Is it a normal thing?

Is it wrong to fall in love your ex-boyfriend?

Is it okay if we get back together?

I'm afraid that it'll turn worst.

I love him,but I'm just afraid that I'll love someone else.


Is it really wrong to fall in love again and get beck together?



I'm really appreciate for my besfriend support.<3


But seriously,is it normal to get back with your ex-boyfriend?



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It is normal to fall in love with your ex boyfriend.

But it's sometimes isn't good to get back with them because well you will get hurt again for the same reason and even if he did something minor in the past. It could get worst when times passes by, also mistakes are made.

If he's not willing to put in effort, then there's no trying to be in a real relationship.

Most people wait for the right one, I think it's good to be patient but then there's a conflict between feels and emotions ~ yet everyone deserve a second chance no matter how many mistakes they made.

It's not good to hold a grudge against someone especially, it makes you have second thoughts and you might regret a few stuff.

I had tons of experiences like this when I first got into high school. Now I learned from it and let everything flowed by without forcing it to happened.

Love is sweet but bitter too in a way you cannot expressed.
It is very normal couples do it a lot but you have to fight for it and make it better than it was befor.
it's not about how we feel about it, it's about how you do so. i mean, if you really like him then go back together. if you guys see it won't work, break up. it's no biggie. it's just part of life. but it's better to do what your heart tells you to instead of not doing anything, and regretting it later on.
All that matters is for you to be happy, afterwards.
for me kinda bc i did that once and i regret it. he never changed eventho i said i hate what he did. why get back when you already know the end of the story but if you trust him to change the n go for it ^^
Question is what did he do to you for you to break up in the first place? Was it really bad?
Also, are you still comfortable around him? Are you guys still friends? Or even best friends?
I think it's quite normal because many couples in my school do that. They break up then get back together.
If you are afraid just don't approach this yet. Do it when you feel comfortable about it. It's not wrong to fall in love with your ex at all. It's just your own self.
Don't fall for the wrong people. They may get you then break your heart.
Remember to think about this first. It's your own choice to fall iin love and to not fall in love. :)
I hope I helped. :)
it depends.. will you be able to trust him like before? will you be able to be as comfortable with him as you were before? If yes, you could try that :) you never what will happen. but i will say one thing... in this world, should you really think about what is "normal" when it comes to decisions? :)
To me, it's normal to get back with your ex as people do fight and break up but then getting back together..

And no, falling in love is not wrong but falling in love with the wrong people is wrong...I've been into situation like you before and what I did to overcome this was to give myself sometime, clear my mind and challenge myself will I be better without him or I really need him...there's saying said 'if you really love him, you'll have to let him go..if he comeback, he's the one for you and if he doesn't, there's always better person out there, waiting for you to be found'.. :D

hope somehow I help you :)