Wanted: Beta Reader(s)

So I'm looking at entering a few contests in the new year after the Secret Santa is over. I was wondering if there is anyone out there that would be willing to beta for me? My grammar is usually pretty good because my first language is English, but I do tend to make a few mistakes that I can't pick up on. For this reason I am looking for someone who's first language is English OR someone who's English is really good. This means you can pick up on little mistakes as well as the obvious ones. I would keep you up to date on deadlines and progress and i would give you enough time to beta so you can do it when you have the time rather than having to find the time. Any offers? I can give a karma reward if you'd like!


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i can help ^^
Emmatotally #2
I could help if you haven't found one yet. I love to do this.
If you haven't already found someone, I wouldn't mind helping you out. :) English isn't my first language, but I was born and raised in America so pretty much English is like all I ever speak unless I'm speaking to the elderly lol ;)
I can help. ^^ Since, well, my first language is English after all and it is my best subject so far. ^^ I don't need anything in return!
I'm available! English is my only language, because I'm not cool enough to be bilingual. Just let me know if you need anything.
Why aren‘t I a native speaker damn><
hotterthanasummer #7
I'm up for it. My first language is English and I taught TOEFL kids for a while, so my grammar is pretty decent.
Can help if you need it. But as someone else said - you seem to have a lot of volunteers already. English is my first language (I'm English *whoop*).
I'll be willing to help (if you still need it, I think you have quite a lot of volunteers already! ^^) English is my first language, I've been writing stories for three years so my grammar and spelling are polished up now! xD
I'd be up for it. English is my second language, but I grew up in the U.S. so ok I'll stop talking.
I wouldn't mind helping! No reward needed~ well, you could check out my HoYeol stories lol XD
I can help you=). Just let me know what story and we can figure out how you want to do it. I wouldn't require karma points, but if you could let people know about a few of my stories, that would be awesome...=)
I would help u but i don't have my laptop right now.
I will tell u as soon as its back. Then i can help. But my English isn't that good either but i do see obvious mistakes