`Our Married Life ↷ MBC's New Reality-Variety Show (Wu Yi Min)

                             ( Wu Yi Min  )

( Everything About You )

Full Name : Wu Yi Min

- Mui-mui; Kris, cause it means little sister in Chinese(canto.)
- Min; friends and sunbaes, as it is easier to call her Min than Yi Min
- Minnie; like Minnie Mouse, her LI, as he likes to tho she hates that nickname
- Christina/Chrissy; it's her English name, many of her Canadian friends called her by this name

Stage Name: Christina
Gender: Female

Birthdate and Age: December 5th, 1994 + 19
Ethnicity: Chinese
Birthplace: Guangzhou, China
Blood Type: AB
Languages: Chinese: Mother tongue || English: Fluent(with a bit of an accent) || French: Conversational || Korean: Conversational


( Story Of My Life )

Personality: ( her mother had sure left a permanent impression on Yi Min )

{ Sarcastic and Oblivious } // This highly sarcastic chick has a definite sharp tongue. Her words are laced with venom as one phrase is a fatal strike to the heart. She does not intentionally mean to be rude, but not making friends for a majority of her life has made it pretty hard for her to adjust to meeting new people. She doesn't really know "how" to talk to strangers or new people as she just oliviously speaks what comes to mind. She is able to come up with phrases that can even make grown men cry; and for that she will keep shut most of the time. Yea, that may not always be the best way to go, but that's why she lets the other members do the talking on interviews and most shows. But, on the upside, it is useful whenever there is someone she dislikes and is being rude to her or another, as she can just quickly make up comebacks to make the other shut up. As her words definitely do make you hold your tongue. Unless you are someone that is trying to intentionally hurt her or another, she will be just tease you in a somewhat meaningful way as she has no intention to be mean to another or hurt them in anyway.

{ Straight Forward and Blunt } // The only thing that could make her sarcastic personality "better" is if she were to be brutally honest as well; to which she is. She is quite straight forward with her words and will not be afraid to speak her mind. Though, as an idol she has become quite more cautious with her words and what she says in public; but her blunt personality has brought quite a bit of attention to this girl. As many find her quite funny and "cute" for the maknae to be so open about her opinion, some even see it as "inspirational" to just being yourself; while others see it as being rude and too harsh. She has no intention of being mean, as said before, but just does not fully know how to react around others. Also a reason why her expression is usually quite stoic and why she has grown to not be fazed by many things. She may seem like an emotionless shell, but she only shows that she care from befing brutally honest with you. Since it means that she will never lie to you.

{ For Better or Worse } // She tries and that's all the matters, right? She may not be as "social" as some, but hey, for not having friends for a majority of her life thus far, she is doing fairly well. She tries to get along with others, but turning from distant to outgoing isn't that easy. As she is trying to get to know others, she still has this cautious and distant sort of aura surrounding her as she is still afraid of getting hurt. She is a little secluded still and isn't as easy going and open as other members. It takes time to get this girl to open up. However, once you do gain her trust, all that time trying to break her out of her shell will not go unrewarded as she will be completely comfortable around you as you would now have her complete trust. She would feel that she could rely on you when she needs to and she may even learn to open up her heart to you.

{ Cute and Aegyozilla..? Or~ Sporty and a Tomboy!! } // Maknaes = cutesy and full of aegyo, right? Well, not the maknaes from YG. As an example, you don't see Minzy of 2ne1 acting like an "aegyozilla," do you? No, right? She is y and confident if anything. And sorta like her sunbae, Yi Min is FAR from being the cutesy type. In no way will she be cute and feel comfortable that way. She is a hardcore tomboy as she loves being active! She took up sports during her free time as it helped strengthen her dancing and vice-versa. She is also quite..competitive. Yep, if her mother ever "supported" her in one thing, it would be to always be first and win! I mean, who doesn't love to win? But, this girl sure has the drive for it. Whenever playing a sport she suddenly becomes this confident and proud girl as she forgets of her shy and isolated facade. When playing a sport, she has this shot of adrenaline to make either her every step perfect. That is one thing she has her mother to thank for. Though she isn't as "athletic" as most people, but she can hold up on her own.

{ Lack of One's Self } // This girl sure has an inferiority complex. She has troulbe believing in herself as she was constantly put down by her mother and was never seen as "good" or "worth it" in her mother's eyes. She has constantly pushed herself to be "perfect," but not even that satisfied her mother; and since it did not satisfy her mother, it did not satisfy herself. She never felt anything she did was "just enough," she would push herself farther and farther as that is the way she grew up. It's hard to teach and old dog new tricks. She was never able to grow out of the habit, and soon she began to constantly tire herself out more so than supposed.

{ Vulnerable Wallflower } // The side of herself that she rather just keep locked away in her heart. She HATES this part of herself. She hates showing weakness more than anything in the world. She never wanted anyone to find out about this side of her as when she stood up against her mother, she swore to herself to never show this side of herself ever again. Her vulnerable side is her weakest side of herself; it's when all the pain and memories come flowing back to her. She cries as she is afraid to be touched or alone. She will fear everything around her as she will only feel that she is being beat by her mother again when she only wanted love. This side only comes out when she has been too strong for too long; when she can't help but let all her feelings, that she has kept inside her for so long, out. When she is her most vulnerable she will try and shove you away when really she just wwants someone to help and protect her.


She was born into a Chinese family in 1994 in Guangzhou, China. She came from a pretty wealthy family of a mother, father, and older brother. As she grew up, she was slowly turned into a puppet controlled by her mother. All her decisions were made by her mother. Her mother forced her to take up ballet and piano at the age of 5. Yi Min was forced to maintain an "A" average in all her classes, and if Yi Min were to even talk against her mother a little or mess up on something, she would be severely punished. Her mother would slap her or yell at her harshly. Yi Min will never forget the look of anger and disappointment in her mother's eyes when ever she was beat. When parents were supposed to support you, Yi Min's mother hit her repeatedly and would tell her how much of a disgrace she was as she couldn't do anything right. The strange part is, her mother never laid a finger on her older brother.
Her older brother was her only safe haven. As their father was always too busy, he was barely home to care of his wife's doings. Her brother was the only one that truly loved and cared for Yi Min as a person instead of a puppet. He was the person that she relied on the most, the person that would stick with her through thick and thin. She looked up to him for guidamce as she had no one else to turn to. He would try to stop their mother many times from hitting her, but their mother would not listen and instead push her brother aside. Though her brother loved her, it was not enough to stop Yi Min from not being able to trust others easily. In school, Yi Min was alone as she would distant herself from others in fear of getting to close to anyone that would "disrupt her studies." As a child, all she has ever thought about was making her mother proud and for the pain to stop.
However, it wasn't until her brother graduated High school and moved to Korea to be signed to a music entertainment that she needed to learn how to stand up for herself. With her brother around all those years, she never needed to learn how to as her brother would for her. But, now with her brother gone she needed to take back her life and stop their mother on her own. On a day of piano lessons, her mother was watching her as she played a piano piece; and, Yi Min accidentally missed a note making the whole tone and flow of the piece end. Her mother started up her rant once again on how Yi Min could mess up such an "easy" piece. Yi Min just stayed quiet as she listened to her mother speak. Her mother only became more infuriated with Yi Min as she didn't respond. And, in the next second her mother's hand was coming down until..Yi Min grabbed her mother's wrist. She stood up from her stool and started to speak. She began to let out her voice; she began to say things that she shoul've said a long time ago. Her mother was stunned, angry at her daughter's words she stated that it was only for her daughter's benefit; to which Yi Min just chuckled at as she asked her mother how slapping her was for her benefit, how making her feel bad about herself was for her benefit. After that day the two became distant. Yi Min stopped playing the piano, but stayed with dance as that was one of the only things that she didn't feel "forced" at. Yi Min was willing to forgive her mother, as she was still the only mother she had. But, her mother wasn't ready to forgive herself. Many years of pain stuck between the two as they rarely ever spoke to one another again.

Social Networking Sites like Twitter, Instagram, etc.:

{ Twitter- @WuChristina_CLASS
{ Instagram- @WuChristina_CLASS
{ FaceBook (but she takes it down after some issues with antis/netizens)
{ Tumblr- CLASSChrissy.tumblr


{ animals// she is a secret er for animals as she always wanted a pet
{ chocolate//she is not a fan of sweet, sour, or bitter things, but chocolate is an exception
{ sports//she loves going out and playing soccer, basketball, and touch (American)football; she started getting into sports when she played basketball with her bro
{ cute things//she has a secret soft spot for all things cute
{ dancing//she took up dancing when she was forced to learn ballet at age 5, she started to enjoy it after her mom stopped forcing it on her; she began learning different forms of dance after that
{ horror films//she is scared of horror films, no doubt, but she likes the rush that they give people; it gets her heart pumping and blood rushing, it's a weird feeling she can't really describe
{ music//she has a passion for music, one of the reasons she became an idol; her fave genres are pop, hip hop, and rap
{ clear night skies//she likes the open night skies and stars, it just helps her clear her mind
{ sarcasm//she is fluent
{ art//she loves to draw, paint, sketch, ink, etc.


{ heels//can't walk in them
{ aegyo//was never really the "cute" type, but being the youngest she has asked to do aegyo a bunch of times
{ cheaters/liars//can't stand them, but who can?
{ coffee//doesn't like the smell(as it gives her a headache) or the taste
{ skinship//isn't really a fan of people touching her
{ annoying/whining people//the noise and sound of their complaints bother her
{ romance, love, etc. movies//just too mushy and fluffy for her taste
{ singing//just cause she really..can't sing
{ reading//she isn't really a reader, first line of a book and she is out like a light


{ dancing and making up choreography//she enjoys mixing together some moves from different genres of dance
{ skateboarding, roller blading, bike-riding//she has different means of transportation
{ playing sports//as said before in the "Likes" she just enjoys the rush of adrenaline and competition
{ sleeping//who doesn't like rest?
{ drawing, painting, etc.// she is no Rene Margritte or Vincent Van Gogh, but just does it for the enjoyment. She is better than her "Picasso" of a brother though


{ moans in her sleep//just a bad habit
{sad//bits her lip to prevent from crying
{ goes to bed late
{ tends to procrastinate
{ furious//cusses a bit


{ knows different forms of dance//popping, ballet, jazz, ballroom, break dance, etc. as she learned from different schools
{ if she watches a choreography a few times, she can copy half-most it
{ role models: her brother, Tony Testa, Eminem, Martha Graham, Michael Jackson//mainly most are dancers
{ is ambidexterous
{ entered many dance competitions when she was younger//national, international, etc. she won many awards from them (though not always winning first place as she did go against very talented people, but that only made her try harder)
{ allergic to cigaratte smoke//her wind pipe will slowly close up
{ quite flexible//helped in dancing
{ pretty good in drawing//it rivals D.O's artwork, and it definitely better than her brother's
{ has never dated or kissed anyone before
{ had that little sister phase where she wanted to "marry" her older brother when she grew up
{ moved to Korea when a Sphomore to pursue in dance and follow a similar path to her brother's
{ if she wasn't an idol, she would be a dance instructor
{ spazzes easily//like if you poke her on her sides, she will flinch and be stunned
{ has a collection of skateboards
{ likes pop and hip hop music//cause she likes to dance to it
{ can beat box
{ she can rap fairly fast
{ can fall asleep about anywhere
{ from the beginning of middle school to Freshman year of high school, she lived in Canada//she moved to Korea during the summer of her Sophomore year


{ being alone // as a child she was always looked over her brother as her father was barely home and her mother would hit her. Her brother being with her is what kept her feeling safe. When he left she stood up for herself a little after that, but the feeling of hating to be alone has still yet to leave her
{ being touched // her mother slapping her has sure left an imprint on her, so she flinches a little if someone initiate skinship with her and it's not her brother
{ showing weakness // she hates being weak but at times, she can't help it herself. There is a point in time when she must cry because she has been strong for too long, and at those times she is the most vulnerable

Position in Group:

Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Choreographer, Maknae

Group: CLASS // a group of girls from different backgrounds and abilities
Company: YG Ent.
Group Members:

Li Jichyou | Claire | 21 | Leader, Lead Rapper, Sub-vocals, Composer | Chinese-American
Baek Jiyung | Diana | 20 | Visuals,  Lead Vocalist, Sub-Dancer | Korean-Australian
Chi Kiyomi | Chi | 19 | Main Dancer, Main Vocalist, Sub-Rapper | Japanese-Korean

Debut Year: 2.2.2012

{ Bad Girl, Good Girl//Debut song(originally by Miss A)
{ Hot Summer//2012 July comeback song(originally by F(x))
{ I Don't Need a Man//2013 comeback song(originally by Miss A)
{ Nobody//2013 November comeback song(originally by Wonder Girls)


The Nation's Wit // as she is very sarcastic and likes to joke on variety shows, so she is seen as witty by fans

List of Dramas:

none, she has yet to act


{ pestered to have gotten plastic surgery to shave off some of her jawline to get the perfetc v-line jaw
{ being rude during an interview?? // in no intention did she mean to be rude, but her words made the hosts think differently as there was a whole hype on Yi Min's poor choice of words; YG reps had to step up and clear it up
{ "seen" walking in and out of the same place as Hyuk of VIXX // her entertainment sent out a clarification stating that she was preparing for CLASS' next album at the time of this "happening"

Fan club name:

CHReate (personal) ; Students(group)


( Up All Night )

Face Claim: Gem Tang
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Face Claim: Wen Xin??
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Height: 168 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Other: she has a stud earing on her left ear only

Your Clothes: In her group she is thought of being the "tomboy" with a mix of plain casual. She isn't the fashionista in the group, that being the Leader's job, but she can get around on her own. She wears pretty plain and casual clothing as she believes she is the most comfortable in them. She will ALWAYS refuse to wear heels, as she really can't walk in them, unless she is forced to for a formal event. But, normally her outfit consists of a tee-shirt, jeans, and sneakers; anything more than that is "over-doing-it" for her.
Training: 1//2//3//4//5(with all sneakers)
Dorm: 1//2//3//4(without the ribbon in her hair)//5
Formal( the only time she'll wear heels ): 1//2//3//4//5
Casual: 1(no bag)//2//3//4(no bag)//5
Sleepwear: 1//2//3



( What Makes You Beautiful )

Wu Mengyao // 53 // 4 // CEO of WU Franchise

Wu Yi Lin // 50 // 2-3 // Housewife
Wu Yi Fan, Kris // 23 // 5 // EXO M's Leader

Gong Minzy // 20 // 9 // Dancer of 2NE1, her sunbae and unnie/jiejie
Amber Josephine Liu // 20 // 10 // Rapper of F(x), tho these two are from rivaling companies, they have quite a bit in common making them become closer and soon becoming the best of friends. Yi Min trusts Amber a lot as Amber is a very honest, outgoing, and loyal best friend. Whatever compnay they are from doesn't matter between these two. Her favorite sunbae and jiejie
the YGFamily // ages differ // 5-7 // her sunbaes and geges + jiejies, the people she looks up to
Han Sanghyuk, Hyuk // 18 // 7 // maknae of VIXX, they're on good terms but are not that close
Jeon Jungkook // 15 // 8 // maknae of BTS, pretty close, they like to hang out at times when the two of them are free and like to have dance competitions



( Kiss You )

Desired Partner's Name: Kim Jongdae//Chen
Age: 21
Personality(second time writing this):

He is a silent guy that mainly stays in the back as he lets the other members. He doesn't always speak out as he doesn't draw too much attention to himself. But, he does have his times. When his troll side appears. He is seen as "EXO'S TROLL" as he is always playing around with other members. Meaning he is tricking them or admitting things on vareity shows about them. He likes to play around and tease them in an enderaing way, but his trolling ways knows no bound as it applies to his hyungs and dongsaengs. He shows to have a lot of skinship with other members, being "deamed" the "King of fanservice" by the other members. There have been many shots of him holding onto other members showing his closeness to many of the members. When you get to know the guy, he is will become comfortable with you and become a little more open. He may seem like a silent, gently, and calm guy on the outside; but he is actually a major funny and easy-going guy with in.

Relationship Before: Frenemies; they tease each other and joke around to extents that question if they are "friends" or "enemies."
How they interact on camera:

They like to joke about one another on screen as it will bring pretty good ratings. Chen initiates the skinship and Yi Min hating skinship only adds to the humor of the two as she backs away from him when he tries to hug her. Yi Min and Chen started off as being pretty awkward around one another, though they have met before they have definitely met before the show, that doesn't mean they would automatically be okay with being a "new couple." But, as time goes on they loosen up around one another and just chat normally as friends. But, boy, was their "wedding" awkward or what.

How they interact off camera:

Ah, yes. Back to being the two frenemies. They are sorta friends and sorta enemies. These two love to be sarcastic to one another. They seem pretty close off camera as it is awkward for the both of them to be filmed on everything they do together. Yea, they're idols and they should be "used to it" but being deemed a new couple has just wrecked the whole "just frenemies" kind of relationship. Not once have these two ever thought of "hooking up," but many of their members would joke around and tease the two about them going out, to which they would just make a disgusted face to one another. Also, if they did "hook up" it would've probably given her older bro a heart attack and killer intent to murder Chen.


Back Up Desired Partner's Name: Choi Junhong//Zelo
Age: 19
Personality(second time writing this as the first time is got erased):

The cute maknae of BAP. He is known for his happy appearance and attitude, and also for being a stealer of noonas' hearts. He lets his hyungs talk as he just sits there during interviews being cute in whatever he does, making "girls' feelz explode without even trying." He tries to act cool as one of the tallest of the group, but his cuteness overcomes all his tries. And, speaking of height, he loves to tease his hyungs, subtly, about their height as he is "the giant baby" of the group. Being the youngest yet tallest. If there is one things he is proud of, besides his height, it's his talent in rapping. Yes, since his debut days, fans have known him as the guy with the LTE rapping style. He likes to, subtly, show off his skills as that(and his dancing) are the abilities that he must portray the most. He sometimes gets flustered easily when girls are mentioned as he still is "pretty young" and has yet to date, so imagine how he feels about getting married before dating?

Relationship: strangers; they knew of each other..err..of each other's group, but the two groups never really "communicated" so the two never really knew one another. They knew of each other's songs and names, sorta, as the two groups debut in the same year so they needed to know the competition.
How they interact:

{ same as above

How did you meet:

They met on the show, having no actual acknowledgement of one another, though they knew of one another's group, they did not "know each other." They met through the show as they were set up together by the producers of the show and only met, for the first time, formally, on the show only to find out that they were getting married.


( Little Things )

Comments: gosh it took a while to find some Chinese idols/models/ulzzangs 0_o just hope it's good enough. Please do tell me if there is something missing or you would like me to change something ^_^ thanks! And good luck with the story :3
Scene Request:

{ Chen sees Yi Min's vulnerable side and tries to comfort her; she pushes him away many times and even calls him names, but he just holds on tightly to her as she repeatedly keeps on crying and chokes on her words-- sooner or later she calms down and falls asleep in his arms
{ Kris threatening Chen that he hurts Yi Min there will be punishment to pay
{ Kris telling Chen about the past pain Yi Min went through with their mother
{ as a present Chen gives Yi Min a puppy, since she always wanted a pet
{ Chen gives Yi Min a secret kiss when she is asleep
{ on a "date" at the arcade, challenging one another to all the two player games

Anything Else?: second time doing this ;n; first time it got erased ;n;
BangSong, SongJieunxEXO, SuEun, LuEun/HanEun/JiHan, KrisEun, WooEun, really I'm so biased that all my "OTPS" are just pairing up guy idols with Song Jieun(Secret)


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