
The rain fell slowly, dripping over every inch of my already soaked skin.

I have been walking through a forest for days, not knowing which way I go, nor from which way I came.

All I know, is that I am lost.


I don't remeber why I came out here, nor do I remeber where I was going. 

I cannot even remeber what day it is.

Was I searching for something? And if so, what was it? 

Was I following someone? And if so, who?

What could have drawn me to such a bizarre place?


The rain isn't cold as it usually is, but instead a warm drizzle in its place.

I like this kind of rain, so I don't mind walking in it.

remeber my mother use to take my shoes off and run barefoot with me in the rain when I was a little girl. My father would get so mad. 

Where is she now? Where is the laughter that we shared? The remnants of my childhood slowly slipping away from me as I continue walking.


I used to walk outside my house a lot in the rain, relishing in my quiet time, waiting for each chance I could get to sneak out and be alone. 

Why do I not feel happy anymore when I am by myself?

I used to be alright with it.

Now, I feel sad.


I loved the sound of the rain. 

The pitter patter of water drops all around me, puddles forming in the wet grass.

The ground is soft where my feet tread. 

It feels calming to me, even though I don't know where I am.


I see a clearing up ahead through the veil of water covering my eyes. 

There's light there, maybe someone will be waiting for me.



Perhaps someone can take me away from this drenching rain that covers me.

That seeps into my being.

That washes away all hapiness from my life.


I'm reminded of a song I sang when I was little. 

"I Love To Walk In The Rain"

That song does not speak to me much anymore, seeing as this rain is never ending.

When will it stop?

When will I finaly see the sun?

Why is there always rain?



I was feeling inspired to write, so here you go...please tell me what you think in the comments. 


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