Ariel | Family Ent | Melody/Harmony | Name


Name: Yan Ying Jei

Other Names: Jung Yeon Ra
                        Krystine Yan or Kystine Jung
Nicknames:  Krys,Rara,Yeon,Jei, and Meimei

Birth Date: December 30,1995


Ethnicity: Chinese

Birth place: Beijing, China

Hometown: Vancouver, Canada

Languages: Korean(fluent),Mandarin(fluent),English(fluent) and French(semi-fluent)

Personality: Dark Gray Pearl

Likes: -Photography


-Ice Cream

-Bubble Tea


-Martial Arts(mainly wu shu)




-Rubics Cube


Dislikes: -Pineapple






Hobbies: -Reading Books(Novels)

-Watching Anime

-Going out alone


-Writting and reading fanfictions

Habits: - Bites her lips when she's nervous

-Keep quite when she's angry

-Playing with her fingers when she's waiting for someone

Favorites: -Color:Blue,Black and White

-Number:88,07,04,09 and 12

-Food: Pasta(any Kind)

-Drinks:Bubble Tea 


Trivia: -She never leaves without her camera and diary.

-She spends her free time travelling around the world.

-She gets bored easily with stuffs.

-She's very sensitive to the topic about Mom.

-She sleeps everywhere!

-She's a light slepper.

-She's a demon when angry.



Appearance: (ulzzang/model/actress) (does not have to be Korean, but has to be asian) (Neko Jump's Jam is taken)

Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] or Gallery

Back-Up: (same as top)

Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] or Gallery

Height: 168 cm

Weight 38 kg

Trivia: -She has a XOXO tattoo on her lower back.(She has it even before EXO debuted)





Family: (no idols as family) (just list mom, dad, etc) (just say no siblings if you don't have any)(if you do have siblings just stake if they are older/younger than you)


Friends: (only 2 idols are aloud as friends) (max of 4 friends) (if you do not have any friends or don't want friends, you can delet this part) (just list)



Love Interest: Byun Baek Hyun

Back-Up: (same as top)

How do you meet?: (it'll be the same for both)

How do you act?: (same as top)

Relationship: (cat & dog, friends, etc.)

Scenerios/Scene Request?: 



Trainee Years: 3 years

Trainee Life: (just a short description) (remember they are also of SM, so if you were bullied please say so and why/when/how/etc)


Stage Name: Kystine Jang(because it is her english name and because Kystal Jung said so.)

Persona: The Innocent Bad Girl

Position: (place an X next to your first choice and an O next to your back up) (rappers/leader will be rappers/leader and vocalists, not main/lead vocalists, but vocalists) (maknae and visual will be by age/chosen by me) (I will be a main vocalist, so I might not choose too many main vocalists)

[] Leader

[O] Main Vocalist

[] Lead Vocalist

[] Vocalist

[X] Main Rapper

[] Lead Rapper

[] Rapper

Any Variety shows you want to be on?: Hello Baby, Running Man and Weekly Idol

Scenerios/Scene Requet: (if you don't have any just put n/a)



Suggestions?: (if none put n/a)

Comments?: (same as top)


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