I've gone crazy

It is 2:16 am where i am at. And i was watching videos on how to lose weight, how to eat better, and work outs. And my 2014 goal is to lose weight and have abs or atleast not have a big tummy, and i want skinnier legs and arms. I mean there not that bad but they do jiggle when i jump or something like that. I need to go weight my self and see my weight to have a goal. I'm so serious this time

That means, No greasy food

No coffee or Starbucks (and i just got a starbucks gift card for xmas) *Crys in corner* 
Coffee is my life

No soda (i cant live without my Dr. Pepper)

and No junk food

How am i gonna surive...... 

Dear Lord help me... 

Ill be posting my result on here for me mostly


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