Hey everyone, StarlightSpirit checking in with an update/change!



As you all know, the reveal was scheduled for January 1st. I have changed this now to JANUARY 12th (or sometime around that date, youw ill be kept updated.)

The reason for this is as follows:
We have had 130 people join, however as of today (December 20th) I have only had 48 of those prompts sent in.

This is no problem - I get that people are taking their time, however with only 12 days left until the original reveal, I have worked out that I would need to post like 7 a day until that date to get them all done in time.


That is not possible - firstly because I suspect that a lot of people will send their fics in last minute (that's fine, there's no pressure). As well as this, this doesn't take into account Christmas and New Year periods where my updates won't be quite as regular. That's like, four of the days in those twelve. I need more time, because otherwise I'll be spending every second of the day doing this.

Also, each fic takes me an hour to proofread, edit and format, I also have to use to list to figure out who it's for and everything. Some take me a little longer, some take less time. The fact is that I can't spend 5-8 hours a day on this thing.

Therefore, It's easier for me to give myself another 10 days - 2 weeks to finish posting the fics and collate the masterlist.

What does this mean for the deadlines?

The deadline is still December 31st.  This gives me time to get any left over prompts written so nobody goes without their present.

However, I am completely willing to give a week extension to anybody that needs it.

All I ask is that you PM me and ask for the extension, otherwise I will assume that you have dropped out without telling me and I'll have somebody else write your prompt, which isn't all that fair :(

Please don't take the extension as a given though, if you can get your fic out by December 31st then please do. If I get them all last minute in January, I'll just have to push the reveal back even more :(

Any prompts that have not been sent in by 31st December will be passed on to myself or somebody else to write, unless you ask for the extension.

Please do tell me if there are any problems or you feel like you will be unable to get it done, even with an extension. If you have to drop out, I don't have a problem with that, but the earlier the better for me and whoever has to take over your prompt.

Finally, I just want to say a massive WOW to everyone that has already submitted their fic. Every single one has been amazing and shocking and I love how people are taking the prompts and making them their own. There hasn't been a single one I've read and though 'well that .' and I was really fearing that. 

I have so much faith in the rest of you to keep that going and I know you'll all be awesome! <3

Thanks to everyone that has made this thing go so successfully!





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I'm sorry for the inconvinient >,< I promise I'll finish my prompt when my final end!
If you need help in writing for those who dropped out, I can help too. ^^
If you need help writing prompts for those who dropped out i can manage writing ^^ since i'm done and would jusr be updating my series ^^ good luck
Mine might come a little after Christmas X]

Sorry for delay, but I've just been so busy X]]]
You'll be getting mine in the next few days, I'm almost finished. I just have to finish one last scene and proof read it. And like I thought, it ended up being pretty lengthy.