
Okay, so this is a littlle conversation with me and a friend of mine... and a friend of my friend too. My friend's 15 and her cousin's 15 too. 

My friend's cousin is actually blind :(



Me: /notices friend's friend's shirt/ OMG, you like EXO?

Cousin: Yup!

Friend: She's been into EXO since they debuted to be honest.

Me: Wow. /to friend/ but, how about the language barrier? Can't we all understand Korean? She can't understand Korean so, how?

Friend: Yah, we can't understand Korean too.

Me: That's sorta my point. I mean, we liked EXO AFTER we got to know the meaning of MAMA.

Friend: /smiling/ Why not ask her instead?  Interview her!

Me:...  Okay? /to cousin/ So, aren't you burdened because of the language barrier though?

Cousin: Quite.

Me: Then...?

Cousin: Well, actually, that's the problem with people now a days.

Me: What?

Cousin: They only like music they can relate to or at some point, understand. No, not at some point but at all points. People only listen to music they can understand and relate to! That's the problem with self admitted music-lovers.

Me:... I'm listening.

Cousin: So yeah, K-pop has many haters, right? it's because they can't understand a single thing they say. Those are the reasons, and maybe because of this "gay" thing too. K-Pop isn't just about language barrier or the gay thing but the value and excellence it has. I mean, if we were to understand Korean fluently, I guess we'd like them. I liked EXO even if I don't understand a single word they are saying... excluding the English parts, of course. 

Me: Uh-huh.

Cousin: I can't see them neither. I don't know how EXO look like. I don't know how the 12 of them look like. I can barely distinguish their voices too! But, here's what made me like them. When I first heard MAMA, I knew that it had some funk in it. The melody was nice and the singing voices were nice too! The one who has this high tone in the Chinese one (referring to Chen) was really awesome! That one with the high notes in Korean (referring to Baekhyun) was amazing too! Then, when I heard Growl, it was catchy, though I can't understand it. I also heard Miracles in December and Baby Don't Cry and Peter Pan and the voices were really amazing. Miracles in December was really soothing and the voices were really valuable. I loved the voices.

Friend: /smiling at me/

Me: So... you're saying that you liked EXO because of the music itself.

Cousin: Yes. Actually, I'm quite glad I can't see the singers. I can actually "hear" the value in music and can "see" the true colors of it. It ain't because of the looks of the artists that attracted me but the music they produce themself. I loved the sound of them and I knew that the talent is just gold. The singing, the rapping, awesome. I hope I can see the dance to since /insert friend's name here/ told me that they dance great too.

Me: /totally speechless/

Cousin: You alright?

Me: You're a true fan indeed. You fell in love with EXO not because of their looks but because of their voice.

Cousin: /nodding/ I'm sure EXO are pretty awesome dudes if I could see them. I bet I'll fall in love more with them if I can see them. I'm sure they're hot /laughing/ But I'm also glad that I can't because I know that I judge music truly. Not because of those "hot" men singing crappy music but because of "awesome" music done by "awesome" guys out there. 

Me: Last question. Who's your bias?

Cousin: ... The one who hits high notes in Chinese.

Me: Chen?

Cousin: Yup.

Me: Why?

Cousin: His voice is gold.



Totally touched me guys.

I actually liked Chen last because of his looks and judged him because of his looks (Sorry Chen-stans) But after listening to his voice like a hundred times, I totally loved him. The blind EXOtic was right, his voice is gold.





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gonexx #1
im a chen stan too
I'm so touched :'D
Wow true fan!
; u ;
I die
This is quite touching c: