Status Update

Status Update: I should be finished with my fic for Infinite Secret Santa, aertiniti's and StarlightSpirit's requests for their oneshots/drabbles by the end of the week. Then I'll be starting smolder's and vanillaamano's, which I hope to have done by next week as well, along with me doing some work for Silent Melody. And then have kpopartory's and keeper's requests done by the week after. (And all I have left will be thechuglyone's, which I'm still waiting for some prompts for). While doing this, I'll also be trying to finish up Radio Star or get a lot of written so I can post it all up soon as well. (Though the goal is to finish up a chapter for SM and get that up first as PT and I have been meaning to get a chapter up for a while, so for all of you that follow that fic, you'll hopefully have an update soon. Thank the lord for decently long breaks.) 

For those that have requested, some may get drabbles, some may get oneshots, it just depends on what my muse decides to do. So don't be sad if I somehow end up writing 5000 words for one and then only a 1000 words for another request. Some pairings and members just come easier for me to write, especially when I find myself getting really into what I'm writing at the time. (And if you still haven't requested and you want to request, I'm still accepting one or two more requests for the holiday season.)

(And I'm in a really good mood since I did really well this semester when it comes to grades and the Hogwarts roleplay I'm in is actually being good to me, so yay! (Even though I had to abandon the one roleplay I created due to lack of interest, but I may start one up when I have more time or possibly in the summer, so we'll see.))


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take your time, I'll be waiting owo and fighting~
OTL i really wanna request but I can't come up with any prompts >_<
You are pretty busy, and thank you in advance. *huggles*