Please help!

Hey to anyone who is willing to help,

So recently, I've realized that AFF keeps changing the formatting, and it's very very frustrating. Ever since the last change, for some reason, I can't link my main image/background images correctly. I might input the direct link and it'll just disappear without showing an image. Then sometimes, when I click edit for something (e.g. the update profile or edit foreword---the pencil thing), there's certain boxes that are outlined and unedit-able. It's really frustrating, and I really wish that these things would be fixed, or explained.

Right now, I really want to edit my profile About section, but that's unclickable; like it's just blank and i can't put the typing cursor on it. And I can't add a main image or bg image to my newest story =.=

It's exhausting and I wish there was an option to go back to the old AFF formatting. I understand that the new formatting is for security purposes, but it's still quite irritating to have these problems as if they were linked. Please help me if you know what's wrong!

Comment, read. >< please help.

Thanks a bunch,



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