So ready to die...I mean sleep -__-;

God, it's 4 am here and I'm dead tired -___-

can't sleep tho, not cause I just can't fall asleep; but cause I need to finish this darn Secret Santa fic for someone by tomorrow and ljggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggfk *wakes up* Oh, sorry, fell asleep for a second -__-;

anyways, where was I? Oh right, I need to finish this fic that is already 3 chapters long and taking up 15 pages on a word.doc and uggghhhh.....such a long way to go >.>

I have this whole grand ending and all, but just the build-up is taking FOREVER!!!

Ugh, wish me luck as I try to bang this out and hopefully finish it by tomorrow.

*takes out a pack of Coke* yep, gonna need da caffeine -___-;

See ya in the morning, cause I'll probs still be up by then as well.....

*dies crying*




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