Application: Remember Me? You Loved Me Yesterday.

Basically all I want is this;


  • Lee Mei Ting/ 18/ Chinese
  • She is a very quiet and shy person. She can't start a conversation and won't talk to anybody. She will only talk to someone if they talk to her first. However, she is still really quiet/mumbling. She thinks grades are very important. Being an only child, she grew up to be very independent. She has trust issues. She cannot work in groups with people. That is why people love being in a group with her for a school project. Because she will do everything. She doesn't trust others to do the work. The only person she trusts is her best friend. She doesn't even trust him sometimes though, for example if it may affect her grade. If she wanted to, she could be incredibly mean and violent. She could stand up to all her bullies if she wanted. But, she couldn't because of her shyness. Also, she doesn't have enough self-confidence. She thinks about everything logically. Many see her to be modest, however she does not think she is. She is amazing and excels at mutliple things. However, growing up in a strict household, she never believes she is good enough. She thinks that she needs to reach better than the best, and that "advanced" or "excellent" is good enough. When people compliment, she tells them she is not good enough because she honestly doesn't think so. It has nothing to do with modesty.
    Her views on violence, gay marriage, cursing, etc. are all neutral. She has her values, but honestly doesn't care about what other people do. Although her parents are Christian/Catholic, she chose to be Atheist. That is what she believes in. She believes that people can use violence if there is a reason. She believes a world without violence is not a world of peace, because a world without violence would be boring. There would be no bad news. Everybody would be stuck in a rut of doing the same thing each and every day. Nothing to react to. All good deeds would go down in value because it would be normal. She really doesn't see what is wrong with cursing. The words are not technically "bad" but someone put a negative connotation on it and it is now seen as bad. This is how she views it, but respects other's values because she knows someone is going to have different values than her..
  • He was her best friend. They were very close to each other. Because they started as best friends, it helped their relationship grow like no other. They relied on each other and trusted each other with everything. No secrets. No lies. They did skinship, but only because they were already extremely close to each other and did skinship when they were best friends too. He knew everything about her, and she knew everything about him. They weren't one of those sweet couples that you see eating ice cream in a park, or a romantic couple who eat candle-lit dinners. They were that one odd couple. The one who climbs trees and has picnics up there. The ones who prefer tv dinners over candle-lit dinners. The ones who don't need flowers or chocolates. They don't need gifts or jewelry of any kind. All they needed were each other. And you could tell by the look in their eyes when they looked at each other.
  • pictures of the character, use an ulzzang or idol.
  • She was born in Beijing, China. She was always the awkward and quiet "nerd" girl and got bullied for it at school. At first physically, but she didn't react because she didn't care. But then they would call her names, and that's is what really cuts deep because it harms the heart and the brain. She never knew kindergarteners could be so mean. Her parents were strict asian parents. They actually wanted to abandon her because they wanted a boy, but decided to keep her once they saw her potential. She always helped around the house, and did practically all of the housework. She obeyed her parents well. She started talking at a younger age than others. She was always taught to read books and gain knowledge. When she was 5, new neighbors moved in the house next to hers. She usually wouldn't pay attention, but her parents wanted to get to know the neighbors. That way they would have someone to rely on, as they have always been in their own little bubble. The neighbors had a little 10 year old boy. When they first met, they were introduced but didn't talk to each other. It may have been the 5 year age difference, but it probably wasn't. It was probably the fact that the girl was obsessed with reading while the guy kept solving and messing up his rubik's cube.
    A week after their first meeting, they saw each other at school. She was in 1st grade and he was in 5th. It was recess time. Again, she was reading. He was playing soccer. Some girls started bullying her, and he noticed it. He got distracted from the game and stopped playing. He thought the girl looked familiar, so he ran over to them. The bullies were really shy in front of him, but Mei Ting still focused on her book. She felt someone blocking her light and looked up. He asked if she was okay, and she replies with a short "yes". They started talking to eeach other more. Well, he was talking to her while she listened and replied with short answers. Eventually, he broke through her bubble. They started to talk and they became best friends.
    When she was 6, she started taking piano lessons. At first, she made many mistakes. But she started listening to every note and singling every note out. She could tell which note was which by the sounds and began making less and less mistakes. When she was 10, she took an interest in composing and started composing some songs. Sometimes, she would play the piano while he would sing to it. They started dating when she was 13 and he was 18. Many people thought it was gross or that their age difference was too much. They didn't care though. They had realized they had loved each other. And love comes in all ways. Unfortunately, that same year he was applying to colleges. He got accepted to a Korean university, and he had to leave her. However, they kept a long distance relationship. It worked because they both trusted each other. They would talk whenever they had the time. They would always be there for each other in times of need. He got accepted into SM officially in 2010. He knew about the dating rule, but tried not to think about it. He kept the relationship with Mei Ting for another year. Then, he found out he would be debuting with EXO. He kept everything about SM a secret to Mei Ting, as he didn't want her to worry. But after finding out he would be debuting, he knew that he had to break up with her. On October 27, 2011, he broke up with her. One day after her birthday, as he wanted her birthday to be happy. He flew out to China for her birthday and the next day, he told her everything. Leaving with the lines "No matter what you are my best friend. Am I yours too?" He was late for his plane though and never heard the answer. Now, she is the one applying to colleges. She wants to study abroad, and applied for universities in America and Korea. Unfortunately, she didn't get accepted to the universities in America because she didn't do any sports or extra curricular activites. So, she is now attending Seoul National University. Slowly learning the language, but she was always one that could learn things quick.
  • Family:
    Lee Ming Teen || 48 || Dad || Doctor- Cardiologist || He is a very strict dad.
    Lee Ping Mei || 43 || Mom || Lawyer || She is a very strict mom.
  • Friend:
    Lu Han || 23 || Best friend/Ex-boyfriend || Idol in EXO || He is very caring and loves Mei Ting a lot.
  • Lu Han
  • Zhang Yi Xing (Lay)
  • Although she was sad, she told him that she was ok with it. She told him to follow his dreams. And most of all, she told him never to forget her. She held the tears in. She wanted to be the best friend that was happy for her best friend's acheivement, instead of the girlfriend that wants her boyfriend to give up his dreams for her.
  • It affected her life badly. Without him, she was bullied again. And even more severe now. Not only was she the "nerd girl," but she was also "the trash that Luhan threw away." It does still affect her now, and there are some nights when she is listening to the radio and will start crying because she hears EXO's Baby Don't Cry. She would hear Luhan's voice and just break down at times. However, she is trying as hard as she can to move on and only think of Luhan as her best friend.
  • They were neighbors. Their parents got to know each other, and although they only met briefly, they met. He was busy with his rubik's cube while she was busy with her book (read background).
  • Their fondest memory is her birthday in 2011. The day before they broke up. He wanted to make it extra special. He spent all week practicing how to make cupcakes, and burnt many batches in the process. Then for her birthday, he had made the perfect cupcakes. He frosted them with purple frosting, her favorite color. Then they went to their favorite tree, where they had carved their initials in. There was a single heart shaped red balloon that was written on in sharpie. It said "Happy Birthday ^-^" and it was written in Lu Han's handwriting. It was in english because Mei Ting always had an interest in the english language and Lu Han wanted to make an effort. The balloon was tied to the closest branch to them. They sat on a tree branch together and ate the cupcakes he made. All but one. When they got down from the tree, Lu Han took the last cupcake and stuck a candle in it. He told her to make a wish, which unfortunately didn't come true. Then they shared the cupcake and fed each other.
  • I'm fine with it but I don't really want it for my character. She is waiting until she is married first (her values).
  • Go Young Woo
    He is the popular kid in school. All the girls want him, and all the guys envy him. He is very stuck up. Coming from a rich family, he doesn't need grades because he is just going to take over the family business. Hotels. However, he still gets amazing grades. He is pretty much the whole package except for the fact that he is a player. He has dated almost every girl in Seoul National University. There are only a few he hasn't, but they are still infatuated with him. The only one his charm hasn't captivated is his seat mate in Statistics, Lee Mei Ting. Her not being interested in him dropped his ego and now he is determined to make Mei Ting his. 20 years old.
  • He is always hitting on Mei Ting. He wants to make her his because he has the "player" image at school. However, Mei Ting is the only lady he has not captivated with his charms.
  • She acts happy, but a fake happy. She honestly wants to break down and cry because she misses him so much, but she doesn't want him to feel bad. She acts like how she should. Like a best friend. Happy for him and all of his achievements.
  • Teen Top's Be Ma Girl
  • It may help if you added a little more information on what you want in the application. The description of what you want is kinda brief. Other than that, everything looks good (except the layout but you already know that hehe).. I love the storyline and think it's really cool ^^
  • Mei Ting playing an EXO song on the piano. Lu Han hears it and finds her. Then, he starts to sing to it. She turns around and is really surprised. (You don't have to put this in but I thought it might be cute hehe)



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