the idol & the baby // ahn soneul // oh sehun // song hyunwoo


USERNAME  zombies
NICKNAME ━ rachel


CHARACTER NAME  ahn soneul, anastasia
 anna (or also stacy) : by her friends and family to somehow "cutify" her original name. // oh soneul (or also mrs. oh) : by sehun, of course.
BIRTHDAY ━ 17/06/94
AGE ━ 19
BIRTHPLACE ━ melbourne, australia
TIMELINE ━ 1994-2008 } melbourne, australia & 2009 - now } seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY ━ korean
NATIONALITY ━ australian
LANGUAGES ━ english (native) // korean (fluent)
HEIGHT ━ 158 cm
WEIGHT ━ 47 kg
DOMINANT HAND ━ right hand



✿ anastasia ahn soneul was born on the 17th of june, 1994 in melbourne, australia to a broken family of what was once three, later becoming to two. life before 2008 was the kind of life everyone would want — a happy family, good grades, great parents and friends. everything was pretty much the same daily that soneul actually, at some point of time, took it for granted. her father died in a car accident and her mother fell into severe depression. a year after, 2009, both mother and daughter moved to seoul, south korea, trying hard to forget the fact that the man of the house is no longer there for them. as soneul was of legal age to work, she works part time as a lifeguard at a swimming complex and a waitress at a cafe*. she graduated from shinil high school on 2012 and is now studying in chung-ang university.

*because on rainy days, the swimming complex is closed and hence the another job as a waitress. // she works in the swimming complex on weekends and on weekdays, as a night shift waitress.

PERSONALITY TRAITS  lazy, vulgar, loyal, mature, judgemental, courteous

✿ ahn soneul usually comes off as the vulgar foreign chic and fact is, she is, minus the foreign chic part. as a kid, ahn soneul was the kind of unenthusiastic slash languid child who preferred watching the clouds in the sky float pass her head instead of doing some legit things such as playing dress up and girly things that other girls would love. she'd preferred not to get involved in "troublesome" activities such as pretending to be busy to avoid responsibility in any sort of situations. shee does not like fighting, claiming it, as she does to everything, "troublesome". she's fully aware of this side of her personality, even proclaiming herself "the number one coward". in fact, she's proud at it as well since all people would do is to call her that, nothing hurts her physically is alright for her.

✿ however, when "danger" calls, soneul has a strong moral compass towards her friends. even though, she has claimed, she lacks bravery, she will face almost any certain death, for the sake of her family without hesitation. and because of her leadership skills, the weight of the decisions she must make as a teen have caused soneul to mature rapidly among all her friends. her maturity was most evident after the death of her father, ahn dongyup. she is quick witted and uses it as a advantage in various and countless of situations such as when she's being forced into quarelling with others. she had always been the antagonist in anyone's life, giving critical comments and got lashed out harsh a lot as a kid. it wasn't her fault, she's born like this. she's not a very emotional person either but rather, the opposite.

✿ soneul's most distinctive character trait is that she considers most of the other women she knows as demanding and "troublesome", particularly her mother and her best friend, byul. she usually categorize them as aggressive, domineering, and sometimes even bipolar. given by her mother's aggressive personality and her best friend's domineering personality, this isn't too surprising either. nevertheless, soneul is generally courteous to both genders, especially towards women, doing them favours and avoiding fights with them. not going to lie but she's a cleanliness freak. touch her if you didn't wash your hands before or after you eat and she'd shove tao's wushu stick up your or so she said but she means it. it's hard to tell whenever she gets sad or mad as she has a blank expression on her face whenever. the only telltale is that whenever she's feeling something negative, she's unusually quiet and keeps conversations short and simple. pretty much the only way to make her happy again is to leave her alone and let her deal with it herself.


✿ yogurt
✿ being complimented to resecure her insecurities
✿ paper cranes
✿ 2ne1
✿ starbucks
✿ photography
✿ slow walks in the park
✿ being alone


✿ being called short
✿ being touched on the neck
✿ cats
✿ whiny brats
✿ being forced to do something she dislikes
✿ snsd
✿ people touching her hair or her face
✿ being whistled at


✿ swimming
✿ blogging

✿ reading horror entries


✿ happy ) she'd have this stupid and wide grin on her lips while biting her lips
✿ excited ) screaming "oh my god!" while spinning around giddily
✿ upset ) she'll keep it to herself before letting it all out in a blog she owned
✿ angry ) keeping conversations short and simple, no expressions, no nothing
✿ jealous ) being sarcastic and beating around the bush (/cues; "wow mature eh, soneul".)
✿ bored ) sighs a lot before whipping out her phone to play games
✿ shy ) smiles before touching her cheeks to cover up the blush


✿ she games a lot and enjoys gore games
✿ she owns a dog in which she named it "gramps"
✿ due to working as a lifeguard, she doesn't have a fair skin but neither a very tanned skin as well
✿ rainy days are her favorite days. that meant she didn't have to go to the swimming complex
✿ known for her snarkiness
✿ only knows how to cook simple food such as ramen

✿ she has a blog ( )

UNIVERSITY NAME ━ chung-ang university
CLASS SCHEDULE ━ soneul majors in college of law. nothing really special, just the change of classes and when it's lunch, she'd eat with her best friend and when it's after school, she'd go work at the cafe and when there's no customers', she'd study along the way.

JOB ━ part time lifeguard & waitress at a cafe
WORK LIFE ━ work in the swimming complex is usually okay, she'd just sit on the high chair while doing something such as reading, like she always do. if danger calls, she'd dive into the pool and somehow "rescue" someone and do simple cpr. on the other hand at the cafe, if it's quiet, she'll stay at one of the desk and study. unless it's hectic, she'll just run around and take orders.

LIVING ARRANGEMENT ━ she lives with her best friend, byul and her pet dog, gramps in a small apartment.


FIRST CHOICE OF ULZZANG  lee "riko" hosin


STYLE ━ soneul's fashion style changes with the weather and the season. if it's spring, she'd wear a lot of pullovers with high waisted shorts and leggings, paired with sneakers. if it's summer, she'll wear a singlet and shorts. same goes for autumn and winter, a long shirt inside with leggings and a huge coat paired with a scarf and boots. she wears matching pajamas for sleepwear and formal clothing for formal wear. though some girls may or may not dislike heels, she's one that appreciates them but still opts for comfortable sneakers.
OTHERS ━ she has a small mole located at the right collarbone and has a belly piercing as well. she owns a star tatoo on the left side of her abdomen and a small cresent moon on the back of her left ear.



✿ mother ) yeonhwa lee / 39 / housewife / aggressive, affectionate, open-minded, brave, funny


✿ female oc ) byul hong / 19 / cashier at a cafe / domineering, boyish, creative, silly, overprotective
✿ male oc ) lee mingshun / 19 / waitor at a cafe / manly, sassy, imaginative, emotional, energetic

HOW DID YOUR FAMILY REACT TO YOUR MARRIAGE ━ yeonhwa was actually supportive of soneul's marriage and wished her all the best. if sehun hurts her in any manner, she'd hurt him back, idol or not, she doesn't give a damn. because, quote, "that's how angry mama replaces angry bird."

HOW DID YOUR FRIENDS REACT TO YOUR MARRIAGE ━ byul's reaction is fairly similar to her mother's; already ready to kill oh sehun if he harms her. as for mingshun, he is so happy for soneul since it has always been her dream to get married.



✿ yours ) to be honest, soneul was actually really excited to meet the father of her baby. she smiled giddily upon seeing his face and went a lil bit over the line in the feels. being the silent judgemental person she is, she judges the silly smiling man in front of her. "oh wow... the internet told me oh sehun has a poker face. he smiles. hm." was what ran through her mind all day.

✿ his ) as for sehun, he can't stop smiling due to his nervousness and excitedness. she thought of her as the "cold city lady" since she looks so charismatic but it was soon replaced by "silly" when she saw her smiling giddily. he'd compliment her to make her smile more as he thought her smile was so much better than the ":|" face.


✿ known as the sestasia couple
✿ soneul seems to smile more around sehun for reasons

✿ she wears lots of heels around the man since she's petite
✿ sehun likes teasing her by poking her cheeks

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST ━ park chanyeol

✿ yours ) "crack dealer" was what she said after seeing the huge grin on the man's face. he's so bubbly and dynamic. but for some reason, soneul feels comfortable with him since he managed to melt her somehow with his smile. he's also very possessive about soneul and the child.

✿ his ) she was pretty but yet, way too mature for her age. it was originally awkward until they talked about gta and their interest aroused. it was like two best friends meeting to take care of a kid and just well, hang out.


✿ chaneul or also known as the gaming couple
✿ chanyeol likes tackling her and the child into hugs

✿ soneul wears heels around chanyeol just because she's short and he's super tall

THEME OF WEDDING ━ simple, but elegant. there would be colorful balloons everywhere and anywhere. preferably one that's near a pool.
WOULD YOU MIND SWITCHING PARTNERS ━ unfortunately, no. soneul is pretty much adaptable and of course, the viewers would like to see the other exo boys with different partners.


HOW ARE YOU AROUND HIM/HER AT FIRST ━ "oh my god!" was what escaped as she covered with the back of her hand, shocked to see her child. again, she has the giddy smile on her lips as she picked him up and twirled him around safely.
HOW YOU INTERACT WITH HIM/HER ━ hugs, hugs and more hugs. whenever someone makes a nasty comment about hyunwoo, sehun would need to hold his wife back or there'd be war. at times when hyunwoo cries, soneul will panic before making silly faces to the kid and ocasionally spoiling the child with magic tricks she learnt and taught herself.

BACKUP CHILD ━ byun daeseul
HOW ARE YOU AROUND HIM/HER AT FIRST ━ she thought daeseul would be one of those easily amused kids so when she does magic tricks, daeseul doesn't seemed impressed or what and that's when soneul thought that the kid is really special.
HOW YOU INTERACT WITH HIM/HER ━ ocasional affection or just simply daeseul's partner in crime. they'd troll people and color on paper together.

WOULD YOU MIND SWITCHING YOUR CHILD ━ yes! strings attached to these little cutie patooties! soneul at some point of time, gave up studying a few days at night to play with them and they might have already have a close mother-child bond.


WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS  knowing magic to amuse them, a great liar to convince them to eat their fruits and veg, pays a lot of attention to small details to what they like or dislike
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES  cries and whines of the kid, aegyo, putting them to sleep


[] hide-and-seek
[ ] any activities at the playground (list out which activity here:_____)
[ ] tag
[ ] others: _____


[] sweet
[ ] sour
[ ] salty
[ ] bitter


[ ] red
] orange
[ ] yellow
[ ] green
[ ] blue
[ ] indigo
[ ] violet


COUPLE ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS  dinner, playing truth or dare when the kids are asleep, going to the karaoke, pepero kiss (?), a basketball match (girls with girls, boys with boys or just together), talent show lmao
FAMILY ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS ━ going swimming together, to the amusement park or just a family movie date
SCENE SUGGESTIONS ━ hmm, perhaps changing their kids a day to see what is it like to take care of the other couples' kids?

COMMENTS ━ english is my first language but excuse the grammar. i got stuck with the title "grammar 101" ever since i rped on twitter otl. so yep, i hope you like soneul. excuse the unusual name (ahn soneul) as well. orz yep, good luck! c"x


( go back to the nursery room )


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