`▐┊the нierarchy 〉lim mihyun — the typical transferee : wallflowers


I AM (the typical transferee), (lim mihyun)
username : aliadane | activity : 10 | english : native language (so, bigbang?) | nickname : alia is fine
FULL NAME — lim "mimi" mihyun; mariah williams
AGE — late 17
YEAR — senior
HOMETOWN — busan, sk
ETHNICITY — korean-american
LANGUAGES — korean- fluent, native language; english- conversational, learned from school and father
FACE — kim jung yeon
GALLERY — here
BACKUP FACE — jung hyun joo
GALLERY — here
EXTRAS — has her ears pierced once in each ear
HEIGHT — 162 cm
WEIGHT — 48 kg
STYLE — mihyun prefers feminine clothes. she likes dresses and flowy blouses with skirts that are layered with jackets. She can occasionally be found in a more casual outfit of jeans or shorts and a simple top, but typically even that is more on the feminine side. She almost always wears her hair down and loosely curled, but occasionally she will put it up in braided pigtails or a ponytail. She wears relatively light makeup, though she does like to make her eyes stand out, since they are a light milk chocolate color. Occasionally she will wear her glasses, but she prefers to wear her contacts, and some times wears colored contact lenses. She has her ears pierced once and tends to wear small silver studs in them at all times. She always wears her horseshoe necklace she got from her father for good luck and fortune.
PERSONALITY TRAITS — relaxed, rational, stubborn, genuine, and forgetful
upon first look, there really isn't anything too particular about mihyun that makes her stand out. she doesn't demand attention, nor does she shy from the spotlight. mihyun couldn't really care less what other people think about her, and tends to listen to her heart more than what other people say. she's one of those genuine people who strives to remain loyal to her friends and family, no matter what. she believes that the truth will set you free, and isn't afraid to be blunt if she needs to be. she hates being wrong, and can be increasingly stubborn about being right. even if she's wrong, she'll stick to her guns. she will go out of her way to prove a point if she feels it's needed, but she knows when to back off, too.

mihyun is incredibly rational and well thought out, given that she is also incredibly forgetful. she has to write herself notes so she remembers important things. she often jokes that she'd 'lose her head if it wasn't attached.' mihyun doesn't like to stir the pot and cause drama, however, she isn't afraid of drama if it drops on her lap. she simply thinks through the situation before making a decision and following through with it. she never second guesses her decisions, and always makes the most of what she's given. she wants to be better than she is, and is always striving to further herself in life in any proper way she can. she refuses to be underhanded, though.
mihyun is the product of what most korean's would consider a 'bad relationship.' her mother got into a pretty serious relationship with a soldier. an american soldier. her parents nearly disowned her for it. however, when the year and a half long relationship was over and done with (he cheated on her), the only things soo kyu had to show for the lost time was a scarred hart and being two months pregnant. mihyun was born seven months later, and soo kyu was positive she wanted to keep the pretty little girl, regardless of what her parents told her. soo kyu loved her little girl, though, and she couldn't bear the idea of parting, so they moved into a small apartment to be on their own.

when andrew learned of his daughter, he went out of his way to get to know the girl who looked so much like her mother. due to his engagement with the military, he was forced to leave his daughter in korea and go back to the united states. however, that's not to say that they lost contact. on the contrary, every summer, andrew either comes to visit mihyun, or she goes to visit him. it's not a comfortable situation, but they make it work for everyone's sake. mihyun knows she's very blessed (her father could have easily walked away from her and never looked back). her mother supports her, with help from her father, and they have a reasonably comfortable life. but mihyun wants more for herself than the meager lifestyle a kindergarten teacher can achieve. she decided to transfer into naseok high school, thinking it would look better on her transcripts for university than little kyungnam high school in busan, which was only known for it's ability to pump out quality baseball players.
father : andrew williams : 45 : u.s. air force : 3 : hard-working, determined, ambitious, and forgetful
mother : lim soo kyu : 37 : kindergarten teacher : 5 : thoughtful, creative, kind-hearted, and rational
friend : seo junghyun : 18 : high school student : 4 : temperamental, irrational, geniune, and straight-forward
best friend : jung da eun : 17 : high school student : 5 : thoughtful, rational, considerate, and fiesty
— sunshine
— daisies
— reading
— bubble tea
— writing letters
— watching movies/dramas
— listening to music
— making friends
— snow and cold weather
— loud noises
— being the of jokes
— scary movies
— change
— her father being so far away
— being wrong
— writing to her father
— photography
— reading
— carries post-it note pads everywhere and scribbles notes when she needs to remember something
— collects covers and charms for her cellphone
— bites lip in thought and nervousness
— her father passing away in battle
— large bodies of water- she almost drowned as a child
— not getting into a good university and ending up like her mother
— takes at least one trip yearly to america to visit her father and his family
— favorite color is purple
— is addicted to taro flavored bubble tea and drinks at least one every day
— refuses to eat food from her school, therefore brings her lunch from home
— dislikes scary movies due to being prone to getting nightmares
— waxed her legs once and refuses to ever do it again
— lived in the same small apartment all of her life
— favorite food is dubbokki
CLIQUE — wallflowers
CODE NAME — normal
PLOT LINE — the typical transferee
WHY THEY HATE THE DIVISION — she has never been told she can't make friends with people because they are 'in different groups' than she is. yes, there were cliques in her old school, but it was never to this extent, nor this bad. it frustrates her that she can't just like who she likes, hang out with who she wants, and discuss school work with whomever happens to be sitting closest to her. it's a stress inducer she didn't need or want.
MADE ALLIANCES WITH — seo joohyun (kind), park chanyeol (class clowns), kim kibum (divas)
RIVAL / LOVE RIVAL — choi jinri (sullii)
AGE — late 17
YEAR — senior
PERSONALITY — sulli is a sweet girl. she's kind and considerate, for the most part, but she can be incredibly overprotective of her friends, and she can be a bit possessive about objects or people she deems as 'hers.' she's in the artists, due to being a singer, and she likes having attention on her. she's not afriad to cause a little drama or start a few rumors if it'll get her what she wants, and she can be rather ruthless if needed.
INTERATIONS — they share class together, so they have to see one another on a daily basis. mihyun tends to try to avoid sulli, as she really doesn't want to pick a fight at this new school, but sulli is going out of her way to cause issues to arise for the new transfer who caught the wrong man's attention.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — they technically met on the fourth day of mihyun's first week at naseok. she had been openly talking to xiumin, who was very clearly a prep, and 'outstepping her boundaries.' sulli made sure to inform her of the 'rules' between cliques and basically tell her she wasn't good enough. ever since then, she's been out to get her.
REASON — sulli and xiumin used to be best friends, before the hierarchy was put into place. sulli had already developed feelings for xuimin, but was never able to tell him due to being separated into a different clique from him. when mihyun caught xiumin's eye, sulli felt threatened. mihyun doesn't like the way sulli treats her, so she gets rather defensive around her.
BACKUP — lee ha yi (lee hi)
LOVE INTEREST — kim minseok (xiumin)
BACKUP — yang yoseob
HIS NICKNAME — min-min
ALLIES? — yes
RELATION — 3, allies (preps)/friends.
CRUSHES — maniac pinkie pie park chanyeol, guyliner kim kibum, greatest face luhan
YEAR — senior
PERSONALITY — xiumin is a kind and caring guy who likes to make others laugh and smile. he could easily pass for a class clown if it wasn't for his passion and skill in soccer. you see, he lives, breathes, and would probably eat soccer, if he could. he's extremely good, and there have already been rumors about the national team scouting him. xiumin doesn't really mind the spotlight, but he can be a quiet guy. he doesn't like making his feelings know, and is a serial 'bottler' of his emotions. he feels it's better to always have a smile and be hurting inside than to let the world think you are weak.
INTERATIONS — xiumin thinks mihyun is gorgeous, and finds himself instantly attracted to her. regardless of their various cliques, he finds himself befriending her just so he can see her more. mihyun is a bit oblivious to his feelings, but has also taken note of how cute and sweet he is. she often makes little comments here or there about 'whoever you end up with is going to be one lucky girl.' they see each other outside of school occasionally, usually going for coffee or bubble tea.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — they are in the same class, and she got placed into the seat next to him. being seatmates, they were forced to share his book due to her not receiving hers yet. this lead to them talking and learning a bit about one another. by the end of the class, mihyun had considered xiumin a friend.
REASON — mihyun is attracted to xiumin's care and his ability to make her smile no matter what the situaion. she also loves that he's not afraid to honest about his ambitions and dreams for the future.
BACKUP — yang yoseob
QUESTIONS — um, it asks for a backup love interest twice. i filled it in both times, but is that right?
COMMENTS — hola amigo.
SCENE SUGGESTIONS — sulli going to the royals (probably sehun) and tattling on xiumin and mihyun for their 'relationship'; sulli leaving nasty letters in mihyun's locker calling her a and such things; bubble tea and coffee 'dates' betweem xiumin and mihyun; xiumin standing up against sulli for mihyun; sulli's confession to xiumin
ANYTHING ELSE — not that i can think of...
WHAT'S THE PASSWORD — // 分裂 - ( nom, nom, nom by wa$$up ) : 013


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