WHAT THE ACTUAL ? (Legitimate Rant This Time)


Now I'm pissed. 

I've about had it with all these ing "Fan Wars" going on. This is just ridiculous. It's getting to a point where I'm almost ready to leave all the fandoms I love, and just be by myself. I don't wanna be a part of something that bashes other labels that I happen I be a fan of, along with my favorite bands.

I know most of my stories revolve around Exo, but I am not biased at all when it comes to my music choice. Like literally, you can go through my phone and see that I have many different bands and labels in my music library such as: JYP, SM, YG, TS, ect. My friends can vouch for me on that. But I have one thig I say about this that keeps going on. 

First, I'm going to be mature about it:

I'll admit, everyone has their certain nitch, and their certain "Fandom" that they want to be a part of. BUT, when you push that to a level of causing a so called "War" then you're pushing it WAY to far. 

People, we need to get along in peace. We are all united trough the common bond that we love Korean pop music. We should not be fighting over who is the better group.

I'm almost positive that if our Idols know that this is going on, they're not happy about it. THEY ARE MAKING MUSIC FOR OUR ENJOYMENT, AT THEIR EXPENSE.

They work their asses off, making insanely great music for our happiness, at the expense of giving up a normal life, and what do we do? 

We sit behind a computer screen and bash other Kpop groups and fandoms.


We are supossed to be a family. Say it with me now, FAM-IL-Y!

It's gonna have to take more than just my post to open the eyes of the fandom world, so please share this post if you agree with me. 

Now, I'm going to be immature:



Now I'm done for the night. 


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I agree so much with you. I mean seriously, we're called the kpop family for a reason, we all love and enjoy the same things, why fight?
I gave up on fandoms a long time ago :shrug: the fandom drama was just too intense for me and I didn't feel happy at all -__- Now I'm just a regular KPopper and will like whatever groups or solo singers I like and don't care what anyone thinks :) You like who you like after all. Who cares what other fans say or what other fans are doing. Those people are just flat out negative and uncalled for.

Reason why I stopped following KPop confession blogs on Tumblr: Too much hatred sometimes for me to handle ugh. It's much better not being part of fandoms to be honest, you can be more yourself that way and don't feel pressured by other fans :)
I agree with you Kyla162!!!!
I'm going to spam whoever starting this fanwars between fans.. That is just so childish>_<
That's the Internet, hun. People become brutal because they think they're under anonymity. The best offense is to stay calm about it, mind your own business and inspire through your actions. I don't know.
I for one don't care anymore :\ mainly because I've went through enough fan wars, now I'm like " you, I'm tired of this , lemme enjoy my babies." ...and that sounds like a bad ad for a cannibal, yeah .-. just woke up, weird thinking, ignore me D:
Yup I agree with you....It the same with my playlist to(It full with all korean song with all korean group)Beside,we as a fans should support them cuz they sing and dance for us(their fans) so like you said,those who dont shows their support should just off(Pardon my languages)You should not call yourselves K-pop Lovers if you didn`t support all K-pops Group....