o/ Weird

Because our school is awesome

Today we had no school and went to some park for barbeques and stuff.


Because I at doing so (I killed two marshmallows) I went to find one of my best friends (who's leaving for Shanghai in January /cries) and she was on top of these tiny houses where six people at most could sit...........I believe they're for kids as they're short enough for us to climb up on it.

I talked with my friend but meh she was occupied with music so I left her alone and then right under that house was a very epic scene.

Two of my fieriest friends were kneeling on the floor and yelling at three pathetic males in the house (IDEK .-.)

FYI, for our PE lesson we have this dancing lessons and you have to find partners yourself and stuff. 

So apparently Friend A and B were making Pathetic Person A ask B to dance~ Because they're rumoured and teased okeii.

And I joined in because I am friends with all of those 5 people.

And the girls were so into forcing him they sat in the house and pulled me along with them and so I was just there laughing and doing nothing.

And suddenly Friend B said, "I will dance with him if Pathetic Person B asks her to dance," and then she points at me .-.

Me .-.

And the awkward thing is me and Guy B ARE SO FRIGGIN AWKWARD AND WE'RE RUMOURED AND TEASED AND SHIPPED WHILE WE'RE LIKE "I don't even know you that well," and then what followed was an awkward silence...Before Guy C (who actually asked me but I didn't reply yet) and Guy A were squishing Guy B and making him ask me -- THEY ENJOY TORTURING ME SOBS

And so I wanted to leave and suddenly Guy number D barged in and sat next to me stoic and wouldn't move and I couldn't leave ;;

And the two girls next to me were gushing like fangirls and wouldn't let me leave either, so I was trapped in a house with some very weird people and a very awkward classmate whose face was then red o/

And they kept laughing and I kept arguing and we spent a whole friggin hour in there c; "He hates me okay. Let me leave," "No he doesn't! He loves you secretly~" "What the actual--"

And when the thing was dying down (I have to thank the guy for changing the convo) THREE MORE GIRLS BARGED IN AND TRIED TO MAKE HIM ASK IT /pulls hair/

And so Guy A got hyped up again and yelled "IF THEIR HANDS TOUCH THEY"RE DANCING" and then all the girls grab my hand and force it forward and the guys grab his hand forward. It actually bumped twice but ahem we didn't say anything.


And then Guy B finally pushed everyone away and ran away. I was freeeeeeeeed :D

We spent one a half hour.


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I wanna have a BBQ with my class! Not fair we end school tomorrow :p
We don't have dance lessons in PE, if we did and have to find a partner no one would be able too because all the guys in my grade are not very good looking...
queenoftrouble #3
I'm sorry. I'm very confused. O_o
MiracleOrange #4
That's sad that your friend is leaving.. but shanghai is amazing.. and dancing is only fun if Korean idols are your partner!
Let's see.
Is Guy B Pieface
And is Guy C Lawwwww?