❅ My Christmas Wish → Lee Mei Ting ←


My Christmas Wish



Lee Mei Ting



Who’s this girl ?

Full name : Mei Ting Lee

Age :  21

Birthdate : October 26, 1992

Birthplace : San Francisco, CA, USA

Hometown : San Francisco, CA, USA

Ethnicity : ABC (American born Chinese)

Languages : Cantonese (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (basic)

Occupation : She is currently in Stanford medical school. She is working to become a medical researcher. She had always been interested in the medical field, but the thought of someone possibly dying under her care scared her. So, instead, she wants to become a medical researcher. She will still gain her doctorate, but she will not be a "doctor" as how most see it (for example, she won't be a surgeon or a pediatrician).



I just want to know you

Personality Traits : Introverted, Clumsy, Caring, Helpful, Independent

Personality : She is very quiet and shy. At all social events, she is always standing alone in a corner. She can't initiate a conversation, and will only talk when someone else starts a conversation with her. She hates talking to strangers, and has always been really shy. When she was younger, she wouldn't even talk to her aunts/uncles because she was too shy. Growing up as an only child, she has always been independent. She loves silence, and being alone. Many people would say she is modest, even though she doesn't think she is. The reasn for this is that when she is good at something, people will compliment. However, she grew up in a household where anything less than the best is not good enough. She knows there will always be someone better than her, whether she got the highest score in the class or not. So, when she replies with a "Oh, no. I'm not that good." many people take it as modesty.

Having a different set of beliefs than most people that were in her grade, she always respected what others believed in. She is a very uptight person, but when she gets mad it isn't much. Her yells aren't that loud, and her hits are quite soft. However, if you ever insult her friend or family, her inner demon is unleashed. She will not violently harm them in any way, but she will point out all the flaws that person has and yell it out for the world to hear. Being a very observant person, she generally finds the bad things in people as well as the good, whether they try to hide it or not. She has always been very observant of her surroundings, however sometimes she can't see what is right in front of her. She speaks very logically, and so far the only person that has been able to win a debate with her is her best friend. She can get very confused very easily, however, when someone starts ranting and she can't follow along.

Background : Her father was born in Los Angeles, CA, USA. Her mother was born in Hong Kong, CA, USA. When there was a concert of her favorite band in Los Angeles, her mother flew over. There, she met Mei Ting's father, and they fell in love. They lived in Los Angeles for a little while, but then decided the traffic and everything was a little too much. They decided to move up to San Francisco, where they then started a family. Mei Ting was born in San Francisco on October 26, 1992. Her mother had to give birth C-Section, and she hated it. So they decided Mei Ting would be the only child they would have. Her parents both had doctorates. One was a neurosurgeon, while the other was a cardiologist. They always wanted their daughter to succeed like them, so they pushed her more than most parents. They were strict, yet loving at times. Through her hard times, they would care for her, but other than that they would be pretty strict. However, Mei Ting didn't like it when her parents cared for her. She found it weird and different, and thought they were babying her. So, even when something bad happened to her, she started brushing it off like it was nothing.

Mei Ting was always mentally more mature than those in her age group. In kindergarten, while others were doing art projects, she was reading/learning how to read. While others were doing fourth grade math, she was doing fifth. She always had the best grades in her class, until a certain foreign exchange student walked into her life when she was 10. He was very loud and outgoing; the complete opposite of Mei Ting. He became her seat partner. He kept trying to talk to her, and to make her smile or laugh a little. He always thought about the positives in life. After seeing someone like Mei Ting, he decided he needed to break through her bubble no matter what. His life goal became to make her smile. He would pester her every single day. Then one day, he did it. She was walking to her usual spot for lunch, under a large maple tree, and he was waiting there for her. She sat down trying to ignore him. Then, he made the weirdest face you could ever imagine. And, she giggled. It was only a small giggle, and probably only he could hear it, but tht was all he needed. He sat down with her, teasing her that he made her smile. She slowly began warming up to him and talking to him. After a year, they became best friends. Sure, they were still polar opposites, but they clicked with each other. And they have had each others back since then.

Mei Ting and her best friend both graduated in 2010. They were the valedictorians of their school. However, Mei Ting was too shy to give a speech. Knowing that, her best friend decided to give the speech and have all the attention on him. And she was fine with that, as she hates attention. Afterwards, they were talking together and hanging out. He asked what she wanted to do with her life, and she said she wanted to be a medical researdcher. They both got into Stanford, and they were going to share a dorm together. She asked him what he was going to do with his life, and he said he was going to be a pediatrician. It fit him because of his personality. In September 2013, they were both given the chance to study abroad for a few years for free, because they both had excellent grades. They went to study abroad in South Korea.

Likes :

• Pandas; because they are SO CUTE

• Bubble Tea; because it is her drug. She has always loved bubble tea and her favorite place is Quickly's

• Kpop/Cantopop; because American mainstream music was never her style. Her parents got her into Cantopop, her friend got her into Kpop

• Pokemon; although she loves books, this is her favorite video game. Well of course...... PIKACHU ~

• Totoro; this has always been her favorite cartoon movie. She has watched it over ten times and has many totoro plushies

• Baking; it has always been a hobby she has loved. Whether it's cakes or cookies, she loves mixing and decorating and everything. Also, she thinks homemade tastes better than store bought.

• Medical/Crime shows; this and her parents is what got her into medicine.

Dislikes :

• Strangers; because she is shy. Plus, she hates them touching her (just brushing against her in a hall freaks her out)

• Messy displays; OCD. Something just goes in her brain like CLEAN UP THE DISPLAY

• People forcing their beliefs on others; she thinks everyone should just respect what others believe

• Bugs; They freak her out

• Dresses; because blegh... who needs dresses when there are skinny jeans and hoodies

• Hats; they make her head feel all warm and weird

Hobbies :

• Piano

• Reading

• Listening to music

• Baking

• Sleeping

Habits :

• Tripping on her own feet (Hey.... It takes skill to trip on flat surfaces XD)

• Running into things (Like I said, she sometimes doesn't see what is right in front of her)

• Biting her right thumb nail

Trivia : 

• She has only had one friend through her whole life

• She doesn't like it when people care for her

• She doesn't cry or get upset easily

• She has germaphobia

• She has claustrophobia, but is fine with elevators. It is only when she can't move at all. She will start shaking and might start crying

• She hates attention and has HUGE stage fright. She took drama, thinking it would help her stage fright, but it was a big mistake

• She hates strangers touching her because she has read about all the germs and diseases people could have

• She is scared of failure, because she thinks that it will ruin her entire life forever

• She is very weak, and can't defen herself well physically

• She wants to have bubble tea every day

• She wants to visit Hong Kong, but hasn't been able to do so yet.

• She has never cared about age differences because her parents are seven years apart


Face claim: Lindy Tsang (bubzbeauty on YouTube)

Blog/Tumblr/Gallery/Instagram : Instagram

Back-up face claim: Ne Rou

Blog/Tumblr/Gallery/Instagram : Gallery



My family’s wishes  

Family members :

Dad /Lee Ming Teen / 53 / Cardiologist / He encourages her by telling her she is doing a good job. However, he also gives her study material to help her more. He is very strist, but can be loving if she is going through a bad time.

Mom /Lee Yook Tao / 46 / Neurosurgeon / Same as with her dad, except she is a little more comfortable around her mom. Her mom always had a soft spot for Mei Ting, and would love to spoil her. Sometimes, she breaks and does spoil her.

Friends :

Best Friends /Kim Young Woo / 21 (older than her by 10 months) / student at Stanford medical school / They act like brother and sister. She is closest with him and they will talk. He is the only person that has made her laugh, and he is the only person to win in an argument against her.


All I  want for Christmas

Family plans for Christmas :  They will drive to Los Angeles to spend it with family. It is a very long drive, so they go on December 23rd. They will drive down and stay at her grandmother's house (on her father's side). Mei Ting will help bake desserts and her mom will help cook. Because Mei Ting is the only grandchild, there are no presents because she just gets money. So, there are no opening of presents.

Friends plans for Christmas :  Because his parents don't have Christmas plans and they usually just stay at home watching tv, he usually will go with Mei Ting and her family. They are like his second family.

Co-Workers plans for Christmas : They don't celebrate Christmas together because everybody is with their families.



Is you

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Name : Kim Sunggyu

Age : 24

Occupation : Owner of a mall (family business)

His personality : He is very lazy. It is lucky that he is the boss, because he loves bossing people around. Although being an owner of a mall and getting pretty good grades in school, he has his stupid moments. Although he may seem cool on the outside, he really isn't. However, he can't accept that fact. He willl at many times forget things. He tries to act like a leader, but he would be lost in his job if it wasn't for his trusty assistant. He often messes stuff up, but tries to cover it up without anyone noticing. He gets confused really easily. Even when he looks stupid, he always tries to defend himself saying he is not and why he looked stupid.

How he act around you?: He acts like a cool and manly leader. He is always trying to impress her and catch her attention. However, there are times when he messes up and she almost laughs.

How you act around him?: She acts like how she always acts. Quiet and shy. She almost laughs many times because of Gyu's mistakes, but she hasn't smiled because of him..... yet.


Storyline : (Explain how they meet. Her first/his first impression of him/her, problems. Write anything important about her storyline.)

She went to his mall to get a medical book from the bookstore. She needed help looking for a specific book. Sunggyu happened to be in that bookstore at that time. In broken korean, she tried asking him to help her find the book she wanted because she thought he was a worker in the bookstore. Sunggyu, however, didn't understand what she wanted. So he asked if she spoke english and then spoke in broken english to her. luckily, she understood what he said. She pointed at the piece of paper with the book title and said "please help me find this book". He understood, but tried to be cool and asked her why she was asking him when he was the owner of the mall. He was trying to look cool, showing off that he owns the mall. She, of course, didn't care and went on to find a worker there to help her. He thought that she was really pretty and that she looked like a foreigner. There was something about her that just pulled him in and made him want to impress her. She, however, thought he was just rude. Whether he is a worker at the bookstore or not it would've been nice to help her or tell her "I'm sorry, I don't know where that is. Ask one of the workers there or there or there." 

After that one meeting, they ran into each other a few times after that. Sometimes it was on accident, sometimes it was because Sunggyu wanted to see her. There was, of course, the language barrier. They could barely talk to each other because Sunggyu's english wasn't too great, and neither was Mei Ting's korean. There were many times when he would try to catch her attention, but she just thought he was a creepy stranger. Their love story is the old proverb of the red string of fate. There is a red string connecting them to each other. It may tangle, or stretch, but it will never break. They were destined to be together.


 Love scene request :

• Mei Ting freaking out because Sunggyu holds her hand, but she still isn't comfortable with him yet.

• Sunggyu figuring out that the way to break through her bubble is to make her laugh/smile, and he starts to act clumsier on purpose

• Mei Ting accidently spilling coffee on Sunggyu because she is clumsy



My wish list

Her life wishes :

• To become a medical researcher and for Young Woo to become a pediatrician

• To meet her favorite Cantopop singer, Raymond Lam

• To learn Korean better until she is fluent

• To get married to her soul mate

• Get over her trust issues

• Her best friend and her to never grow apart

• To visit Hong Kong because she has never been and has never seen her family there or her mom's hometown or anything

• For someone to remember her if she dies

Her favourite things to receive for Christmas :

• Money; because it is easier than returning stuff

• Stuffed animals; because she usually loves all stuffed animals

• Pokemon games; because you can never have enough pokemon games

• Candy; because who doesn't love candy

• Bubble Tea; because it is BUBBLE TEA

Comments : nope

Scene requests : nope

Any last words ? : Did I describe everything well enough? Do I need to explain more stuff? Is the storyline ok? Did I overdescribe anything? (I have a tendency to do that haha)


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