Get to know me {Stolen from VioletSoul}

Get to know me:

1. What is your name?

A: Jancy

2. How old are you? 

A:11..... 12 on the sixth

3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?

A: None.



4. What is your height?

A: around 5ft7-ish

5. Do you have any siblings? 

A:  2 older brother and younger brother.

6. What is your eye color?

A:  brown.

7. What is your hair color?

A: A natural mix of all. Blonde-ish in sumer. Red ish in winter. Dark chocolate when wet >.< I HAVE NEVER DIED MY HAIR I SWEAR!

8. Do you wera glasses or conacts?

A: Big thick nerdy glasses. I am a nerd.

9. Are you right handed or left handed?

A: Left.

10. Do you have any piercings?

A: At six months i got it peirced so my great-grandmother got me a pair of earings.

11. Do you smoke? 

A: No.

12. Do you swear?

A: heheheh what do you want to hear? I'm I am mad at you i will mutter but not say outloud. I'm a good girl. {Any kids from my school so help me if you tell anyone!!!!} angry

13. Do you get along with your parents?

A: Yes. Only "normal" child.

14. Your heritage?

A: Uhhhh......Asian and European

15. Your fears?

A: Ghosts. Death, shots, creatures in the dark, being alone without to call "THE ONE"

16. Goal you would like to achieve this year?

A: Learn Korean, Basiya, Tagalog, and get all A's in the semester and practice for CommonCore, and Do well in the Winter Gaurd

17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger?

A: Hello random person on the internet

18. Best physical feauture?

A: My eyes {?} They weren't visible to myfriends for the first couple of months of school when I had tiny glasses now..... IDK I don't think anything of me is significant.

19. Your bedtime?

A: Whenever I’m sleepy. It kind of end up being 9-10 on school nights >.<

20. What time do you arise in the morning?

A: Around 5:30-6am

21. First thoughts waking up?

A: Mr pillow why must you leave??!?!

22. Do you shower daily?

A:If i come home late from my aunts in the morning, but I try everynight. Hair and all I don't care about break-age. What is that?


This or That?

23. Bright or dark room?

A: Bright! Sunlight shining

24. Chocolate or vanilla?

A: Chocolate!!!!

25. Dogs or cats?

A: Dogs, allergic to cats, but they are cute.

26. Pepsi or Coke?

A: Does it matter?!

27. McDonals or Burger Kings?

A: McDonalds. (Love their caramel frappe.)

28. Ant or dec?

A: huh?

29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

A: Brisk. I don't care if it's not an option. It's brisk or acturally Chinese Tea.

30. Cappuccino or Coffee?

A: Cappuccino.


In the last month have you..........

31. Drank achohol?

A: No. I can’t.

32. Gone to a mall?

A: No. i don't like shopping if im staring at fabric the entire day. If i do it's a anime shop or Winnie The Pooh or Disney.

33. Eaten a box of oreos?

A: i had to share. crying

34. Eaten sushi?


35. Been on stage?

A: No, parade for color gaurd but no.

36. Been dumped?

A: No. not dating to young, don't wanna.

37. Gone skinny dipping?

A: No. WTF?!?!?! DO YOU THINK IN MY AGE!?!?!

38. Stolen anything?

A: No. I want to stay in my bed not cell.


Have you ever.......

39. Laughed for no reason?

A: Everyday. Oh its a pencil.... BWAHAHAHA

40. Been caught doing you weren't supposed to?

A: Let's see...... I shoved my little brother into the grass.

41. Been in love?

A: I love everyone, if you love me back and I know then we are going somewhere, but so far no this has not happen.

42. Fired a gun?

A: We are learning to twirl riffles and sabers. I ran out of practice and showed the kids in the after school prgram.

43. Been drunk?

A: No.

44. Been called a tease?

A: ????????

45. Been beaten up?

A:Uhh i think in Kindergarten....... I was told to climb onto the top of monkey bars, and this kid shoved me off. Black eye and cut on nose and cheek.

46. Shoplifted?

A: No.


What was the last........

47. Furry thing you touched?

A: My slippers >.<

48. Thing you've said?


49. Songs you've listened to?

A: PeterPan by:EXOM. LuHan and Xiumin= <3

50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

A: Bestfriend for 10 years Emily.

51. Movie you watched?

A: Hunger Games: Catching Fire

52. Things you were doing before this?

A:Writing drafts in my many many mant books.

53. Time you cried?

A: IDK it happens every so often. Mainly at school when I get mad or frustrated at my work. >.<

54. Song you've sang?

A: Love of a Friend: UKISS

55. Time you looked at the clock?

A: Right now......... yeah it's a clock

56. Food & drink you've had?

A: Pasta and apple juice

57. Flavor of gum you've chewed?

A: Mint

58. Shoes you've worn?

A: Broken in tennis scethcers and my house slippers

59. Stores you've been in?

A: Walmart like 5 days ago.



60. Planet?

A: Neptune

61. Age you've been so far?

A: Current

62. Season?

A: Winter. I love the cold. Rain hardly comes here and I long for snow.

63. Number?

A: 6

64. TV Show?

A: Any Disney, Nick, CartoonNetwork, BigBangTheory, Modern Family. CONTINUE CONTINUE etc

65. Flower?

A: Lilly



66. How much cash do you have on you?

A: None i have like 5 pennies

67. What's a word that rhymes with door?

A: s'more, shore, pour,pore,poor,adore, galore,more,sure,cure,forever-more

68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?

A: Green Owl

69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?

A: I’m not wearing any right now.

70. What did your last text message say?

A: I must go save batman

71. What were you doing at midnight last night?

A: Sleeping

72. What's your current desktop picture?

A: Baby husky

73. What's a word that you say a lot?

A: Love thy awkward turtle and thee awkward turtle shall love you

74. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

A: Baby blue

75. How is the weather right now?

A:Hot just plain hot

76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

A: Hair and face then eyes.

77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

A: NO i'm not interested. Pitty since all of my friends are obssed with finding one.

78. Can you do a headstand without a wall?

A: HA impossiblities!

79. Who would you like to see right now?

A:My friends Aniya and Carlos

80. How many pillows do yo usleep with?

A: Two. One fore my head another if I wake up in the middle of the night and the other fell off. It happens often.

81. Would you go an a date with someone on MySpace?

A: I don’t have MySpace.

82. How do you want to die?

A: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh {forever silent to this question}

83: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: I want to be a buisness mogel, actress or singer. i know it's far feched, but if my family supports my brothers they should at least try to support me.

84. What country would you most like to visit?

A: South Korea, Philippines, Canada, Brazil, China, India, Austrailia, Germany, Italy, everywhere or anywhere i feel at home.

85. How many CDs do you own?

A: uhhh music: 5 Shows idk like 6{?} my brothers own the others.

86. How many things in your past do you regret?

A: Too many. I feel guilty when i think about the stuff I said to a friend who i got mad at.

87. Do you think you are attractive?

A: BWAHAHAHAHA OMG you must be kidding me.

88. Do you believe in yourself?

A: Life wise yes, beauty wise: hell no

89. Do you want to get married?

A: Yes, but only a one time thing. I don't want to think back on my words and get a divorce.


In a boy/girl.....

90. Favorite eye color?

A: Doesn't matter

91. Favorite hair color?

A: Brown and black hopefully, but it doesn't matter

92. Short or long hair

A: Doesn't matter

93. Height?

A: A little taller than me for the boy.

94. Weight?

A: Doesn’t matter. I just want someone who will love me forever. Personality than looks.

This was … fun. heart


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You're pretty tall for a 12 year old. lol. Im 19 and im just 5'3 tall. XDD Oh genes XD