ƤԼaƝ A ✬ Han Ji Min ✬ Main Rapper, Main Dancer ✬ Park Chanyeol

 Plan A 











                                                                                                         ♥ Han Ji Min ♥                                                     










Hello, Hello~







Username: Happ_Virus_21


Activeness: 9/10


What you want us to call you: Trish












Tell Me~








Name: Han Ji Min // Sasaki Miyuki 佐々木みゆき




Jiji or Min // a short name name to call her when people are tired of calling her by her full name; her family and friends use it


Yuki // her Japanese nickname; friends and family use it


Age(Korean): 20


Age(International): 19


Birthday: 7 June, 1994


Blood Type: AB


Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea


Hometown: Tokyo, Japan


Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese


Languages: Japanese & English ( Fluent ), Korean ( Conversational )


Height: 167 cm


Weight: 47 kg


Anything else?: She has two piercing on the left ear while only one on the right.





Nice to Meet You







Personality: When you first meet her or see her you will think she is cold-hearted or she doesn't interact much but actually she is the opposite of it.


It's just her outer appearance because sometimes she has that poker face of hers. She is very outgoing and easygoing. She makes friends easily.


Sometimes she just introduce herself and bam! They're friends. But most of her friends are boys since Jimin isn't the type of girl who is a you


know a girly girl. She doesn't talk about make up, crushes and she also doesn't do aegyo. She sometimes just talk about boy stuff like skateboards,


rapping, b-boy and many more. Jimin is also very kind and sweet. She loves to help people she sees. For example, when she sees a old person


carrying a heavy bag she will help her/him right away. 





Also, Jimin is very sporty, adveturous and tough. She likes to try new things, go new places and also eat new food. Well, she will go only if the


place is fun because if it's not, she is out. Sometimes when she sees someone getting bullied she will step right in and fight. She doesn't want to


see someone getting bullied because she thinks everybody is the same except for their personality, strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, she is very


hard working. 



You may see her as a perfect girl but she is not. She has flaws too like being stubborn. When she likes or sees somethingshe will get it. She will 


not stop until she gets it. Also, she is very sarcatic. Well she is only like that when she is angry. You will think she is talking to you but hidden 


under those nice words are the opposite of it. So better not make her mad and be nice to her since she will be nice to you too.




Background: Jimin was born on 7th of June 1994. She is a hgalf Korean and half japanese who came from a wealthy family. She has a Korean


father who is a well known business man in both Korea and Japan. She has a Japanese mother who is also a well known author in Japan and


lastly, she has a brother who is an accountant. She was born in Seoul, South Korea but she didn't stay long there. She left to go to Japan at the age


of 4 because of some business mater and her mom misses her coutnry. Jimin grew up fine. Well not really. She has good grades when she was in


elemntary and that made her dad proud of her. She learned a lot of things. She also learned the English language since her father hired a tutor for


her incase she might need it someday. 



As she turns into a teenager, she became different. She turned into a boyish type of girl and also she became a bit of a rebel because of her friends.


She sometimes skips class, pranks other people and never follow rules. She also begun to like music and especially rapping because she thinks it is


cool. She praticed it everyday that it already affects her studies. Well it affected when she turned into a rebel and that really made her father


disappointed in her. He really wants his children to be smart and sophisticated. She tried to aim high she can't music became a part of her life.


After years of practicing she became good and she also became fond of KPOP when she saw Super Junior on the internet. When she turned 16,


she begged her parents to go to Korea to audition for SM Entertainment. Her mother agreed since she was happy to see her child following her


heart but his dad didn't agree. After 1 week he finally agreed but in one condition. He will fully support her till her debut but if she didn't got in or


debut she has to go to America to learn bussines management or accounting. So she went to Korea with his brother and audition and eventually go










  • Sushi

  • Wonton

  • Frappuccino

  • Music

  • Art

  • Shoes

  • Skateboards

  • Sports

  • Violet and Black

  • Anime

  • Kdramas





  • Hot weather
  • Flirts
  • Jerks
  • Mean people
  • Backstabbers
  • Girly stuff
  • Gossiping
  • Aegyo
  • Boring places (like the library or something that doesn't involve the word "FUN")
  • Pink





  • To be alone
  • Failing
  • Blood ( she hates seeing a lot of blood but she can still stand a little blood )
  • Snakes





  • She taps her fingers when bored
  • Jumps up and down before performing
  • She cursed in Japanese or in English
  • She stutters when she is nervous
  • She blinks when she is confused





  • Rapping
  • Playing sports
  • Skateboarding
  • Doing freestyle rap
  • Drawing




∞ Han Taehyung ∞ Father ∞ 3 ∞ Strict, Sophisticated, Smart ∞ Business Man

∞ Sasaki Yumiko ∞ Mother ∞ 4 ∞ Calm, Caring, Loyal ∞ Author

∞ Han Sungyeol // Sasaski Ikuto ∞ Older Brother ∞ 4 ∞ Smart, Friendly, Reliable ∞ Accountant



Best Friends: 


∞ Kang Minyoung ∞ 19 ∞ --- ∞ Funny, Outgoing, Straight-forward

∞ Amber Liu ∞ 21 ∞ F(x) ∞ Considerate, Easygoing, Loayl 



Rival and Why (optional): ----





Trivia(the more the better:D):


  • she came from a wealthy family

  • she is a half Korean and half Japanese

  • her favorite colors are black and violet

  • her favorite song is Never Give Up by Bang and Zelo and Max Step by Unique Unit

  • she has a lot of shoes but mostly sneakers

  • she owns many skateboards

  • she can draw perfeclty

  • she can do fast or slow rap

  • she can also do freestlye rap

  • she has two laptops

  • she was a extra in F(x)'s Hot Summer

  • idolizes Amber of F(x) and Park Jiyeon of T-ara 







Behind the Mask...








Face Claim: Meng Jia



If Idol, what group: Miss A


Galleries: ♫  ♫  
















Back Up Face Claim: Sandara Park



If Idol, what group: 2ne1


(Link): ♫  ♫  



Style: She usually wears something loose and comfortable. Usually her


clothes are black or something dark but depending on her mood. She


rarely  wears skirts and dress or never. She only wears those kinds of 


clothing if there is an event and when she wears dresses it somewhat simple and not something over the top. She also never forgets to wear


a cap and some baller bands.



Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3


Airport: 1 | 2 | 3


Casual: 1 | 2 | 3


Training: 1 | 2 | 3


Formal: 1 | 2 | 3








Do I love you? 









Love Interest: Park Chanyeol



How You Met: Chanyeol was looking for a fun place to stay since he wasn't doing anything and because his other members were busy. He went


up and down the SM building and eventually stop at the practice or recording room. He heard someone rapping. It was so awesome and it was


better than his rapping. He was so curious who the person was so he tried to peek by sticking his head out of the door. He saw a girl wearing a t-


shirt and pants and a cool cap rapping her heart out. He wanted to see the girls face so he tried to stick his head out more but it was his biggest


mistake. He fell down and made a loud thud. Jimin heard the sound and started to look for it. She search and search until she found a man lying on


the floor. She was shock and quickly help him. Chanyeol said thanks and he also introduced himself. Jimin smiled and did the same.



Personality: Chanyeol is a very funny, reliable, dorky guy. He loves to make people laugh and smile. If he sees someone sad he will pull of a failed joke and a goofy smile. Although he uses his smile to hide his sadness so people won't feel sad also. He is the guy you can depend on. He wouldn't let you down on the things he does even though you might say he kinda looks childish and irresponsible but he is not. He is also very caring and very outgoing. He likes to make new friends and take care of them like they are his real siblings. He would always ask if your day is fine if anything hurts or such. When he is performing he is more charismatic and serious but he never forgets to have fun on stage. One thing you'll hate about him is when he is really angry or stress he never talks or he will just say some few words. It would take time to make him go back to the happy virus he is, so better not make him angry.



Status: Friends



How you interact: Chanyeol and Jimin became friends in no time since they almost have the same personality. They usually would entertain each other if Chanyeol has the time. Sometimes he and Jimin would prank the other EXO members and other trainees and eventually get scolded. Also, they help each other like Chanyeol would help Jimin on her rapping and on her Korean while Jimin would also help Chanyeol on rapping and teach him a little bit of Japanese. Sometimes, they would go out in disguises and have fun but also if Chanyeol has time. Because of their closeness some people think they are a couple. 



Why you chose this member (just cause~): He is cool and his voice is OMG!! lol but seriously he is cool, charming and awesome XD 











Back-Up Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun



How You Met: JMin was gonna visit Amber at S.M entertainment because she was giving something to her and the other F(x) members. Since she doesn't know where they are, she asked a guy with a brown hair to tell her the way and he did. The guy pitied Min since she was holding a lot of bags, so he asked if he could help her and Ji Min accepted his offer. Until they reach were F(x) is staying, Ji Min said thanks and she even introduced herself. The guy smiled and told his name and left. Ji Min smiled because he was fascinated by his handsome face and name, Byun Baekhyun.



Personality: Baekhyun is a very kind, calm but also loud kind of guy. His personality is almost the same with Chanyeol. He loves to help people and make them smile. He is very dependable and responsible. He can be stubborn sometimes. What he wants he will get it but he still knows his limits and he tries to tone it down. 



Status: Friends



How you interact: The two always acts like a sister and brother. They loved to help each other especially when it comes to singing. Sometimes, if Baekhyun has time they would go out and have fun but wearing disguises. Sometimes they would prank the other EXO and F(x) members. They are really close together that they share secrets and stuff. Sometimes, they are mistaken as a couple because of their closeness.



Why you chose this member: He has a powerful voice and his quite a cute dork lol. 








Man In Love 










Love Rival: Lee Sungyeol



How You Met: Infinite were at the SM building. They have a meeting


because they are gonna have a concert with EXO since Woollim and SM


merge with eachother. Sungyeol excused himself to go to the bathroom. 


Well actually Sungyeol was pretty bored and he also need to go to the


bathroom. It was Sungyeol's second time in the SM building but he still 


can't find the bathroom so he decided to ask somebody. He found a girl


and he assumed she was a trainee. Sungyeol tapped her shoulders and the


girl turn around. Sungyeol was starstruck by its beauty that he froze. The girl snap her finger making him go back to reality. Sungyeol laughed


awkwardly and asked were the bathroom is and the girl happily told him the way. Sungyeol thanked the girl and left but before he goes to the


bathroom he went back and asked the girl's name. The girl introduced her self as Jimin. Sungyeol smiled and also did the same and said thanks


again and left. 




Personality: Sungyeol is a kind person. He likes to help everybody around him. Elders, children, his fans and especially the people who are getting bullied. He doesn't want to see people getting bullied because if he does he steps right in and fight. He also helps people who are poor and needy. He always contributes money to the poor people even if he really need the money. 


Sungyeol is also one of the sweetest person you'll ever meet. He likes to make people happy in his own little way. He sometimes gives a gift that is very touching that you just wanna cry and give him the biggest hug. Sungyeol is somehow sensitive. He gets easily sad or angry. Sometimes when he is sad he squeaks or cries or he won't talk at all. He would be there at the corner crying silently.



Status: Friends



How you interact: Since Sungyeol is from a different company they usually don't see eachother. They would just text and sometimes call. But if


Sungyeol has time he would visit Jimin and bring her snacks like a boyfriend would do. Also, they would help eachother. Sometimes, Sungyeol


would teach Jimin how to act since Sungyeol does like acting and also he will teach her Korean since Jimin isn't fluent with that language while


Jimin would also teach Sungyeol how to rap a little. 



How he interferes with your love interest: Everytime Sungyeol sees Jimin talking with Chanyeol he would join and back hugs Jimin. He would 


usually steal her away and will make up some excuse like she is being called by him or she is needed somewhere just to get them seperated. 


Sometimes he would tell Chanyeol that s are calling him so he can have Jimin all by himself. 







Cover Girl 







Stage Name: Min


Persona: The Boyish JK Rapper ( JK stands for Japanese-Korean )


Position: Main Rapper, Main Dancer


Back-Up Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper


Trainee Years: 3 years


Trainee Life: Jimin's trainee life was hard. She has to wake up early and sleep late. She has to undergo diet to maintain a good figure. It might be


hard but she tried to work hard and not give up. She doesn't want to give up since it was her dream to become an idol and because of his dad's


codition. She also made friends to keep her happy but she doesn't have that much since she wasn't that fluent in Korean. She did try hard by


learning it and she used the English language for now to communicate. She sometimes goes alone and practice till night even if her body was about


to give up on her.





Singing Twin: ❤  - Park Jiyeon ( T-ara )


Dancing Twin: ❤  - Kim Hyoyeon ( SNSD )


Rapping Twin: ❤  - CL ( 2ne1 ) 






All Good things eventually come to an end...





Show Requests:



Hello Counselor


Running Man


Happy Together


Their own show lol



Scene Requests:


Plan A & EXO collaboration


Chanyeol making a surprise party for Jimin at the practice room


Sungyeol buying a couple necklace for them both


Plan A winning at Music Bank and winning Best Rookie Award



Comments: Good luck on your story and sorry if I change the font and size of the layout /bows


Questions: N/A


Song Requests: 


Do You Love Me & Missing You ( 2ne1 )


Roly Poly ( T-ara )


Female President ( Girl's Day )


Breathe & I Don't Need A Man ( Miss A )



PASSWORD: When Chanyeol stole Jimin's first kiss on her birthday ( /slapped. lol )      










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