Righelli - Application

We'll Never Royals, We Are Rulers.


I Am The Ruler Adelaide Lau.

Username Panda3093 | Panda | Activness: 8.5



Starting Off.

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Name: Adelaide Lau

Other Names: Adelaide(English) ; Lau Hui Fang(Cantonese) ; Liu Xue Fang(Mandarin)

Nicknames: Adele; other members and her guy friends with this name as she is able to sing high notes || Dude; guy friends, since she is one of the guys after all || Ade; her closer guy friends, as it is easier than saying her full name 

Date of Birth & Age: September 5th, 1995 + 18

Ethnicity: Chinese

Blood Type: AB

Languages: English + Chinese(Canto. and Manda.) : Fluent || Korean : Conversational

Height & Weight: 168 cm + 52 kg



Do You Know Me?

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/Wait. What? A TOMBOY?!/ - She is a tomboy appearance-wise, personality-wise, and most in general. She grew up most of her life in a household of mostly guys. So, of course she sorta clicked with mostly the guys around. Her mother dying when she was young, she never really "learned" how to be "girly." And she really doesn't mind it. She thinks like one of the dudes as she loves to play pranks, sports and isn't afraid to get dirty. She hangs out with mostly the guys as she wasn't able to "click" as well with the girls. Hey, similar tastes in things mean a lot. She dresses like a dude and her personality is spot on to one. Even her voice is sorta lower than a normal girls'. She has been mistaken as a boy a few times, here and there, as she was not as "curvy" as other girls and she sorta wore guy's clothing(like jeans, t-shirts, tanktops, etc.). But, she never felt awkward hanging out with only guys, and the guys didn't mind her being with them as she was able to carry her own weight. She has the athleticism that is equivalent to many guys. The guys just see her as one of the dudes, and she is used to it that way. If she was ever treated like a real woman or girl, it would probably be a different, weird and new experience/feeling for her. So, she just likes to stay in her comfort zone.
/Sarcastic little basta-/ - She is highly sarcastic and witty. But that only proves her intelligence in being able to smart out some people. She has learned sarcasm from hanging out with the guys, as she would have learned b*tchy-ness from hanging out with the chicks. She has such a sharp-tongue that sometimes it can make men cry. Yea, at times she may take things to an extreme, and though she feels remorse for it...her pride won't let her apologize. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't do it on purpose or to bully anybody, it's just in her nature. She may say some things at the wrong times, but that is cause she is still young and quite naive. Though her sharp-tongue may make her seem like a "bully," she is actually quite an open and friendly person. She never discludes anyone from a game or sport, partly cause she knew the feeling of first being discluded, and partly cause she loves competition. She is quite energetic and her feminine felxiblity becomes quite handy whenever she is playing a sport. She is a competitive person but shows great sportsmanship; she won't consider herself a winner unless the game was played fairly. That's just what she lives by.
/Why sooo...dense?/ - She is indeed...dense. Dense about love mostly though. She doesn't really understand the "concept" of it or how it actually "works." She doesn't know when it "happens" or why it does. When someone asks her if she likes someone, she would say yes and list out her family and friends, ultimately making the other dumbfounded. She does know what "love" sorta is, but her knowledge only goes as far as "family/friendly love." She has never really "crushed" on a guy, as she just always hung out with all of them and saw them as just friends. Many even mistaked her as a lesbian as she mostly hang out with guys and showed no real interest in good-looking ones. Well, she never showed any interest in girls either but some guys just figured she was. Anyways, she doesn't understand when someone "likes" her, for example, let's say a guy confessed that he "liked" her, she would say she likes him too, but not in the same way he was thinking it. She would've been thinking that he meant he liked her as a friend, in return she said she liked him as a friend, too. She treats all the guys as her bros, she never really had any romantic feeling for any of them, as she felt just being their friend was good enough. Of course, with this trait she cause quite a bit of trouble. As if she wasn't trouble already, her dense-ness just made it a whole lot worse.

Background ( don't worry, it'll be a bit dramatic tho >.> ): Adelaide is a Canadian-Chinese girl that had a mother, father, and older brother. She grew up in Toronto Canada from a Chinese father and Taiwanese mother. She loved her family dearly as they cared for her well. But, she was closest to her mother. As a child she would learn the piano from her mother and enjoyed their lessons very much. However, disaster struck as her mother died when she was around five years old. Her mother had been suffering from lung cancer. She has been taking medicine and has been through treatments for her sickness, but she had just been sick with it all. The pain was unbearingly awful as she could no longer stand it. So, as a final selfish act, she stopped with the treatments and medicine; and soon enough, as predicted, she was in the hospital slowly dying. Her mother died about a month later as she was now at peace (a/n: sorry if this didn't make any sense, I sorta winged it with so few knowledge I had about cancer). Everyone was quite depressed for a while; and Adelaide was one of those that were badly affected by this event. She would not eat or speak very much, and she stopped playing the piano. She became cold and distant for a while. She loved her mother dearly and it pained her to see her go.
When Adelaide started middle school, there was a turn of events in her life. Her brother was also badly devastated by their mother's passing, but knew he had to be strong. He had been helping Adelaide through it all the whole time. But it never worked...until he got her near the piano.. Adelaide was reluctant to ever go near their piano as she felt no need to play it anymore. Her brother started to play the piano, knowing well that she wouldn't touch it, but he still played it as she listened. She just listened and watched him play, not saying or word. Through the next year, Henry had played the piano for her every week, always playing a new song or old songs of when their mother was still alive. It wasn't until Adelaide thought she was alone in the piano room that she actually took a step up and sat down for the first time, on the stool, in the past 6 years.She lightly touched the keys on the piano, cautiously, as she began to hit different notes. She didn't remember how to play really anything as it was too long ago and she had blocked it all out. But, she did remember a beginner song that she was first taught by her mother. Adelaide for the first time in six years began to play the piano again. She was a bit rusty and couldn't go along perfectly with the actual tone of the song. But, nonetheless she wasn't that awful for not having played in many years. But, little did she know her older brother was smiling quietly as he watched her play.
Adelaide began to open up again with the help of her brother. She opened up to her family and strangely became quite attached to Henry. She would follow in his footsteps and actions; though many would find it irritating, he understood that she just needed someone to look up to as their mother was gone. Adelaide started to take up the piano again with the help of Henry and played the violin with the help of their father. Adelaide didn't quite adjust too quickly with opening up to other people, so she would always hang out with Henry and his friends. She became aquainted pretty well with the guys as she quickly learned how to play many sports and soon grew to be seen as one of the dudes. She never really hung out with the girls after that, as she was too comfortable just being one of the guys that it soon affected her personality and appearance. Also, now living in a house of all guys, she wasn't uncomfortable of being part of the guiy group.

-clear night skies
-her family
-horror films
-chocolate//only sweet thing she likes

-girly clothing
-heels, dresses, blouses
-make up
-guys wearing more eyeliner than girls
-sweet, bitter, or sour things//except chocolate
-skinship//she doesn't like to be touched a lot
-annoying/whining girls//yea, she totally gets alone with the "Saucy City Girl" -_-
-being bossed around
-an unfair game
-sore losers
-her high voice

-playing the piano and violin//just not as well as her brother
-playing sports
-looking up into the night sky
-hanging out with her friends

-moans in her sleep
-bites her lip to prevent from crying
-procrastinates a lot
-goes to bed late
-when furious she may cuss and become violent
-when mad, she cracks her knuckles

-thunder + lightning//she was always scared of it as a child, but her mother would always be there to comfort her; now that her mother is gone, her fear has gotten worse that at times she can't even sleep
-wearing a skirt, dress, heels, anything pink or fluffy//it's like her worse nightmare. She would never wear anything like that! You would have to fight her before you get her to wear a dress. She likes how she looks now, and refuses to change it

-is ambidexterous
-loves her dog, Bae, got him from an animal shelter
-highly competitive
-bit of a video game nerd
-sees it as the greatest achievement/success when she is able to beat her brother//be it a video game or a sport
-secret obsession with cute things//but would NEVER admit it, it's not her style
-not a reader//first sentence of a book and she is out like a light
-pretty fast metabolism
-quite social around the guys, but isn't used to talking with other girls//been around guys most of her life
-fluent in sarcasm
-has a ton of skateboards
-has no ideal type
-never dated or kissed before
-HARDCORE sports player
-night owl
-never squeals, whines, or screams like other girls
-style: tomboy(pretty obv) with a little bit of punk
-allergic to cigarette smoke
-knows self-defense



My Family, My Friends.

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father | Lau Richard(Xianliang) | 52 | Famous Violinist | He is a kind and caring father. Of course devastated when his wife died, but he knew he had to take charge and care for the kids on his own now. He is supportive of his two children and shows enough love for the both of them. He is helpful and encouraging, as he wishes the best for his children and will teach them all he can.| He and Adelaide are not really like daughter-father, more like father-son. Yea, living in a household of mostly men now kinda affected her personality, appearance and her way of thinking. Adelaide doesn't go up and hug her father(unless it's like a "bro-hug") but instead fist-bumps him as a way of saying "congrats" or "hello." They are quite close as she loves to hang out with her father and he teached her how to play the voilin.
mother | Lau Jane(Lienhua) | 34 | Famous singer and Pianist | A kind and caring woman who loved her family dearly. She was helpful and supportive of her children's choices and dreams, even having an impact on their futures.| they were quite close. She cared for her mother and would always go to her mother for help. The two seemed like the most perfect and the happiest daughter and mother. Her mother never once tried to change who Adelaide was, she was always supportive and helping of Adelaide. She loved her mother dearly and was one of the most affected when she died.
brother | Lau Henry(Xianhua) | 24 | SUJU-M | kind, caring and a heck of an older brother. He is very inspirational as Adelaide looks up to him as a brother and role model. He is a fantastic violin and piano player, not to mention singer. He is very supportive of her and will do anything to help her out. Whenever Adelaide was sad, he would always be there to comfort her.| They are two close siblings. Adelaide looks up to him as he is always there for her. These two always have their good times together as they will do anything for the other. Henry helped her out with violin whenever she was struggling and taught her easy little tricks to the piano. Henry does know how affected Adelaide was when their mother died, they all were pretty badly affected, but she was just a little closer to their mother. Whenever she was sad, he would always be there to lend her a shoulder; whenever she needed to talk to someone, he would lend an ear. Whenever she needed help, he would be there holding her hand the whole way.
pet(dog) | Bae |...| being an awesome dog!! | kind and sweet, at least to those he is well aquainted with. He is protective of those that take care of him, such as, if anyone were to hurt Adelaide, Bae would immediately bark and try to defend/protect her. Though he is quite friendly and welcoming to some strangers(those that either Adelaide or Henry are aquainted with) he won't hesitate to defend his territory or love ones. | very well. These two are really close as Bae always greets Adelaide by pouncing on her whenever she walks through the door. She is usually the one that ends up taking care of him the most, such as walking him, playing with him, and feeding with him. They got Bae after her mother died, and Bae is always able to tell whenever Adelaid is down or sad as he goes up to her and comforts her, in his own little doggy way.

Lee Donghae | 27 | SUJU | Closeness: 4
Kim Minseok | 23 | EXO | Closeness: 4
Kim Junhyung (OC) | 19 | College student | Closeness: 5

Best friends:
Choi Junhong | 19 | BAP | he is kind, caring, and at times childish. He is sweet and as helpful as can be. He loves to see others smiling so he would do anything to make sure everyone has a smile on their face, partly why he became an idol(wanting to see people smile at his music). He is caring as well; even though he may be the youngest of his group, he is pretty much able to take care of him members pretty well. He is without a doubt childish though. When something doesn't go his way, he won't really whine, but he'll stay silent and pout(puffing out his cheeks and furrowing his eyebrows). Though it seems cute, if someone tells him that it will only make him angrier.| They met by accident at the skate park. The skate park was pretty empty at that time of day with only a few people around (about 5 or so). But, it didn't matter to Adelaide as it only meant she had more free space to skate. Though, since Zelo was out in public, he was wearing a disguise the whole time. They were both on their skateboards doing phenominal tricks, and as they soon caught one another's eye, it turned into a indirect competition. They would show off to one another doing different tricks with their boards. By the end of the day, they were both exhausted and mentally called it a draw. Adelaide told him that he wasn't bad at skateboarding, as Zelo(still disguised) told her the same thing. The two talked as they headed out of the skate park. Zelo found out that "he" was actually a "she" and it seems that only made her a whole lot more interesting. By the time the two split ways, they exchanged phone numbers, promising to meet up again. It wasn't until after she debuted did she find out of her disguised friend. | They are close good friends. They hang out often as they connect really well. Though they are both of different positions in their respected groups, they have similar hobbies outside of performing. They have pretty similar tastes in music, in general, both liking pop, rap, and hip-hop kind of songs. Also, they both have a love for skating. That was how they met after all. They both like to show one another their new tricks and pretty much just "show-off" to one another, in a friendly competition sort of way.

Kim Jongdae | 20 | EXO | *whatever personality you have made up for the love interests(cause there is none in the LI sect.??)| *check love interest sect. | *check LI sect.

Rival: Jung Eunji | 20 | A Pink | Another main vocalist from a different girl group. She appears as sweet and kind, a girl that loves what she does and has no regrets. She is loved and favored by many as she has a wonderful voice and "personality." However, that is only her on-screen appearance. This girl is quite the opposite off-screen; as she can be seductive, act y, and become over-run with jealousy. She likes to seduce some guys as she loves to play with them and the thought of them being her's is good enough for her. | They are complete opposites, for one thing, as Eunji is a girly-girl with a love for dresses and pink, while Adelaide is nothing like that..AT ALL. So, the two having different tastes sorta ruins the whole "do things together" kind of friendship. Also, the fact that they are "fighting" over the same guy; well, Eunji us fighting while Adelaide is obliviant. EXO and A Pink are quite close as two groups, so of course Chen and Eunji would know one another. But, that doesn't mean he liked her more than a friend, but it seems she did. Yes, she had a thing for Chen and tried seducing him a variety of times, but it never seemed to work for one reason..he liked someone else already. And Eunji knew that he liked Adelaide, only making her angry that he was the first man she couldn't get/have. Of course then, a "rivarly" started between them. | Adelaide doesn't care much for Eunji, as she believes to not have any realy relation with her. Adelaide does know of their "rivalry" as Eunji had claimed them to be rivals aloud; and of course that she didn't back down from the challenge cause Adelaide always likes a little competition. Adelaide only believes their rivalry to be from them both being main vocals and doesn't know of the other half of the rivalry. Whenever they see one another, Eunji glares at her while Adelaide just smirks. As said before, she loves competition and won't back down so easily.



Romeo and Juilet

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Love interest: Kim Jongdae/Chen

Age: 20

How did you meet them: They met through Henry. As Henry "snuck" Adelaide into the SM building, he brough her around and gave her a tour of the whole place. Of course, as she was marveling over the great dance and recording studious, they might'e accidentally let their guard down a bit. Since, the next thing they knew, as they were heading out of a recording studio, they happened to bump right into one of the EXO(M) members, Chen. As Henry tried to hide Adelaide from Chen, so they wouldn't get caught, it was already too late as Chen already saw the tomboy. Chen asked who the guy behind Henry was, until Henry explained that it was actually his little sister. Yep, sister. Chen was dumbfounded as he looked to Adelaide only to see some subtle features that did show she was a girl, but if you took one glance at her, you would think she was a guy. He apologized to Adelaide for getting the wrong gender as Adelaide just shrugged, being used to the mix up. Chen found Adelaide interesting as he had usually been around mostly those girly-girl type of chicks. So he as he was interested to know more about Adelaide, he started to follow them on the rest of their tour. He helped in hiding Adelaide from other SM artists in the building as he asked questions about her, she replied as she in return asked questions about him. By the end of the tour, they were quite well aquainted with one another, almost forgetting about Henry this whole time. By the end of the day/tour, they had swapped numbers and agreed to meet up again.

How do you interect with: They both get along very well. Both being vocalists, they are a bit competitive with one another; but it's a friendly competition. They help one another out and push each other to their limits.Yea, Chen knows that Adelaide is a bit weary of her high singing voice, so he is always there to encourage and compliment her, telling her that her voice is beautiful even though she may not think so. Adelaide thinks of Chen as a very good friend that she can rely on and trusts very much. They share one another's sadness and happiness as they are the best of friends. Adelaide likes to play around with Chen as she challenges him to a game of basketball and as they walk(or skate) together during their free time. Though, it's blantly obvious how Adelaide just sees him as another one of her close guy friends, Chen sees her as not one of the dudes but as an actual girl...a girl that he is secretly crushing on. He fears of ruining their relationship as close sunbae-hoobae and best friends, so he tries to keep it as much of a secret; even if his feeling for her are pretty obvious to everyone(but Adelaide) around.

Relationship: good friends/pals/buddies/bros (yea, just to list a few things)

Back-up love interest: Oh Sehun



Love Rival: Choi Junhong//Zelo

Age: 19

Group: BAP 

How did you met them: *check best friend sect.

How do you interact with them: *check best friend sect.

Why are you rivals with?: They have been good friends for a while. Always hanging out and sharing laughs and jokes together. These two are tight as they regularly hang out. Of course, as they soon become closer and closer, one of them start to grow feelings for the other. And Zelo happened to be that one out of the two of them. He can tell she doesn't show any signs of liking him back, at least nothing more than a friend, but he is fine with that..a little. Zelo and Adelaide are close friends, best friends to be exact, and he wouldn't want a little crush to break that. But, of course he can't help himself when he does become jealous of seeing her and Chen together.

Back-up love rival: Jeon Jongkook



Star Power. 

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Face claim: AI (Global Icon)

Gallery: :3

Back-up face claim: Amber Liu (F(x))

Gallery: :D

Stage Name: Ade

Plotline: Baby Tomboy

Position: Main Vocals, Sub-Rapper, Maknae

Persona: Kid Gangster

Fanclub name: ADrEnaline {o gosh, I'm so bad with this >.>}

Fanclub color:  #9900cc   violet   

Singing twin: Kim Taeyeon

Dancing twin: Amber Liu

Rapping twin: Choi Sulli

Other Special Talents:
-can play the piano and violin
-play a variety of sports
-skateboards well

Years as a Traniee: 2 years

Life as a Trainee: She got accepted as a trainee when she auditioned in the Global Auditions in 2008. She played the piano for her audition and, though a bit scared at first because of the pitch of her voice, sung. Because of her high singing voice, she was able to hit certain high notes that other artists may have trouble with. This surprised judges considering when she first spoke to them they thought she was a young boy as her voice was low and her appearance was the same as always. But, after hearing her breathtaking and highly surprising voice, the judges accepted her and signed her into SM as a trainee. Though she had a specially strange and surprising voice difference between singing and talking, she still needed much training to control on handling and training the tone of her singing voice among other talents. As a trainee she worked very hard. She wasn't one of those types to learn something with a quick snap of the fingers. No, she never got it the first time, but she never gave up. She knew she had to try her best to succeed. That is what her inspiration, her drive, was. She never gave up, instead she would work on the technique until she could do it in her sleep, even if that means practicing it so much that she is unable to sleep. She would get tired out during training at times, but just shook off the drowziness. Until one day, she fainted. She had lack of sleep and was using too much of her energy up by practicing until dawn. Of course, the trainers suggested her to stay out of training until full recovery, but she didn't listen. She knew that doing nothing would result in her not being able to do her part in bringing in income. She tries everyday still, but knows she can't be too tired or else her body will give up and she'll end up fainting again. So she does sleep at times now, but she still tries her hardest to keep up with the other trainees, she does show improvement as how the trainers and judges that saw her audition, predicted. She still keeps pushing forward, waiting until it's her time to have a turn on stage, in front of the huge crowd of people, and a mic standing ready at her lips.



Wrapping It Up.


Suggestions For Songs: uuhhh...I'm never really good with suggestions
-NU ABO (originally by F(x))
-Can't nobody (originally by 2NE1)
-I Don't need a man (originally by Miss A, I think??)
-Run Devil Run (originally by SNSD)

Comments or Question about the Application or Righelli: o gosh, I know there is something wrong on this app, I can feel it. Also, I can tell that there are probs a few things that don't make any sense on this app >.> anyways, I apologize for my bad grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Scene Requests:
-Zelo and Adelaide's meeting
-Zelo showing a bit of jealousy when he sees Chen and Adelaide hanging out so much
-Zelo and Adelaide skating together at the skate park, and as Chen just "happens to be passing by" he grabs Adelaide and pulls her away from Zelo out of a fit of jealousy
-Eunji hanging onto Chen's arm as A Pink and EXO are with Righelli backstage(maybe at MusicBank or something??)

{Yea...I'm not that great with requests/suggestions...}

Password: Growl - Chinese Vers.


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