Battlefield: Earth Hiatus and Child's Play Christmas One Shot

So, as I was reading "Child's Play" I realized what made it so entertaining. I focused on the story I had to tell and didn't have multiple stories at once so I decided that I'm overworking myself and need to slow down a bit. I'm going to focus on stories I have a clear line for in my mind. (if that makes sense) All I see with Battlefield: Earth at the moment is the pure length of it, not the fun of the journey, and even though every chapter is already planned out, I can't keep it organized. I'll get back to it once "I Have to Win," is finished. I promise. Sorry.



On another hand, I know I promised my Child's Play Christmas special for New years but, life happens. I got sick again and my job will not let up. And when I do get a break, my friends pull me out of the house to hang with them. But it is coming just not tonight!! Sorry. 


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shujun #1
Keep calm and stay healthy..^^..
It's okay! Just take your time! ^_^
It's okay nyo! :P hahahaha