Who would you--?

This was originally from my friend, YcaM_MuSicWaRRior.

Who would you kiss?

A. Bang
B. Himmie

Who would you hug?

A. Uppie
B. Jae

Who would you go on a date with?

A. Jello
B. Dae

Who would you marry?

A. Bang
B. Dae

Who would you snuggle with?

A. Jae
B. Uppie

Who would you choose?

A. Jello
B. Himmie

If Bang proposed to you, would you accept it, or reject it? Wae? (I'm curious xD)

If Jello and Jae fell off a cliff, who would you save? Wae? (Yes, I'm curious which handsome baby you would betray xD)

If Bang got molested (<-- SORRY!!) What would you do?


My Answers:

1.) Himmie, I'm sorry Bang I like Himmie alittle bit better

2.) So hard! Ummmm.........Jae (Sorry Uppie)

3.) Jello, not because I don't love Dae, I do like you. Just Jello for me. (<== Took me FOREVER to choose)

4.) Dae, I feel like I'm not caring for Bang at all TT_TT

5.) Again, SO HARD~!!!! I'd pick both, I know it's not an option but I'd pick both

6.) OH MY GOD~ MY TWO BIASES!!!! It's so hard...Both, I cannot pick between them  :*(

7.) I'll accept it, even though I'm cheating on Dae with him. I'm sure he'll understand, right???

8.) Why are these so hard questions????? I'll save both of them, even though if it's impossible

9.) I'd find that person and beat them up if they ever did that to my baby~!


These took me forever to pick.


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