AFF New Year Survey

Stolen from -AnneOnym- !

Let’s see what you accomplished this year on AFF!!!


  1. How many stories have you written this year? 
                            Five chaptered stories actually and one two-shot.
  2. How many were oneshots? 
                      None. But I had a two-shot, Hydraengas.
  3. How many total CHAPTERS have you written this year? 
                     Er.... 129? 
  4. What was your favorite thing you’ve written this year? 
                  Probably White Diary and Plan 932X. I enjoyed trying a new genre to write, which was comedy in Plan 932X.  As for White Diary, I enjoyed writing it the most because, well, angst is my forte.
  5. Who was your favorite character to write? 
              Leo! Figuring out how his mysterious aura would come out gave writing a challenging experience.
  6. How about your least favorite character to write?
              Erm... none really. But if it's the least I give appearances to, it's probably Ken. I barely gave him appearances and I am soooo  sorry for that. 
  7. Who was the hardest character to write? 
  8. And who was the easiest? Definitely N. It's easy to make his random personality. 


On to popularity…


  1. What is your most popular story that was started THIS YEAR?  Maybeeeeee Hydraengas? 
  2. What is the band you’ve written about the most this year? VIXX and EXO.
  3. What character did you use the most? Neo Couple. WOOT o3o
  4. What band did you read about the most? Err... I read any band in it as long as it's mystery, suspense or angst. usually VIXX though and a bit of BTS now.


This year compared to last year…


  1. Did you write more chapters this year or last year? I suppose I did. 
  2. Do you think you grew as an author since last year? Oh, definitely! I was still quite clueless on how writing works and I've learned, through other inspiring authors, how to improve my writing skills. And the fact I used to write in Korean-English way was, well, something I got to fix. 
  3. What else have you achieved on AFF this year (shops, co-authoring, beta, etc)? Well, I started out a roleplay this year with a friend of mine. Got to join a few contests, got my story advertised by fellow friends. 


Spread some love…


  1. What was your most used poster shop/artist for this year? I'm not a loyal customer sooo, I used posters of different shops XD
  2. What was your favorite poster? The poster for Our EXO Dads: Cador andddddddd Butterfly Effect.
  3. Is there anyone whose writing inspired you? I couldn't exactly remember the author's name, but the fanfic featured B.A.P and EXO. it had this.... sci-fi theme. And I read elisaexplosive's and pinboo's stories, which inspired me more.
  4. Or whose comments gave you motivation? Everyone's!
  5. Or who you’d like to just give a random shout-out to? Loyal reader of Plan 932X sugarlion! You always tuned in everytime I updated. Also, everyone else who motivated me to keep writing and writing and improving! Mostly every reader I have.
  6. What are some of your favorite stories of the year?  
    I can't decide. Most of elisaexplosive's stories. And pinboo's too. And Jenday's! Oh! And those stories by bbe1989


Next year…


  1. Do you have any stories brewing for next year? And if so, give us some teasers…?  oooooh yes yes yes. I'm planning lots for this year!
    Two two-shots featuring two different OTPs in EXO and a new chaptered story mainly featuring VIXX and trying on Bangtan Boys to fit in the same story. I'm not really sure if I should try mixing comedy and angst... and a small bloom of romance with it. So far, after those stories are done, I'm planning on re-editing my previous stories to fix the grammar and all. I feel akward reading my previous Korean-English written stories so I'll have to fix them.


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