What Element Are You (Stolen from daggerose)


[X] You have a short temper

[X] You often act on your emotions without thinking first

[X] You are very competitive

[X] You like to play with fire

[X] You are not a strong swimmer or you can't swim at all

[X] You prefer warm weather over cold weather

[X] You often lose control over yourself

[X] You can be quite reckless

[X] You sometimes hurt people without realizing it

[X] People have often called you insane.

Total: 10


[] You have a calm, laid-back personality

[X] You like to go to beach

[X] You rarely get angry

[] When you do get angry, you know how to control it

[] You think before you act

[] You are good at breaking up fights

[] You are a good swimmer

[] You like the rain

[] You can stay calm in stressful situations

[] You are very generous

Total: 2


[] You are physically strong

[] You have a close connection with nature

[] You don't mind getting dirty

[X] You form strong opinions on issues that concern you

[] You could easily survive in the wild

[] You care about the environment

[] You can easily focused on your work without getting distracted

[X] You rarely get depressed

[] You aren't afraid of anything

[] You prefer to have strict of rules

Total: 2


[X] You have a free spirit

[X] You hate rules

[] You prefer to be out in the open rather than in small enclosed spaces

[] You hate to be restrained

[] You are very independent & outgoing

[X] You are quite intelligent

[X] You tend to be impatient

[] You are easily distracted

[X] You can sometimes be hyperactive/annoying

[X] You wish you could fly

Total: 6


[X] You spend most of your time alone

[] You prefer nighttime over daytime

[] You like creepy things

[] You like to play tricks on people

[X] Black is your favorite color

[X] You prefer the villains over the heroes in movies, TV shows, video games & etc

[X] You don't talk much

[] You are atheist

[] You don't mind watching scary movies

[] You love to break the rules

Total: 4


[X] You are very polite

[X] You are spiritual

[X] When someone is in trouble, you never hesitate to help them

[X] You believe everything you see or hear

[X] You are afraid of the dark

[X] You hate violence

[X] You hope for world peace

[] You are generally the happy person

[] Everyone loves to be around you

[X] You always follow the rules

Total 8


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Water and darkness yo!
Light- 2
Fire- 5
Water and darkness- 7
Air- 6
Earth- 4
Haha I'm fire :D
JouJouBexotobap #3
Light 9 Air 8 Darkness 6 Water 3 Fire/Earth 2
My element is Light, BAEKHYUUUUUUN :DD
im a combination of water, air, and light....
ButterflyShida #5
i'll steal this soon!
May I steal this ^^
I'm air ^^
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #8
im water... tho i havent gone swimming in like a year... if you did darkness i would probally be that
overall I got more than 5 on every elements? The heck ? O.O