"♪ Different Sounds ♫" (Lee Mei Ting)


Lee Mei Ting

username: MingMingMingMinggyu | nickname: Ming | Activeness: 9.6



Character Name: Lee Mei Ting

Other Names: N/A

Nicknames: Mei Mei; her best friend calls her that because it means little sister and she is younger

Birthday: October 26, 1999

Age: 14

Birthplace: San Jose, CA, USA

Hometown: San Jose, CA, USA

Ethnicity: Chinese

Languages: Cantonese (fluent; her parents' native language), English (fluent; born and raised in America), Korean (conversational; learning because she is now living in Korea)

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Blood type: B

Style: She is not a girly girl at all, and her favorite outfit is skinny jeans, a camisole, and an oversized hoodie. She will pair that with her favorite grey high top converse and that is her outfit. She wishes she could wear this at semi-formal events, but she can't. So, when she needs to, she will wear a dress. However, nothing tight fitting. She likes looser dresses like this (scroll down to see all the patterns). She also prefers tank tops with something over to cover, as opposed to shirts and dresses with sleeves.




Face claim: Ne Rou

Back-up Face claim: Miwako Sayumi



She is very quiet and shy. She hates social events because she can't talk to anyone. Not that she doesn't want to, but she is too shy and cannot start a conversation. Even when someone starts a conversation with her, she is speaking very quietly. The way to get her to open up to you is to make her laugh. I don't mean a small giggle or a small, a genuine, loud laugh. She is very loyal, and her friends always come to her when they need someone to listen to their problems. Because she thinks about things logically, she also gives great advice when it is needed. However, sometimes thinking logically causes her to become confused and make mistakes. She tends to overthink things.

Because of her shy and quiet character, she doesn't usually voice out her opinions. Many people may ask her "What do you think?" or "Do you have any ideas?" but she doesn't think her opinion is worth anything so she will just say, "No" or "I think your idea is good" and keep listening. Her answers to questions are always short and to the point and she can be very straightforward. When she is with people she is comfortable with and that she can talk to easily (for example, friends and family), she is sometimes, but not often, blunt and honest because she doesn't think about what she says at times. She has these moments where she gets confused really easily and doesn't think about what she is saying or doing. This rarely happens, but it is like she just has a little episode where her brain doesn't think. She respects other people and their beliefs on society, however she hates it when people are trying to force their opinions and beliefs on her.
She can sometimes be mistaken as modest. Even when she excels at something, when people compliment her she says she is not that good. It's not that she is being modest, but she is just doesn't believe she is good enough. She was raised in a household where anything less than the best is only okay. Being an only child, she grew up to be independent. She usually follows orders and does what other people say, but when she is being graded or it has something to do with future success, she will take control to make sure nobody messes anything up. She has trust issues, and usually doesn't tell anybody if she likes someone or any secrets. She also doesn't trust that people will do things correctly, and often ends up doing school projects by herself because of this.


• Bubble Tea

• Medicine (not taking medicine, but studying medicine)
• Cantopop
• Pandas
• Mystery books with a splash of romance
• Crime/Medical shows (some serious, but mostly comedy)
• Totoro

• Strangers touching her (I don't mean super touching, but just brushing against her in a hallway can freak her out)
• Heights (falling...)
• Messes (unless it is her house/room)

• Bugs
• Exercise
• When her brain stops thinking (she gets confused easily then)

• Dresses
• Social events


• Baking
• Reading
• Taking pictures (of landscape)


• Tripping over her own feet
• Running into things
• Shaking her leg


• She is claustrophobic, but is fine with elevators when they are not crowded. It is only when she can't move. She feels suffocated and starts shaking and possibly crying.
• The easiest way to make her laugh is to say, "Don't laugh." She thinks it is hilarious.

• The second easiest way to make her laugh is to make a weird face.
• Her favorite Cantopop singer is Raymond Lam

• She isn't usually bullied, but when she is she doesn't care so they stop after once or twice.
• She lacks confidence in herself.
• She is not very good at anything sports related, and eventually loved losing because it is what she was used to.
• She doesn't like change.
• Her favorite TV show is Psych (a comedy crime show with pineapples)
• She doesn't like being the center of attention.
• She is very weak physically and doesn't know how to defend herself.
• She thinks homemade cakes are the best and often bakes them herself

• When she is stressed, she plays the drums to calm herself.
• She is germaphobic.
• She hates messes, but doesn't care if it is her own house/room. Her house/room is like her sanctuary that she is just comfortable in, messy or not.




Lee Mei Ting was born on October 26, 1999 in San Jose, CA, USA. Both her parents are from Hong Kong, and they decided to move to America for a better life. She was a C-Section baby, so her parents decided to have one child because her mom didn't like the C-Section at all. They spoke to her in Cantonese first because it is their native language, and that was her first language. Her parents are very strict. Although they do things to make sure Mei Ting is always happy, they don't show their loving or caring side to her. She started kindergarten at the age of 4. Despite being one of the youngest in her class, she was one of the oldest mentally. She has always been (or at least seemed) more mature than those in her class. She was also intellectually more advanced. When she was in 3rd grade, she finished her math like it was nothing so her teacher gave her 4th and 5th grade math to do.
Her parents didn't just want her to do well in grades. They wanted her to do extra curricular activities too. They enrolled her in drumming classes and in Girl Scouts. They also tried to put her in sports camps, but one year then she was hit in the eye with a baseball and got a minor concussion. After that, they stopped. In her drumming class, she met a boy who was very loud. Many thought he was funny, but she just found him really annoying. However, he likes to make everybody smile. When he couldn't get Mei Ting to laugh, it frustrated him and it became a mission to make her laugh. It took a year for her to laugh. One day he was trying to make her laugh, and he said, "Fine then, don't laugh." She started laughing and he was so happy. They started hanging out more and became best friends when they were 8. 
When they were 10, they began middle school together at the same school. They were very close to each other. However, he was a popular funny kid while Mei Ting was a quiet nerd. He had many friends, but his best friend was always Mei Ting. Middle school was smooth sailing. Unfortunately, at their promotion, her best friend got news that he would have to move to Korea for his father's job. Mei Ting was devastated. However, when she got home and told her parents, they told her that she would be going with them. They knew she would be sad when they heard about it from his parents, so they asked if she could go with them and they said okay. However, Mei Ting doesn't know this and just thinks it was for her education so that she could study abroad. Her parents had to stay in America because they couldn't leave their jobs. They were well paying jobs and they didn't know if they would be able to find good ones in Korea. They let Mei Ting go with Young Woo's family to Korea and she lived with them. Mei Ting's parents sent over money to cover her expenses. They were close with Young Woo's parents and trusted they could take care of her. Luckily, the house Young Woo's parents got had three bedrooms (one master bedroom for the parents, then one bedroom for Mei Ting and one bedroom for Young Woo). 

Father | Lee Ming Teen | 50 | Cardiologist | Strict
Mother | Lee Yook Tao | 43 | Neurosurgeon | Strict

Best friends:
Kim Young Woo | 15 | Student | He loves to make people laugh. He is very funny. A "Joker".





Rival: No Rival

Personality: (she doesn't always have to be y)

How you interact: (important so it has to be detailed)

Reason for rivalry: (important as well so be detailed)

Back-up: (not needed unless your rival is an OC or if you have two rivals)




Love Interest: Jeon Jungkook

Age: 16

He is very kind and caring. He hates to see others left out and will include everyone. He welcomes everybody. He is very talented, but he is also very modest. He doesn't brag at all. He is very mature for his age, and is very polite. He is a real gentleman and treats people with the respect they deserve. However, he does have his moments when he is the hyperactive kid that he is. He may seem a bit shy at first, but once he gets to know you then he is a ball of fun. He really hates the shy part of himself and is trying to overcome it by talking to people. He is playful and likes to joke around with his friends a lot. He is very flexible and easy-going.
He always thinks about what he says and does before he says/does something he regrets. He used to be bullied as a kid, and he doesn't want anyone to go through what he had to go through. However, sometimes something might trigger these past events. They trigger something inside him where he is very cold and doesn't like talking to anyone. He remembers how vulnerable he was and never wants that to happen to him again. Although he may whine or complain about something he doesn't like, he will always do it. He is a perfectionist and will always do his best at anything because he doesn't want to mess anything up. In stores, he will sometimes clean up the displays because they are messy and it bothers him. Sometimes it is so bad that whoever he is at the store with will have to pull him away. When he is focused on something, he is focused on it until the job is done correctly. He usually doesn't get easily distracted, but there are times when he is  bored that he might start paying attention to some small random thing near him. For example, a stuffed animal or a pencil might catch his attention.


How you met: He was her seat partner in math when she moved to Korea. They have the same math class because Mei Ting skipped a year of math. He kept trying to talk to her and eventually she got annoyed and glared at him. He didn't take the hint and kept talking to her. He found it interesting how she was basically totally ignoring him. Most people didn't because he is the popular kid in school.

How you interact: They don't really interact much. They are seat partners in math, but all they ever talk about then is math. Whenever he needs help, Mei Ting will help him. In hallways, then the most that they will do is wave or a short "hi". However, Jungkook sometimes calls Mei Ting if he has a problem and needs someone who can listen to him rant on and on.

Back-up: Choi Hansol


Love Rival: Kim Young Woo (ulzzang Park Hyung Seok)

Age: 15

He is very fun and outgoing. He loves talking to new people and loves an upbeat environment. He likes everyone to be smiling and having a good time. He is very carefree and loves to joke around. He is a pranker, and sometimes goes a little overboard at times. However, he can always cheer the person up. Nobody can be mad at him because he is just so loveable. However, he can get frustrated really easily. When he does, he whines and complains a lot. Many people see him as stupid because his mind is all over the place. He has ADHD and can get very distracted very easily. Although his grades in school are average, talking to him can sometimes be a hassle. When what you are talking about is boring, he will just kinda look away and tune you out.
People wouldn't exactly call him respectful, although he thinks he is. At times, Young Woo can be quite rude to people. He can be brutally honest and never really thinks about what he says. He just speaks his mind and often times that has gotten him in trouble. He is the type of person that you see out dancing on the streets or singing inside a mall. He is very hyperactive and will at random times just start jumping around like a bunny. He loves skinships and loves hugging people. He is almost a polar opposite of Mei Ting.


How you met:
They met in drumming class. He was trying to make her laugh or smile or anything, but failed. He kept trying and trying and eventually got frustrated. He stopped and said "Fine then, don't laugh" sarcastically. Of course, she laughed. They started talking more and eventually became best friends after that.

How you interact:
They act like a couple, yet like brother and sister in some ways too. He loves skinship, and does it to bother her because he knows she hates it. She sometimes holds onto his arm when they are walking. He cares about her a lot and when she is tired, he will sometimes pick her up and carry her.

Why is he your love rival?:
Through everything they have been through, he eventually started growing feelings for her. Unfortunately, she only sees their relationship as a brother-sister one.

Back up: Kim Young Woo (ulzzang Song Chan Ho)





Plotline: The Wallflower

Grade: Freshman

Clubs Participating In: Tutoring

Average Grade in School: High A's

Group Position: Drummer



Comments/Suggestions: Sorry if the personality is weird and confusing... Tell me if you need me to explain it more ><

Scene Requests:
• Love interest finally getting Mei Ting to laugh
• Love interest getting jealous over Mei Ting and Young Woo's relationship
• Mei Ting ignoring Young Woo, so Young Woo starts hugging her and holding her hand and doing skinship stuff to bother her


Password: "Beautiful - BTS"



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