Well My good friend xxx_Britneyy  has started a project called Keeping the Fith JJ for Jaejoong before he goes to the army. It is just a way for us to show how much fans appreciate him and stuff. So just to let you all know I made this blog post to spread the message. All credit goes to this lovely person I never thought of anything I'm just helping :D

so here is more information on how to take part and stuff all exactly what xxx_Britneyy posted about on one of her blog posts....

Here is the Facebook event:

Please join us and invite your friends!



You can send your fanvideo's, letter, fanarts and picturs to this email:[email protected]

You can send your video's/pictures untill the 20th of January. Then we will make one video and post it on Youtube


Please join us and tell the world

#KeepingTheFaithJJ  #KTFJJ




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omo! thank you so much for making this blog!!