{ mαrkεd } // Adèle E. Dubois-Moreau


[ TheLandofBrownSugar ♥ Anna ♥ 5 ♥ English is not my first language ]

[ AMOR ]

"When it comes to love, the heart has its many reasons which reason knows not."

name : Adèle Estelle Dubois-Moreau
nicknames : Adèle - it is what most people call her as her entire name is a bit much
birthdate & age : March 21, 1995 & 19 years old
birthplace & hometown : Brioude, France & Lyon, France
languages spoken : French (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (conversational)

height & weight : 165 cm and 54 kg 

faceclaim : Molly C. Quinn
photos : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
backup faceclaim : 
Karen Gillan
     photos : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
describe your mark : Her mark is a small, black half moon located on the inside of her wrist on her right hand. (x)

character traits : Romantic, stubborn, emotional, patient, friendly
personality : This girl has two big passions in her life; romance and crime. While the latter is saved to the more entertainment-based side of her hobbies, the first is one that has stuck with her since childhood. She'd hear about these princes saving their royal princess from a scary villain or life-long isolation, which would result in them living happily ever after. Finding her very own prince and having a great love story of her own are a few things on Adèle's list of accomplishments to achieve by the time she grows old. She reads a lot of romantic novels and is a big fan of Shakespeare due to his variety of love stories, knowing that there are all kinds of ways to find love out there. Fun fact: she knows a ton of weird pick-up lines and quotes featuring love that make her feel inspired during her everyday life.

With a lot of spunk and a member of a rather stubborn family, Adèle is used to fighting for her goals and making sure they happen despite all costs. She knows she's not the prettiest, smartest or most talented girl around, but she knows she is among the most hard-working people, be it her love life or her life in general. She can seem a little lost and absent-minded at times, but she is always seems to manage finding a way out of some mess of hers as she has an unfortunately habit of screwing things up quite a bit.

Adèle has never had much of a problem when it comes to socializing. She loves meeting new people and finding out things about them. She is a curious individual who spends a lot of her time studying other people in order to learn their ways and find out how to get along with them more. Despite this, she is someone who knows the difference between friend and foe, so she isn't one to jump right at the chance of becoming friends with an enemy or someone who makes her feel bad. She has her close friends with an outer circle of close acquaintances and isn't the quickest of them all when it comes to opening up her inner circle to people. She is the kind of person who enters a friendship from an "I see your needs, I see my needs" state of mind.

Believe it or not, but Adèle is actually a rather patient and gentle girl. She grew up in a family used to taking care of each other and has never been afraid of letting people rely on her as well as relying on other people. She can be quite motherly to some people and likes taking care of them like her own. However, she can also be rather oblivious and jealous at the same time, not fully seeing the intention of others towards her while fully seeing others' intentions towards someone close to her. She is a protector and likes to keep a safe distance.

Adèle, a stoic girl? Ah, you must be on the wrong planet, my friend. She is more like an open book; her emotions are as clear as day like a big, black permanent marker across her face. Her eyes are big and very expressionate, telling people exactly she is feeling and sometimes even what she's thinking of if obvious enough. Some people, those who don't really know or understand her at all, may find it difficult figuring out her true intentions. She seems like a girl who would've gone in the streets shouting her thoughts out with a megaphone, but she can be surprisingly quiet (mentally) at times, especially if she's sad or angry about something. Negative emotions makes her eyes more cloudy in a way, while being happy and positive gives others a chance to see how that mind of hers work if lucky.

background : Adèle E. Dubois-Moreau was born on March 21, 1995, in the small town of Brioude, France. She is the oldest daughter of Catherine Dubois, an event planner, and Henri Moreau, an architect, and has a younger sibling; Emma Giselle. When she was eight years old, her family moved to Lyon, the world's food capital. Her mother started her own business there called Le Plan de Dubois, a company that specialized in planning events such as weddings, gallas, balls and fundraisers.

Adèle was always a curious child while growing up. She would start by climbing the trees of her family's backyard to searching for valuable objects and dig into the dirt for insects and other things worth looking into. She had a massive imagination and would always ask her mother to tell her the stories of people and their soulmates. Her parents weren't soulmates themselves, but they were still very happy together, and Adèle was determined to find her very own someday. Her family used to travel to Paris for some of her mother's biggest events, and she would often visit the attraction in search for her one true love, which was never much of a success anyway.

Adèle was fifteen when she became interested in photography for the first time. Her aunt had just gotten married and was taking pictures with her spouse, and Adèle striked a conversation with the photographer, a family friend of the spouse. He showed her different ways to take pictures and gave her tips and advice on how to do this and that. This became her great passion after a while.

She began travelling the world during summer vacation in high school, but it became serious once she reached graduation. With her parents' permission and money earned from her portfolio, she began travelling, looking for new motives, but also used this as an opportunity to search for her soulmate.

lifestyle : As of April 2014, Adèle has been to seven different countries. She has recently been in Japan, taking pictures of the people, Mt. Fuji and their beautiful gardens, and has recently arrived in South Korea to spend a few months there. She knows little to no Korean, but is currently staying in an apartment with a travelling companion of hers, Misook, whom she has been mailing back and forth for the last seven months. She has a part-time job at Stardom Magazine as a photographer and is thinking of staying for at least six months before moving on.

trivia : 

- Adèle loves to cook and sometimes invites people from the magazine over to have dinner at their apartment.

- Her hobbies include photography, graphic design and music. She also enjoys visiting the art gallery or museum in order to get inspiration and find new creative ways of using her camera.

- She has a diary in which she writes about personal thoughts, notes and a summary of her days.

- Of all the things from her childhood, she has an old fairytale book which her mother gave her on her seventh birthday.

- She loves the snow, but also cherry blossoms as they symbolize courage and loyalty.

- One of her favorite romantic symbols is the moon, partially because of her mark.

- When she dreams of meeting her soulmate, she is often imagining someone tall, affectionate and open-minded.

- Although she isn't much of a linguist or anything, her habit of watching foreign movies and dramas, she can say "I love you" in eight languages and words such as "murder", "suicide", "police", etc. in several languages.

- She is ambidextrous and finds it to be a bit of an identity crisis (right or left, you know?)

- Actually a very strong girl; can beat an older at arm wrestling or show great resistance and make him feel tired.

- She has a low alcohol tolerance and can't stand the smell or taste of beer. She isn't a big fan of smoke either due to her habit of coughing around them and her dislike in the smell of a burning cigarette.

- Birds frighten her.

- When she is close to someone who flirts and makes her feel good, she giggles and plays with her own hands or anything within reach.

- She raps in the showers and quotes the National Anthem of France in her sleep at times.

- Drinking water after a hot shower makes her feel refreshed and good about herself.

- She feels sub-conscious about her freckles at times.

family : 
     Father : Henri Moreau | 48 | Architect | Observant, attentive, honest | Adèle and her father have a good father-daughter relationship, even though he was initially against her plans of travelling the world. He is protective of his girls and will do anything to keep them out of harm's way.
Mother : Catherine Dubois | 46 | Event planner | Attentive, smart, honest, bossy, elegant | Adèle admires her mother a lot and thinks of her work as great. Catherine was always the one reading for her daughters when they were young and encouraged them into following their dreams.
Sister : Emma G. Dubois-Moreau | 16 | Student | Cheerful, smart, sweet, energetic, curious | Emma and her sister are close. They talk over the phone a lot, and Adèle sometimes teaches her proper English.

friends : 
     Roommate : Lee Misook | 21 | Psychology student | Helpful, trusting, pacifistic, habitual | Misook has been Adèle's mail buddy for the last couple of months and is there to lend her a hand at any time.

others : --

the main group : 
     L'amour : [ 1 ]
Ài : [ 3 ]
Amare : [ 2 ]
Leibe : [ 8 ]
Amor : [ ]
Sarang : [ 4 ]
Jongdae : [ 6 ]
Minseok : [ 5 ]
Yixing : [ 7 ]

love interest : Lu Han
     personality : Lu Han is a cheerful and lively young man with a passion for helping those in need. He is supportive and encouraging, a rather easy-going individual with a lot of people surrounding him; children, people his own age, even parents. He is a gentle individual who treats everyone equally and is very curious about getting to know people around him. He believes in the mark and is looking for his true one, but is also haunted by a past that keeps digging like a thorn in his side, making him hesitant as to whether or not he wants to receive his "happy ever after."
how you met : Lu Han is an acquaintance of Misook's; she introduced them to one another when they came by one day to pick up Misook's younger brother.
relationship : Adèle and Lu Han connect on the fact that they are both unfamiliar to the Korean culture and the country itself. They like to talk about their home countries and share experiences. Adèle likes to make him coy and they often flirt around in a little playful way if they find opportunity to. They feel safe, although a bit weird around one another.
future together : Adèle makes the first move. She feels so comfortable around this guy and is almost fully convinced that he is the guy who shares her bond. Lu Han is hesitant in entering a relationship due to his past experience with soulmates. It'd be nice to see them struggle with misunderstandings and hidden sides, but eventually come out on the happy side of things, whether they be soulmates or not.
trivia : 

- In the beginning, Adèle would mistake different Korean honorifics and sometimes go and call him "noona" or "hyung" because all she knew was that it was used with boys, but not in what way.

- Lu Han finds it funny when she tries talking to him in French.

- Note to Adèle: Learning Chinese does not work if you can't even tell the difference between that and Thai. (Lu Han has had a laughter or two based on that.)

- They often talk to each other in English to confuse the others, although they just act oblivious as if this generation knows nothing about English.

backup : Kim Jongdae

questions & comments : Hello, dear author! I was so eager when I first started writing this application, and I hope you enjoy Adèle and her interesting antics! English isn't my first language and I am no expert at French, but I just love stories with markings and soulmates and struggles and.... AH! Excuse me, hehe! ^^ I was a bit uncertain whether you wanted me to add more about Lu Han's past or not, so I left it a bit hanging just in case. If you find any errors, please do not hesitate to tell me.

scene requests : as many as you want, be very descriptive or not at all
     first : Lu Han's students questioning him about his relationship with Adèle.
second : Adèle asking [ Sarang ] for advice about her soulmate, disguising it as wanting help with her work.
third : Meeting Kris for the first time and nearly jumping out of her own skin at the sight of him (because she meets him suddenly and thinks he's scary)

password : Lu Han




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