I'm Dreaming About Dongwoo Now?

Yeah, so the other night I had a dream about Dongwoo. He's officially ruining my already ruined Infinite bias list.


I really don't remember many details about the dream itself. All I remember is that we were both lying on a floor and I had my head resting on his stomach and we were talking about everything that happened at the OGS concert I went to.

I was trying to use small words that I knew he'd understand because he only knows a little English. And apparently I told him I didn't want to be in a scandal with him too because I was already in a dating scandal with Sunggyu (?) 

And we ended up falling asleep with me lying right next to him and cuddling on his chest. 

For Dongwoo, it was a cute dream. 

I never thought that adorable dino would ever ruin my bias list, but now he's like maybe 4th? Idk, because Sunggyu is solid at 1st place, Hoya and Woohyun are kind of fighting over 2nd, Myungsoo may/may not be in 3rd or 4th, and Dongwoo is like 4th? Then the Sung bros are somewhere in 5th/6th. 


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Infinite are freakin' bias list ruiners, seriously, the only way I hold fast is to try to just focus on Gyubaby no matter what I'm watching. it's a trial, seriously. i need insurance...and a life. hahaahha. cute dream, though, and i love that there was background to it! "I can't be in a scandal with you, I'm already in one with your leader!" daebak
I can't rank the seven of them. As much as I want to make things clear and sort it out, I just can't! Whenever I tried to, one or two of them will be out to ruin it!
And that is why I don't have a bias list for Infinite :3
number one pain of inspirits: setting up a bias list
i feel.
that's literally the cutest dream tho omg.
dongwoo is my fourth too i think.
i t h i n k ......
ByungKitty- #5
lol mine is gyu, Dino, sung brothers and maybe l, and then woohyun and Hoya xD /slapped

but dongwoo is adorbs, I dun blame u at all xD