▲ ( top model ) — Claudia, Delevingne

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Claudia, Delevingne )  newcomer

if i don't love myself, who will?

name : Claudia Delevingne
*nickname(s) :

 Cloudy; short for "Claudia" given and used by her friends since they think that "Clau" is really, well, disinteresting.
 Girl with the (Eye)brows; given by her fans as it's kinda a persona to her due to her thick brows.
 Tiffany Ray; like Chucky's wife, Tiffany Ray, both of them likes being all goth with their fashion and makeup style.

date of birth + age : 29/02/94 + 20
place of birth + hometown : London, England, United Kingdom
ethnicity : British
languages : fluent English (british accent), basic Korean, conversational Japanese*
gender : female
uality : biual

people will stop and stare. make it worth their while.

face-claim : Cara Delevingne
back-up face-claim : Chloe Moretz
height : 168 cm
weight : 52 kg
favorite epitome style : Exactly two words to sum up her style - "innocent and fresh". To Claudia, not only white can represent "innocence" when it comes to fashion on the stage where she flaunts her thing. She's the kind of chic that will wear whatever her coordi gives her and just put on her best smile out to just try to get to people's hearts.
street style : Being quite a fan of the "hipster" Tumblr style kind of girl, Claudia has also quite been caught up in wearing something like the hipster / grunge street fashion style. Black, white and all those leggings with tank tops and hella lot of acessories with her signature dark makeup -which consist of the famous Avril Lavigne eye makeup and red lips-.
appearance : Starting off with Claudia's face, with dark green to nearly brown eyes and fair skin, she has a very "European" feel to her. Standing at 168 cm and weighing 52 kg, she has a insanely toned body for a healthy 19 year old with toned arms, slight 2 pack abs and firm . She owns 2 piercings on the righr ear, 4 on the left in which she diligently covers up either with her hair, transparent earsticks or that she takes it off if she goes on stage as she has a very innocent persona on stage and has an "made in England" tattoo on her left wrist and a lion tattoo on her right ring finger.

elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing.

personality triats : dark, fun-loving, demure, slow, realistic
personality :  One thing that comes to mind about the new Epitome model would be that she was a very innocent and somehow "sweet and shy" girl for as she's the one that would be helping almost everyone -and the pushover everyone likes to take advantage of- but is actually quite quiet due to her lack of social skills in the real world on stage, in New York. If you ask me how I'd describe the said girl, Claudia Delevingne, I'd say demure and slow but we'll get to that a little later. 
She is a highly cultured and educated young adult with an undying passion for science. In her dedication, she sometimes drives herself to exhaustion hence the visible dark eyecircles she has when she has no makeup on her pale face.

Though ordinarily good-natured and soundless on both on and off stage, the off-stage Claudia may be slightly different to the innocent adult everyone knows when she does her thing on stage as she shows a malicious aspect of her personality whenever she is pissed off on an extent as toward her best friend reading her texts with one of the male colleagues in the Epitome gang and supposedly ruining her appearance when she ran after her to get back her iPhone and tripped on the carpet in resulting her knocking on her head against the cold, hard ground, with an obvious bruise on the right side on her brow.. Even with her kind disposition, she sometimes says morbid or inappropriate things, such as when the said best friend, Barbara, picks up her iPad and she says, "You can camwhore with my iPad like what I did a couple of minutes ago oh and you've just touched the spot where my experiment with rat blood is on it." and then she tried so hard not to giggle upon seeing the other girl's face, asking her dear best friend if she wanted to use her iPad or not, still. Many darker things are briefly shown in several episodes of her life such Claudia being caught watching "The Human Centipede" by one of her friends and got pretty judged badly. Another example of such behavior was once witnessed when Claudia was 10 and was willing to resort to sabotage and forced sacrifice in order to survive in a school camp outside of school.

When she is 15 years old, she exhibits a playful attitude and a willingness to perform and play pranks with Julia, her childhood best friend. They would secretly creep into Claudia's parents' bedroom and grab the whole lot of her mom's makeup box and run off to her room, locking it and playing around with makeup, doing their hair as if they were preparing for a photoshoot and using a polaroid camera to take pictures of themselves before putting everything back to normal and then running all over town to knock on other people's doors and leave the second before they open their doors. Oh, the old days, she thought.

The said individual acts noticeably more childlike when she is not in her role on stage. She dresses and talks more casually when she is not busy with her modelling and experimenting work. As a model, she is prim, poised, and straight-laced, but is quite capable of loosening up and dressing / acting like a regular teenager with her friends. Back to the topic of being "quiet and slow", Claudia tends to get shy when she's not anywhere near homeland as she is in New York for no reason. As the saying goes "there's no place like home", she effectively applies it on her case. If she's back at England, she'd be hella loud and stuff but in New York, she's bsically a quiet pushover. She's humorous and is pretty much well loved by everyone back at England. Her musings are enjoyed by many people that they often comment on how she should be a comedian in the future since she gains enjoyment from making other people laugh. It's like a dog chasing his tail, chasing the laughter of others. People say laughter is the best medicine and if that is true, you can call pretty much call Claudia a doctor. She is slow. Not in terms of speed but that she can't really get things at the first try. Some call her dumb or stupid or even, an idiot, but she doesn't care. She knows she is slow but she can't help it.

Delevingne is also very confident in herself and science, as shown when she tries doing a DIY perfume with the "ingredients" that can help attract guys based on a research on what kind of smell they like -and it turned out to be a hit, resulting her in selling it in school- and she also believes that she cannot lose as long as she has science on her side. She shows ultimate disbelief towards magic, labeling it as "scientific principles presented like mystical voodoo." She also claims that "All magic is science," and people just do not know what are they doing so they call it magic despite frequent instances of magic actually existing, but who knows. But even so, she is also shown to use magic frequently like when she had made a kid cry and did some tricks to pacify and also at the same time to amuse the poor child.

background : Two cries can be heard in the hospital on 29th of February, 1994. One belonged to Mrs. Delevingne as she pushed the girl out and the other belonged to Claudia Delevingne as she first took a breath of life into her nostrils. Both her parents, Ethan Delevingne and Rebecca Parker were actors and actresses in the entertainment showbiz. She grew up in a fiairly happy family in England. She had both the brains and the looks when it comes to school and was the school campus prankster but her parents didn't do anything about her as long as she didn't do bad or that her grades were still alright. Ever since she was 15 and had pretended to be models with her childhood best friend, Julia, she knew she had a passion for modelling. She would buy issues of fashion magazines and scan through pages for fashion tips.

current lifestyle : Claudia's best friend in the industry, 
Barbara, knowing that she came a long way from home had decided to live with her and they're pretty much roommates in the very same apartment. Still uncustomed to the rules and regulations in the industry, Barbara serves as a mentor to Claudia, guilding her step by step like how any teacher would with their student.

likes : pulling pranks, science, conducting experiments, walking on the runaway, being on trips

dislikes : chocolate, cats, people underestimating her, being exposed to heat, people touching her

trivia : include fears, habits, hobbies outsdie of designing/modeling, facts, as long as it's relevant.

 Claudia is afraid of clowns and cats for she thinks they're intimidating.
 she tends to take deep breaths before flaunting her stuff on the runaway
 these are her favorite facial expressions for posing on either on selfies or on the runaway // her signature expression is this
 her official twitter and instagram account is @cloudele
 huge fan of 2ne1
 she really like Hello Kitty
 she knows basic Korean due to having her Korean childhood friend living in England, Julia and as for Japanese, she learnt it as she really liked Japanese and watches anime a lot.
 her room looks like this

the best things in life are for free, the second best are expensive.

friends :

 Jayden Smith | 16 | rapper | no | Jayden may be young, but he's full of swag, that kid. He's the kind that will pick up your call at 2 am just to listen to what you need to wear for prom and all sorts. | they were seen as "mother and child" in the entertainment industry as Claudia tends to nag on him a lot as he revealed on his twitter, captioned "Cloudy ma momma".

 Barbara Palvin | 22 | actress | yes | Barbara's a really cool and laidback chic, knowing that she's older and more senior with both age and experience than her, she tries her best to guide Claudia into the road of fame. | Barbara and Claudia are known to be best friends in the industry, seeing that they often upload their selfies on Instagram and were seen together at almost everywhere

rivals :

 Stella Hudgens | 16 | actress | no | the younger Hudgens sister was actually quite arrogant herself, seeing that she indirectly shot a tweet to the Jaydia friendship otp on twitter, saying that "ah, I was right. I was better" and Claudia, knowing that it's to her, kept mum amd said nothing to anyone. | they hardly see each other due to their busy schdules, so all they -more like Stella-, do is to target indirect tweets to the older girl. | because Stella was jealous of Jayden and Claudia's friendship

family :

 father | Ethan Delevingne | 45 | actor | laidback, humorous, sarcastic, witty | Ethan's the kind of dad that would go all "Yep, Cloudy's my girl and I'm her biggest fan!" whenever he sees her on fashion shows or was asked on an interview. He loves his only daughter a lot and vice versa.

 mother | Rebecca Parker | 45 | actress | sweet, understanding, open-minded, proud | exactly like Ethan

question time! answer in first person.

how long have you been in the industry? Not long, I guess? Around 2 years or something, when I was 18.
how long have you worked for epitome? Oh, just a year! Back then I worked with Victoria Secret.
what do you think about epitome? To be honest, I've grown to like Epitome more than Victoria Secret. Unlike VS, Epitome is actually more open-minded and much more fun than VS. In Victoria Secret, we have to undergo strict diets and "workout" almost everyday. I'm not saying Epitome doesn't make us "workout" but it's more like exercise as it isn't that intense as the exercises in VS.

how are you coping with the new environment? I've been coping really well, though I've already been here in New York for 2 years, I still can't get used to it here. I can't get as loud as I was at home, it was just really... weird. But I love it here, in Epitome. The people working are so sweet and nice to me!
do you miss your hometown & family? Of couse I do. Although we have all moved to New York City because of Dad's new acting career, I can't see them that often due to the busy schedule I have as a model.

fashions fade, style is enternal.

username : zombies
nickname : hey you can call me rachel ^^
activity level : 10
*questions / comments : english is my first language but i'm suffering from grammar issues after roleplaying. otl. anyways, i love this fic ~*bc cara delevingne as face claim*~ unf.

*scence requests :
- interactions between the models and claudia
- one of the models being amazed at claudia's room
- louis tomlinson and claudia seen together in a van as they take a ride home after their concert

*ending : idk, i like sad endings tbh but make it happy. < // 3
password : claudia










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