
Does anyone have Tumblr??

I had one for so long and now i just start to use it for real stuff

but it like my aff 

no name 

really anoyonous 

and i might have kpop stuff

but mostly its gonna be the troubles i have with life

and its gonna be bout love and heartbreak 

losing people

and the life lessons i learn in life.

well im also learning as i go

so if you want to i guess follow me on tumblr

is that what you do?

Do you follow people on tumblr??


that's my tumblr

On AFF i'm Mr. Simple :D

And on Tumblr i'm Mr. Lucifer

get it? 

SHINee and SUJU?


Follow me

Share me

whatever you do on tumblr 

Just help me get people 

Thank you 



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I love tumblr!