I have officially lost my talent.

I cannot write anymore. I just wrote 2000 words of pure crap. I am so angry and so frustrated and depressed. I wanted to write a Christmas fic and I knew what I wanted to do with it and it is just so crappy and suddenly there is crack instead of emotions and I have never been so unhappy with anything I have written. I feel like crying.


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kpopoppa #1
Hell if you think your look at all my stories. Read how they are. Then feel good again:D
I'm pretty sure it was better than anything I've ever written :3
jewelsvalencia #3
read novels again maybe it could help ^^
Don't cry. I am a y writter so I can give you any help in trying too get your writing mojo back but just know that I will read whatever you post
just take a rest for awhile.., away from stress and more! :D

your talent will not be that easily gone..
eunhaeron #6
I read your stories and I love them all! They're far from what we can call "crap". Maybe you just have a writer's block? Don't give up author-nim! Maybe you just need to relax and enjoy your holiday first ^^ I hope you'll feel better by then :) have a good holiday!
*sorry about my bad english. English not my first language
One man's crap is another's amazing... but I understand the feeling but I wasn't that amazing in the first place. You're still good though, you haven't lost your talent, sometimes its the relay from brain to paper/keyboard. It gets messed up sometimes
You have not lost your talent, for talent cannot leave you :) perhaps you have a bit of a block or some other obstacle laying in your mind ^^ I've read your stuff and it is DEFINITELY not crap. You got this, girl. I have absolute faith in you B|
bookworm83197 #9
Authornim you have an amazing knack for writing! D: Don't beat yourself up because of just one story that didn't work! D:
There's always a time when a story will suddenly jump up and say "NO >:(" when you want the story to be "YES! \O/" and it makes you feel upset (lord knows I've thrown how many essays in the trash because of that )X )but that story shouldn't make you feel like you can't write! You should take a break, enjoy the holiday season, and maybe write it then. :)
Anyway, I'm like 99.9999999999999 percent sure that it is physically impossible for anything you write to be absolute crap. :D
I hope that this has made you feel a little bit better? :D