My twitter and tumblr

I sent a link around with my tumblr before, but I deleted that blog (I went through a rough period recently when I decided to stop following Nu'est - now I know it's impossible for me to do), but I made a new one, so in case you want to follow me again, here is the link:


I also have twitter, which I don't actually use that much.




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hurr i just followed on tumblr~ :3

i dun use twitter tho ><
miyocca #2
followingoltalak tumblr-ön :P
I had no idea you had a twitter! I'm a bit of a twitter addict so I had to follow you. I also followed your new tumblr. I'm happy to see you joining again. I always used your blog to find the newest NU'EST pics (hehe pun) and save them.
Following you on tumblr. :) I am the same with Twitter. I have been on it like once in the last two months. :P lol
u tried to stop stanning nuest? lol sorry that's impossible <33
btw following u on tumblr ^^ follow back kkkk~
Following on Twitter! =)
I followed both. ^.^
So... that is what happened to your account. I was wonder why I don't see your updates anymore.
Here it is if you want mine too ^^
Tumblr: Cutegigi
Twitter: @Ellen806065
Just followed you love :).
I added you dear, I am the blondie! hehehe