author's challenge thingy majig :)

INSTRUCTIONS: Let's see if you can follow simple steps without cheating or taking shortcuts. For five-ten minutes, write down whatever comes to mind, either on paper or on a word document. No matter how random it sounds, continue to write. When the time you've chosen is up, stop right where you are (midsentence or not) and read what you've written.


Why do I even like him? I don’t know why. He just keeps on hurting me but here I am, just staying here and you know… still liking him. I keep on dreaming about him too.

It’s weiiiird. Just plain weird.


Why are there so many lawsuits? I guess YG is the only good entertainment nowadays. Oh wait, there’s still Woollim. Where my heavenly husband is found. :)

Yes, he’s there. Didn’t I mention yet? I’m married to L from Infinite… oh and also Taemin from SHINee… just don’t tell them that I’m cheating on them. Jk.


I went up to L and slapped his face. How dare he not notice me, the freaking queenka of this school? I glared at him as he had this confused expression in his face. Suddenly, Hoya breaks the tension and suddenly starts dancing Before The Dawn. Woohyun, unable to control his desires to sing, suddenly starts singing too. Before I knew it, L & I start singing and dancing along to Before The Dawn and so is the whole school. Just because of Hoya, it became like a musical.


The End.


Time: 5 minutes :)


I'm supposed to be studying for a test but here I am xDD

I'm a rebel >:D


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HAHAHA, this is what I did yesterday Yam XD<br />
nagkabuang ko dri :)))
ahaha buang xDDD