❝Kwon Yuna's dirty little secrets


colour my world and paint it yellow

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✶ 빨강색 // 입술

 FULL NAME — Kwon Yuna
 NICKNAME/S*— Yun-Yun, Panda, Little One
 BIRTHDAY — 18 May
 AGE — 18
 LANGUAGES — Korean (fluent) and English (conversational)


✶ 노란색 // 해바라기

 ULZZANG — Park Gi Rim
 GALLERY Gallery
 GALLERY Gallery

 HEIGHT — 165 cm
 WEIGHT — 53 kg
 APPEARANCE — Yuna is a healthy young girl of average height and weight. Her skin's milky white with thin arms and legs, an oval-shaped face with dark brown eyes, a button nose and thin, pink lips. She has naturally black, dyed brown, hair that reaches down to her shoulder blades and is wavy when hanging loose around her shoulders.
 STYLE— Her style isn't the most up to date and fashionable one out there among common Korean teenage girls. She has a thing for comfort; sweaters, jeans and long skirts. Her everyday look outside of school consists mostly of t-shirts, a pair of trousers and her favorite sneakers, a worn-out pair of green Converse. She has a thing for soothing colors and fabrics, often choosing colors such as blue, green, white, purple and black.

 EXTRA— She has a pair of thin-rimmed glasses which she often uses in the morning and at home, but also at school sometimes when having a late start of the day. Her ears have been pierced once each, but she never wears any ear accessories in school.


✶ 초록색 // 잔디

 TRAITS — Perfectionist, obedient, soft-spoken, habitual, honest
Yuna is the student sitting in front of the classroom with her hand high up in the air at the end of each and every question coming from the teacher. She may seem a little arrogant with the way she answers at times, as if she knows everything, but secretly it brings her great pleasure to be right about something. She loves getting praise from others as it helps boost her self-confidence. She can be very awkward around those she's not familiar with, trying to be as independent as possible to avoid clinging onto others.

Rules are her guides on how to live your life. She follows them by the book and often insists on following them, especially when she sees someone breaking them and getting punished for it. She hates being punished and tries to be as obedient as possible to avoid it. Yuna is no fan of surprises and likes to keep things as simple and neat as possible.

In the privacy of friends and family, Yuna is energetic and brave, yet she gives off a gentle and friendly feeling whenever she meets someone for the first time. She is intelligent, sophisticated and sarcastic with a lot of comments in store due to her outspoken and honest nature. Yuna likes to take care of others, but can be quite competitive about things such as academics and her own hobbies. She is hard-working, ambitious, has a natural curiosity and isn't afraid of voicing her opinion to those who ask for it.

Literature; it is currently her passion, and she wants to work with it sometimes in the future.
Coffee; her favorite drink besides tea and soft drinks.
Adventure; it's exciting and she likes the excitement of it.
Watermelons; perfect for hot seasons, she'll say.
Art; she enjoys a good piece of illustration and sometimes visits the closest gallery.
Weddings; she's secretly a bit of a romantic, it also gives her the opportunity to dress up and get some cake.
Manhwa (Korean manga); she loves reading it and the art itself - her favorite is Demon Diary.
Eyes; she has a thing for people's eyes and thinks of them as a source of inspiration.
Music; another source of inspiration - she believes it is is the modern lingua franca.

Boredom; it's boring, to keep it short.
Loneliness; she hates the thought of being left behind.
Alcohol; the smell makes her nauseous; she doesn't have a high tolerance of it anyway.
Rain; it's depressing and makes her want to write something angsty.
Cigarette smell; she is not a smoker and will never be one because of her experience with smoke.
Horror movies; it scares the hell out of her, gives her nightmares and makes her paranoid.
Impatience; while she isn't the most patient person herself, she doesn't enjoy it when people can't wait for even a few minutes. It makes her angry inside.

Writing down people's names, numbers and personal information on the back of her hand in order to remember.
Running her hand through her hair.
Biting her bottom lip.
Rapping in the shower.
Putting objects such as books and pillows on her head.
A closet cuddle (comes out when she sleeps)

Graphic design

She's left-handed.
When she was young, she used to buy Japanese fans and put them next to her pillow whenever she went to sleep because she thought of them as protector of dreams and that they would blow away the bad ones
Broke her leg as a ten-year-old due to crashing her bike down a hill during winter time
Donates blood almost every month
Enjoys sunflowers because they stretch towards the sky and symbolize focus and good luck
Her hair is naturally curly, but she straightens it sometimes because she finds her curls annoying
Used to have a more tomboyish style
Her ideal type is someone tall with a sense of humor who's not afraid of showing affection


✶ 파란색 // 하늘

 BACKGROUND— Kwon Yuna is a Korean girl who was born on 18 June and raised as the daughter of an architect and a pharmacist. She had an older sister who is close to her desite their , and who has been there for her whenever she had trouble and needed someone who would listen. When her sister got her driver's license, they went on a car ride together, but ended up driving too fast and crashing because of the rain and a slippery road. She survived, but her sister was not as lucky. When she figured it out, she refused to leave the sister's body for hours afterwards.

The loss of her only sibling and closest drove Yuna into a state of depression. She felt lonely and afraid of the world and all the people in it, which also led to a period of isolation. She refused to talk to most people, and her parents were really worried about her. She came back, however, after a few months of realizing that sulking would not bring her sister back to life. Her parents sent her off to summer camp at first sign of improvement, where she actually found herself enjoying it quite a lot. This became a tradition for her, and this was also the same kind of camp which she attended when her friend Jooah disappeared. When they found her body soon after, she was quite distressed and memories of her sister came flooding back, but she didn't enter another sad phase and was instead adamant on being there for her other friends, even though they didn't want her help all the time.

1) When Yuna was in her second year of high school, a new teacher began teaching at her school. He was cool, handsome and very sweet; she fell head over heels for him. With mutual feelings, they soon entered a forbidden relationship that would last throughout the whole year until her third.

2) Once she was on summer camp, back in middle school, she got involved in a boy who was two years older than her. He made her do many strange things over the course of the summer, but she broke it off before he could go all the way with her. Because of this, she has trouble with ual activities and can therefore seem rather conversative and "prude-ish."

3) Yuna had a period after her sister died when she would have suicidal thoughts and try cutting her arm with a rusty old pair of scissors, which she always hid from her parents or told them it was their cat's fault. They were small and rough like one, but she still hid them. This was an on/off process until her first year of high school.

Father  Kwon Juhyeon  48  Architect  4
Mother  Lee Namgyu  48  Pharmacist  4
Sister  Kwon Hyuna  19 (Deceased)  Student  5

Lee Hyeri  19  Universty student  4
Kim Seolhyun  18  Student/Bakery employee  4

Kim Chanmi  17  Student  Both Chanmi and Yuna are among the top students at their school and are always competing against one another for a spot on top. They are both quiet and a little isolated, but Chanmi is jealous of Yuna's friends and her seemingly good relationship with her teacher.
Park Hyojin  30  High school teacher  She is an ex-lover of Donghae back in their college days and is still in love with the man who never shared any feelings for her. She envies her relationship with Yuna, although she has no idea about the situation behind closed doors.



✶ 보라색 // 자수정

 LOVE INTEREST — Lee Donghae, 26, Super Junior
Donghae might be a teacher in his late 20's, but he is also a very easy-going and relaxed sort of guy. He is quiet, smart and considerate of others; a rather sensitive man who isn't afraid of creating connections or helping someone else out of a difficult situation.
He is very trustworthy, as students often comes to him for advice about school work or even trouble that they might have. Despite the critique he receives from the other teachers at times about getting too close to his students, he knows when to keep his distance and has never turned down the opportunity to help someone if he can.

When he enters any kind of relationship with anyone, he wants to make sure the person is to be trusted or someone who will stay by his side. He values loyalty, trust and honesty above anything when it comes to his bonds to other people, especially when it comes to his friends and partners. He can become extremely jealous and posessive of someone he's close to, but prefers not showing it in public and saves such things for when behind closed doors.

 HISTORY — Donghae and Yuna met last year when Yuna entered her second year of high school. He had recently been transferred over to their school as their new English teacher, and she quickly stood out as one of his best students. Yuna was quite stunned the first time she saw the man, having expected some old, boring guy. He noticed her when he checked the students' attendance and checked for absences. In the beginning, it was all innocent and harmless as every teacher-student is, but after a while she started lingering a little after his classes, asking him questions and discussing yesterday's homework or an upcoming test/essay. She'd answer as many questions in class as possible in order to let his eyes rest on her a few seconds more and did her very best on every evaluation in order to impress him. He found himself thinking about her after school. writing her name down on post-it notes which he hid beneath his matress at home. They danced around one another until April of her junior year. She came to his office after school to ask him about a book recommendation when it seemed as if they both had reached their limit. He kissed her when she came too close, but pulled back quickly when she did not respond. He was about to apologize and leave when she grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him in for another one. Their relationship began in that very classroom. When they are in class, they act very normal around one another. Donghae makes sure to not let his eyes linger for too long, and she avoids staring at him too often and focuses on her school work. In privacy, however, they like to sit in Donghae's apartment and just talk about anything. They are strangely comfortable around one another, although Yuna doesn't feel quite comfortable opening up to him about her secrets yet. He finds her to be a mature and sensible young woman, who knows what she wants and how to work towards her goals. She admires his strength and love for Shakespeare, much like she does, and also his affectionate and quiet nature.
 TRIVIA — He loves literature and often goes to coffee shops by himself in order to read. When he heard of Jooah's death, he became sad and assured Yuna that he was there for her, as she was a good student. He finds Yuna's glasses very hot and has reading glasses himself that she finds attractive. Donghae is also a little shy when it comes to the topic of , as he hasn't really had any since college and the occasional one-night-stand before he met Yuna.

 OTHERS — Choi Siwon, Lee Sunho (Andy Lee), Kim Heechul

✶ 핑크색 // 벚꽃

 REQUESTS — I don't have any, sorry! ^^
 COMMENTS — I love stories such as this one! So glad I found it!

 PASSWORD — Cerulean




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