Baekho and Ren pictures from Nu'est 2014 calendar (and some groups pics as well)

They look so gorgeous. I seriously love Ren's new hair color, and he is so beautiful as always. Baekho is getting more and more handsome, and manly, I don't even know how much more ier he can get. 




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iloveRennie #1
That new hair color really suites ren :)
TOPJaeLoveChild #2
dont know but Ho looks... so ... weird XDDD
still so hot and manly!!! XDD
ahhhhh totally handsome =]
Ren as a brunette and Aron as a blonde?!?! I can't freakin do this!! They are all too freakin smexy!! Especially Baekho~
on most pics baekho looks the same xd at the group pics he's...smiling? sort of xd and aaron also looks the same xd i dont even know why i noticed that first :$ anyways i like their fashion, esp ren's kenzo sweater (tho its illuminatiw but anywuys lol)
I thought I won´t get used to Ren´s new hair color because he had blond hair for a while and it looked great but damn... I didn´t expect he could be more perfect than he already was XD
Bdjdjsi soooo gorgeous! I already see this pics but everytime I saw it they look so perfect!! Ahh I want this Calendar so much
So b-b-b-beautiful! Mine is supposed to be on its way here in the mail. I think I'll probably fangirl scream for a good thirty minutes after I get it.
Ren is much more vibrant as a redhead. I love the color.
yoaisummer #10
I love Ren new hair color.It look very feminine.And Baekho look soooooo handsome!!XDXD
U buy the calendar?!
I still remember when Ren was the baby in NU'EST...he have grow so much. Baekho got more handsome for every day!
<3 they all look amazing <3 ! & omg aron !