❀ lucky ❀ Cha Mintae ❀ Mystery Joker ❀


(Cha Mintae)
BlackAngel18 | Ella | 8.5

B A N G !

Character names: Cha Mintae ()
Other names: Alexis Cha

  • 3-Steps : whenever meeting others, she can't take more than 3 steps when getting near them as she's too shy.
  • Mint : given by her father because of her cool-like image
  • Ms. Black : her favorite color is ebony black and that alone.

Age: 16 years old
Birth Date: June 18, 2022
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Enthnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
Height: 180 cm.
Weight: 70 kg
Blood type: B

  • Korean (fluent)
  • Japanese (conversational)
  • English (conversational)

Ulzzang face claim: Jang Haebyeol
Backup ulzzang face claim: Kim Shin Yeong
Style: Mintae really likes dull-colored clothes, those are always her top choices. But, having a bit of fashionista-sense in her, she actually has an eye for fashionable clothes, as long as they're not that bright colored, not too revealing and of course, not too girly.
Casual -  
Broadcast -
Formal -
Airport -
Practice -  
Dorm -

Father: Cha Hakyeon "N"
Age: 48 years old
Occupation: Current CEO

       Same after 26 years, N, as much as he is known as, is still as naggy and fun as he was. He never seemed to change and yes, he can still be quite immature for his age. He is the naggy "father" who claims to be the "mom" of the family up until now. Caring, protective and supportive , three characteristics N kept all throughout the years. He is also well known for being a very fun guy and wants everyone around him smiling and joyous. He hates seeing his girls frowning and would do mostly about anything just to keep them smiling and lively. 

      Of course, being the man he is in the house, he takes full responsibility in any choice the family makes, quite brave isn't it? One trait he developed and acquired as he grew up.

Mother: Joo/Cha Eunyoung
Age: 46
Occupation: Housewife


     After years, Eunyoung decided to push her y image out for a while and turn bubbly right after being engaged with VIXX's N years ago. Bubbly, annoyingly cute and loving, Eunyoung is the type of girl that will stay loyal and will believe in anything she puts her mind into. She can be quite a handful too and is easy to get jealous. Once she claims something as hers, it's hers, and if that isn't done, she'll turn into someone child-like and that is very, very annoying. 
     Aside from this, Eunyoung is well known for her caring and supportive side, and her joyous side too. She can stay optimistic as long as she wants and decides to look at brighter things than duller ones. Her smiles are contagious so mostly everyone around her is sent smiling when she's around.

Backup pairing: VIXX's Leo and Girls' Day's Soojung

How did they get married:

     Mostly, N and Eunyoung got to know each other much in the Romantic and Idol reality show. They were the first to get paired together in the beginning and that started their friendship. Sure, Eunyoung would always be sent frustrated and left alone as N would always choose other girls than her. Of course, she got jealous of those, especially since in one part of the show, N chose her and she chose N. That actually hurt her, quite big but she never showed it out.
      After the reality shows, Eunyoung and N kept their friendship with one another. They spent times together, despite having two different companies. They would come and cheer and support for each other and at some times, even have some bonding moments with either just the two of them or with some few friends or with their own groups. But who ever knew that they'd eventually be the ones to end up together?
      Year 2016, N and Eunyoung officially dated and were an official couple, keeping eyes of scandals and news away from them. No one even suspected that they were together already! The way they acted were like how normal friends acted so, neither VIXX or Two X suspected a thing. They had a few troubles but that never stopped them. Eventually, the two realized their real feelings for each other. N loved Eunyoung dearly and so did Eunyoung feel for N. Finally, after secretly dating for a total of solid 4 months, the two finally made their relationship viral and were proud to tell everyone of it, of course, shocking most people. They, unlike most idols whose relationship gone viral, they didn't care and simply continued with their own lives. Many said that they won't work out and that they'd eventually break up, well, with a naggy N and a childish Eunyoung, anything is possible to break down, right?
    WRONG. Year 2019, the two announced that they were finally, yes, engaged. Half were rejoicing, some were eventually not caring enough. The two planned things well for their future marriages while continuing with life. Eunyoung would often drop by and look after her N, who seemed to carry the responsibilities of being a leader to VIXX. N supported Eunyoung's works too and never missed a time to spend together.
    Year 2020, the two finally made their vows and were finally, and officially, a married couple. They decided to drop out of music careers and start over once again, as two bonded beings. N and Eunyoung lived well like any typical coulpe would. Love, support and joy, looking forward to whatever future has in hand for them. They had a few troubles starting their new life, but hey, together, this couple can do about anything they put their heads to. 
    It's funny how their relationship actually started with N giving rose flowers to Eunyoung in Romantic and Idol. The same way, he proposed to his wife at the very same place they first came about well and gave her the same rose bouquet he did in Romantic and Idol, promising that he's only hers and she's only his.


      Born in the year 2022, Mintae is N and Eunyoung's eldest daughter and child. She was born with ebony black hair and gently greated black eyes, similar to that of her father's. Her skin is as fair as her mother's, and she was the perfect child her parents ever imagined, add the fact that the couple wanted a baby girl as their first child! The two spoiled Minjee will love and affection every single day as she grew up. Eunyoung gave her every petite and cute dress she'd ever find and N would always have his eye watching for his little angel. Mintae was soon followed by her little sister, Cha Minjae, after 5 years and her little brother, Cha Sungmin 2 years after Minjae was born.  Indeed, it was rather a very perfect family for the Cha couple.
      Eventually, Mintae got tired of all the pampering her parents gave her at the early age of 10. She quickly matured and looked out for her little siblings whenever her parents are away. She would be the perfect "older sister" any little sibling would actually dream of. Indeed, N and Eunyoung were proud of her yet at the same time, shocked that their eldest child matured oh-so quickly. 
     What else, their little "angel" they dreamed to be the most petite little girl existing turned out the other way around! Yup, what a turn-over. She was quite boyish, not to what her mother expected and a strong and brave woman, to her father's surprise. 
     At the age of 13, Mintae took interest in music, to which whenever, she sings along with her father's songs when he was still an idol. She loved her parents' songs and would ofter dance and sing along with them. With a bit of training too, she learned rapping.
     And that was that, she eventually solidified her dream of following her parents' footsteps and wanted to be an idol as well! Who ever knew, huh?

Cha Minjae | 11 | student | Bubbly, childish, naggy
Cha Sungmin | 9 | student | Hyper-active, complain-filled, cutesy 


        An angel by heart, Mintae was raised by her parents to be the perfect daughter anyone can dream of. God-fearing, caring, loving, supportive, kind, polite, gentle and helpful, a few characteristics that Mintae wields. She can't actually stay mad at anyone long as her pure heart is filled with goodness her parents filled with. 
      Mintae, at a young age, had already dedicated herself with the mature yet joyful image. She stands up for herself and is always there for her little siblings, of course, the role she believes of that of the eldest child. She never lets anyone harm her family, and in fact, quite embarrassing, she can be more mature than her parents. 
       But at some rare times, she exactly becomes her parents' mirrored personas. When she gets a bit pissed due to no one listening to her, she becomes N Jr., who of course, gets all naggy and playfully "neck chops" anyone. On sometimes, she gets all whiny like her mother, Eunyoung. She wouldn't stop whining and would eventually stomp her feet in annoyance. She is quite easy to get jealous too.
    Aside from her parents, no one really knows who the real Cha Mintae is...


  • Music
  • Drawing
  • Fashion
  • Selcas
  • Meat
  • Books
  • Roses
  • Dogs


  • Dark
  • Heights
  • Haunted Houses
  • Injections
  • Vegetables
  • Neon Colors


  • Drawing
  • Taking Selcas
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Rapping 
  • Reading


  • Stomping her foot when angry, jealous
  • Glaring
  • Blinking too much
  • Pouting
  • Biting her lower lip


  • She's ambidextrous
  • She's close to VIXX's Ken and Ravi, because of her father
  • Owns a Yorkshire Terrier named "Haengbogi".
  • Extremely good in math and arts
  • She once watched her parents' reality show "Romantic and Idol" and nearly puked whenever they'd get cheesy moments.
  • She still doesn't get why her father is called "N".
  • Once owned a cat named Ttori but died when she was eight.
  • She gave herself her English name, though N and Eunyoung said her English name is Amanda.
  • She has a scar on her left shoulder blade.
  • She didn't know how to ride a bike since she was 15.
  • She thinks N looks prettier than Eunyoung when he crossdresses as N-Mi.
  • Mintae once tried dressing up as a boy (a dare given to her by Minjae) and N named her boy version Minsoo, which annoyed her a lot for a long, long time.
  • She once dyed her hair blonde when she was 14, and that made Eunyoung angry, a lot.
  • She's a big fan of VIXX.
  • Personally trained by N in singing.

Best Friends:
 Bang Hyemin | 16 | trainee in JYP Entertainment; student
Kim Kyungchan | 17 | trainee in TOP Media Entertainment; student
Kim Younghwa | 16 | trainee in Starship Entertainment; student

Lee Minhyuk | 16 | student; Ken's son  
Kim Haneun | 16 | student
Kim Hana | 18 | student; ulzzang
Hwang Jaehyun | 17 | child actor; student



Rival: Choi Taekwoon
Age: 18 years old
Label: Silverdust Entertainment

        A chic-looking guy in the outside, a total sweetie inside. Taekwoon is any typical perfect boyfriend any girl dream of. SHe has a chic outerior image yet once one gets to know him, he is a total sweetie pie and wouldn't hesitate in acting cute to get anything he want or make his girl smile. He can be quite shy too, and that just makes him cuter. He's also really caring for his younger brother, and is very supportive too. He has a pure heart but once he gets fired up in challenges, there's no stopping him.

Why are you rival: 

      By the word "rival", Mintae and Taekwoon only mean it as "friendly competitions". The two were childhood friends and despite the two year , the two act as if they're both of the same age. Mintae and Taekwoon often excells in the same things, and that makes them want to compete and see who's better at which. Neither of them want to loose in one factor so they always compete and compete to the point they become friendly rivals.

How do you act around each other:
      Together, of course, they're like cats and dogs. They always fight and fight and fight over little things. They always want to see who's better at this and that. BUT! That's only whenever the two are competing. Out of competitions, the two are like the best of friends and most times, they're mistaken as siblings. They are too close and are nearly unseperable. Mintae often calls Taekwoon "oppa" but when it's competition times, it turns into "Yah! Choi Taekwoon, you peasant!"



Love interest: Ichinomiya Chanhyun
Age: 20
Label: Silverdust Entertainment

     Mostly seen dazed and quiet, Chanhyun isolates himself from the crowd and prefers to be left alone by himself. He is the perfect image of the "cold-city guy" image.  Because of the slight language barrier, Chanhyun finds communicating quite difficult too as his Korean isn't that fluent yet. Aside from this, his big shyness is a big hinder as well.  Most people mistake him as a cold, brute and rude man.
    But when one gets to know this guy, he actually is the opposite. Beneath his mysterious and quiet image, he is a total warm-hearted person who has soft spots to anything cute. He is always ready to help others and will eventually gather his strength to stand up for others in need. He's a savior lurking in the shadows. If it weren't for his shyness, he'll actually be the perfect guy to love as well.

How do you act around each other:
     Being one of Chanhyun's few friends, he treasures Mintae a lot. He looks out for the younger as if she's a younger sister of his, which he never really had (being an only child he is). The two are very, very close and despite the language barrier, the two can communicate well. Along with this, Mintae's one of the few girls who actually knows who Chanhyun is, so she understands the guy the most. They don't mind skinship too, but usually, the one to pull away first is Chanhyun despite him being the first to grab onto Mintae.


Relationship: Crush with each other.



Love rival: Ahn Soojung
Age: 20
Label: Cube Entertainment
    Angelic and quite a troublesome klutz too. She is like any cutesy girl out in Seoul, but unfortunately, she is a complete clumsy lassie. What radiates the most though is her angelic side. She has a heart of gold and will help anyone in need. Soojung, or mostly known as Soo, is most popular with her uncontrollable clumsiness. She always trips, breaks things, falls down and everything. Why? Maybe the lack of her attention span.

How do you act around each other: 

        Mintae doesn't really know Soojung much. As much as she knows, she's one of the most popular Cube Ent. trainees and only knew her after she knew that Soojung and Chanhyun were classmates and used to be a couple too. Though Chanhyun claims that he's moved on with Soojung, Mintae isn't sure with Soojung, especially if this lassie always finds the time to visit Silverdust Ent. to check up with her ex-boyfriend and present friend. So far, Mintae acts all quiet and glares at Mintae everytime she sees Soojung. Along with this, Mintae prefers to stay behind Chanhyun and glare at Soojung while stomping her feet in secret. 
        Mintae never dared to start a conversation with Soojung too, and neither has Soojung.


Relationship: Acquaintances

Stage name: Min-T
Persona:  Mystery Joker
Personal Fanclub name: MinTs
Personal Fanclub color: #99ffff

Position: (bold for your 1st choice and underline for your 2nd choice)
1st Main Vocalist, 3rd Lead Dancer
1st Lead Vocalist, 2nd Main Dancer
1st Main Rapper, 3rd Main Dancer
1st Lead Dancer, 2nd Main Vocalist
1st Main Dancer, 2nd Lead Rapper
1st Lead Rapper, 3rd Lead Vocalist
2nd Lead Vocalist, 3rd Lead Dancer
2nd Lead Dancer, 2nd Main Rapper
Training years: 2 years
Trainee life:

      In a young age, Mintae was able to join and be a trainee. She had a few adjustments, especially because someone her age can't suddenly adjust to a hard trainee life. She would often be fetched by N with aching muscles and can barely wake up in the morning. Along with this, most fellow trainees are years older than her and she's often made fun for being nothing but a kid. But because of those, it determined Mintae to train harder and eventually, within 2 years of being a trainee, she made a stand that even young trainees like her can be something out-of-this world, with strong will.

Singing twin: Juniel
Dancing Twins: Hyoyeon of SNSD 1 2
Rapping Twins: Jia of Miss A   1 2
Talking twins: Nana of After School 1 2

Suggestion/Remarks: NONE
Scene Request: Suprise me~
Song suggestion: f(x) Rum Pum Pum/ A Pink's NoNoNo
Show suggestion: LUCKY TV / Sesame Player



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