Yay for me~!

Hope you all had a good X-mas and got to spend the day with your loved ones.

I'm beyond happy right now 'cuz i got this book i've been wanting for a while: Project Cain -->

see, psychology was a major part of the program i took in college (major meaning the whole program was built around the subject), so i heard a LOT about the nature vs. nurture debate (no , it's one of the oldest debates in psychology) and that debate is, like, the main subplot on the book (besides the ethical debate the book raises). for those who don't know what nature vs. nurture in psychology is about, it works like this: are our psychological & behavioral traits defined by nature (predetermined by our genetic makeup) or nurture (determined by how we're raised)? for example: i like art. is that because of how i was raised, or was that love already programmed into me before i was born? a good case can be made for both sides.

Not gonna lie, the whole plot of the book isn't going to be for everyone. here's why: the story followed this kid, Jeff, who finds out he's part of this experiment group: kids created from the DNA of serial killers (Son of Sam, the Boston Strangler, and Ted Bundy for example. feel free to google them, but i wouldn't recommend digging too deep). Jeff was created from the DNA of Jeffrey Dahmer, a man who killed 17 young men (again, google if you want, just don't dig too deep 'cuz you aren't gonna like what you find. i know all about Dahmer thanks to my criminology class & my own research for some essays i've written and everything he did still leaves me feeling a bit ill). the whole point of the book is Jeff is tasked with hunting down some of his fellow experiments who are following in the foot steps of the serial killers they come from, all while fighting with his own inner monster.  

either way, i'm super happy i got it for X-mas and i can't wait to start reading it~! i could probably get a really awesome ethical discussion out of this


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