Yeah That Smile Was For Me!

I actually found a pretty good fancam of Entrust at the DC OGS concert and you know how I wrote in a previous blog how Sunggyu waved and smiled at me? Well I found that! 

It happens right around 1:53 when he waves. I remember exactly because it was right before they all got down on one knee and Sunggyu sang "I love you my girl". I just know that that smile was meant for me because I was pretty much the only one waving at him on our side and I was about 4 rows back and between me wearing a panda hat and waving like a crazy person, I think he definitely noticed me. I really wasn't that hard to miss haha.

And I can still remember my reaction. I was in complete shock when he acknowledged me, and I made this kind of squealing noise haha.


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jinybum #1
That was so cute:3
Wahhh~ I'm so jelly! But good for you (;
lucky <3
sunggyu is so cute omg
So daebak! :D
Wah~ I went to OSG SG and I'm missing them so much since then.
ByungKitty- #6
; ~ ; no of course he was singing to me