Rant Time. I'm sorry for this...

Ah, yes. Seem it is that time again.

What? Christmas? No!

Did anyone else notice AFF changing around some things again, maybe that has to do with the coding and the tool bar above?? *coughs*

Anyways, am I the only one not being able to adjust to the "new" set up? I find it quite distracting when I'm trying to use a layout or something. Also, it messing up some of my other story layouts. Are you layout-people having the same issue with your layout shops?? I'm guessing, right??

Though there are some perks such as the "Autosave" on chapters and blog posts

But, I'm finding more down sides than up sides to the new thing.

Idek *shrugs* maybe it's just me having probs with this whole thing. I've been told I'm a very hateful person that looks on the down side of things a lot, so that may be it.

All I'm saying is from my opinion and POV, so yea.

*sighs* rant is pretty much over.

It was actually pretty short, so yea. Anyways, thanks for anyone that actual read this /gives up part of my heart and a cookie/

Okay. Baiz.


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LiterallyAPotato #1
I am having problems too!!! It's not only on the laptop but also on mobile devices. I was using my iPad the other day to update my story, but it keep on scrolling to the bottom for no reason. I had told the AFFHelper yesterday about the new changes and all. I'm sure they'll fix it sooner or later. :)