I think i have self image issues

I think im like scared of my body(?) if thats a thing. I use to be like YEAH IDC IF IM CHUBBY!! But now i go to the beach with a shirt on and scared to use public bathrooms.... I think its cause of kpop like everyones skinny tall and beaitful and here i am short chubby and ugly. But i get called cute and "Skinny" at school. At 5'2(been a while since i checked my height) and weighting at 135 i dont think thats "skinny" And living in the "Sunshine state" with sun all day every day. i look even paler compare to everyone, BUT I GOT TAN TOO AND IM STILL CONSIDER WHITE -__- and i have awkard tanlines cause of wearing tee shirts at the beach. My goal is to be at least 5'5 and 100 pounds. maybe thats unhealthy to be that weight and maybe its consider unweight idc i want to be like a kpop idol. And if i want to be a kpop idol i need to be tall and skinny. Im working on singing and dancing dont worry bout that. but it makes me feel so insurce about my self. Bob (if you dont know who dat is go look at my older blogs) he is like 6 foot and a swimmer so yeah he has a really hot body... (dont asked ive seen it) and when i stand by him im chest level to him and i "look" skinny with him. But i know oh i could be the same weight as him (hes a real health freak) and im scared to like wear fitting clothes cause i think "oh people will see im fat" but lately i feel more okay with my body. i think the most woren item i have in my cloest is my "super skinny jeans" from aeropostal. And when i wear them i get asked if im wearing girls jean. and that makes me feel good cause i wore my sister (whos 19 and size 5(?) ) jean and it fit perfectly... either shes fat or im girly skinny

Does anyone feel inscure of there body cause of kpop idols?

Or just me...

Welp im differnet again....


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Well, me sometimes, but not all the time. My friends are also chubby, but they really don't care about their weight at all. I understand how you feel, but you shouldn't worry about that, just be you! ^^ And if you can fit your sister pants then it means that your skinny.
And also, can I see a pic of you? I'm really curious on what you look like. And maybe a pic of Bob too. You're just making me wondering what you two look like now.