Thoughts on SONE's Acting

First off, I just wanna tell EVERY FREAKING SONE that left the fandom, YOU ARE STUPID. You know what, you don't even have the right to be called a SONE. No, never. You're simply living in delusion if you left because Yoona/Sooyoung/Hyoyeon is taken and that YOU can never date them. It's stupid, idiotic, and simply dumb. I write fanfics but I know the difference between reality and fiction. I may not know WHY you left the fandom, and honestly, I want to know. So if you're one of them, please feel free to leave me a message or comment.

Secondly, to SONEs that DIDN'T leave the fandom yet saying these "I'll never leave them." I trust your word on that, but honestly? Feel free to say what you want to say. I'm not perfect, neither are you, or SNSD so once in a while we need to say our feelings. I'll be honest and tell you that I wasn't ready for Yoona's news. I cried bloody tears when the news was confirmed. I tried to hypnotize myself, saying things like "Seung-gi is loyal. He won't hurt Yoona. He's been crushing on her for 4 years," but seriously, I'll be lying if I told you I wasn't hurt and jealous of him. I don't fully trust him with Yoong, not until he proposes or something (not yet, Seunggi, wait 4 more years). He wrote A FREAKING BOOK for her. But I think that's a bit too much. Obssessive...came to mind. Lol. I'll be waiting for a song for Yoona, Seunggi. I'm happy that the public was happy for them.

And the one with Sooyoung, I AM HONESTLY SCARED LESS FOR HER. Oh, my gooossssssh, they said he was abusive, saying that he almost burned their house because his dad told him he was fat and needed to eat less, and then there's these news saying he hit Sooyoung 3 times already...*shivers* but, I wont judge him yet on that. Sooyoung has been praying to God for over 6 years to give her a boyfriend, maybe this guy is it, maybe his not. But Sooyoung must've seen something on him.

We, as fans, can only appreciate what they've given us. We can't do anything about their lives. We're not God, we can't change anything. We may be able to change their relationships, protesting and stuff, but no, we're not that immature. Do you think they'll be happy if they found out that SONEs, their fans, are protesting against their happiness? They've given us 6 years of their lives. It's time to let go, don't you think? They're old now, they're not Girls' Generation, but they are now Women. They want somebody for them too. And like you, I HATED IT. I hated the fact that Soshi will never be the same. I hated knowing we aren't NUMBER 1, but it's just what it is. They weren't those little kids that would do anything to get famous, they weren't those teens that just simply wanted attention. No. They are, GIRLS' GENERATION, and whether you will be there or not, is well, up to you.

We've all seen this coming, yet we can't help but cry over it. Soshi isn't forever ours, that statement alone makes you go insane, I know. So SONEs and EX-SONEs we can't and won't control them. They are people too, they're humans like us. So please, let them be, I'll cry with you, come to me.


There will come a day where SNSD will be no more,

Fans will disappear, they will open the door.

Soshi girls will seperate and leave,

It will get cold and will come is, eve.

Where will they be if we are gone?

Do you want them to have none?

They need someone too,

They are human like me and you.

I won't lie and tell you I like it,

But we need to face the fact that they will quit.

I don't know when,

But by then,

I'll have enough time to realize,

Soshi, the girls that we have idolized,

Are Women, and I still love them.

Forever they will be, my rare Gem.


Right now, It's Girls' Generation.

From now on, It's Girls' Generation.

Forever, it will be Girls' Generation.


Soshi, we will be waiting...


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When I first joined this fandom (Sone) Which was like 3-4 years ago I said to myself that I'll support each and every decision that they made whenever and wherever... but damn I can't help but feel hurt.. Idk, it just feels like my hand is slipping away slowly so now whenever I happen to hear their song or watch some of their performances I can see myself crying...

Things are bound to happen anyway... And when that happens I'll try to smile...

But one thing is for sure, I won't leave those girls... neither this fandom... Cause this is my family..
Wait: And I meant if they want to be single then that's also their choice to be single ^^; Sorry if that came out wrong.
Sooyoung is one of my biases but I'm still happy for the relationship she is in as well as for Yoona and Hyoyeon <3 Idols are people to, they can't be single forever after all; I hope SNSD fans give KyungHo a chance :( He doesn't sound that bad to me, I ship ChangSoo a little bit so that was kind of...ouch at first, but either way I just want her and the other girls to be happy :)

I wish them all nothing but the very, very best <3
I was crying hard when they confirmed that SooYoung was dating with KyungHo :((( she is my bias and will forever be, but my ACE heart can't take it, my HyoYoung </3 their broken, YoonYul too :(, I can't help but feel sad *wipes the floor filled with tears* but as a SONE we have to be there for them, be happy and support them with every decision they make. I agree with you, they've given us 6 years of their lives, so they deserve to give themselves too, we can't be selfish and dictate what they would do, they've done a lot to make us happy and we should allow them to be happy too. I just hope that my heart can still take if JeTi reveals theirs too.
Well, no one is perfect for SNSD except ourselves, who arent perfect at all lol. Or, themselves, lol hahahaha but yeahm we have to draw a clear line between reality and delulu mind.
thats what happens in reality, support them, they need us. :')

eh? Abusive? Really? From where do you know that?
and Seunggi, awww, i still found them two cute, idkwhy hahaha. But still YoonYul in my heart lololol.
fighting, fellow sone! <3
forever sone, me.
I honestly don't understand why anyone would leave the fandom only because they're dating - I know that finding out that your bias is dating can be a bit shocking but it doesn't make sense to give up on the entire group only because of that, at least not if you're a real SONE. I mean, was the only reason the ex-SONEs loved SNSD that their biases was single? Didn't they also love SNSD for the music, for all the members, for the close friendships and dazzling concepts and personalities and albums - I mean, all of these awesome things that from the beginning made us fans of SNSD are still there.
I always find it stupid when fans leave the fandom because their oppa or unnie or noona or whatever is dating; I've seen it happen quite often and it always baffles me.
Whatever happened to once a SONE, always a SONE?
Oh well, the SONEs who leave the fandom don't know what a mistake they're making, at least I know that I'll always be a SONE, even if the girls get married.