Sorry, but it's true.) And if you have other posts and nobody has written on them for over a week, delete them. (Is it really necessary to keep a discussion post when only 2-3 people have spoken on it and it's usually just spazzing about your groups? I mean, if you actually had discussions that could help with fic, then go ahead and keep them, but if they aren't useful to you, delete them, please.) 

Possible Suggestions/Ideas

1) If you are a layout maker, is it important that you use AFF to showcase your layouts/themes or is it possible to get a tumblr or other blog site and have people follow you that way. (Yes, you may never be featured that way, but you can still become popular on your own.) (I don't know if it's possible or if Boss Nichi is willing to do it since AFF has 2 sister sites already, but if it's possible, would you be willing to move all your layout stuff to a site that specializes in the layouts that you make if Boss Nichi makes something like that?) (This could easily apply to review shops and other shops too.)

2) Do at least a bi-monthly cleanup of your stuff. That means going through your stories/blog posts and deleting what you don't need. Deactivate accounts you don't use if you have more than one account. (If you need to use it again, just sign in and it'll be reactivated. Easy as that. But no need to keep them activated if you never use them.)

3) Move roleplays to roleplay republic. The site was created for a reason. (Especially when some roleplays are usually done within a few months. And when they're done, delete them, especially if you're finished with them. So for everyone that keeps them as stories because of getting subscribers/upvotes, please stop. Heck, I don't even think you lose karma if you delete your stories/roleplays.)  (Or start roleplaying on tumblr or even use tumblr as a platform for advertising your facebook/twitter roleplays.) (And if you need to advertise them, you can still use your karma points to do that and just link a third party site and lead people there instead.)

Any other ideas? Comment below. 

(Oh, and please for the love of all things holy, for those that don't know what a cache is or how to use internet options on their computer, educate yourself. I'm serious, my grandma who hates technology is more willing to learn about the internet and how her computer works than some of you kids, which is sad, since a lot of old people aren't too fond of computers/internet.)


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^-^ Thanks for this. I'll get back to you asap. Church.
And the layouts!!! I was able to use one gallery for all of my layouts. Why can't they? O.o But I think the rationale behind having our own editor for LM is the same as why boss took down the chatroom and plan to build our own. Layouts from LM are meant to be applied directly to chapters and if there's a third party, wouldn't that mean more html codes to add meta tags or whatever? Anyway, this clean up project if fun. Except for one person in my blog lol
I agree with everything. Tho I really dont like roleplay republic because too many people on there get toooooo attached with their roleplays that if someone just had a slightly similar idea, they start sending you hate mail and saying ur stealing their roleplay.

That has happened to me on several accounts and it pisses me off. One person made a roleplay about a new agency where you can be a trainee or idol. I wanted to make one to since there's was really messy and unorganized.

The guy literally thinks that the agency idea is his and only his and he 'copyrighted' so anybody who has similar ideas is copying him.

The one thing I can't believe is it is still up and going and still just as unorganized as before. ( sorry for the complaining but this has happened to me about five times on rpr and thats why I hate the site )

Honestly you dont 'copyright' an idea that is soooo broad that of course other people are going to think of. :I (again sorry for the been a long time since I let that out)
rocksolidpanda #3
Bleeeeesssss!!! Haha! Seriously though I agree with deleting stories that will never be finished. Not only does it keep the site clean, but it keeps readers from being disappointed and frustrated with false hope. Also it'll put an end to all those angry posts from writers complaining about readers badgering them to finish a story. They can't complain if its not there anymore.
Bless you for this blog post, I could kiss you right now. I'd elaborate but you've said all that needs to be said, so A+ :) now to crack down on myself and go through wall posts...that should be fun -______-