I have safely arrived in Melbourne, Australia. ^^

Guys! I have safely arrived in Melbourne, Australia two hours ago. ^^

Though the ride was bumpy because of the weather but all is good now. ^^

I am tired because for the whole 8 hours of flight, I didn't even take a nap. I am so damn tired and irritated right now. =.=

Now, in case you guys are wondering how I got internet connection. 

I am still in the airport because my brother is dead asleep right now to pick my parents and I up. -.-

And we can't even checked in into the hotel because it's too damn early.

Right now is 5.16 a.m. blegh. =.=

Oh well, I guess we just have to wait.

And in other news, I just saw a whole group of people asleep on the airport seats.

It look so uncomfortable...


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exotics99 #1
we best x melbourne??
--babycrownangel #2
Ah...melbourne. I could tell you stuff about Sydney,only xD
Have fun! I haven't had the chance to travel that far.
have fun! you're lucky :/
welcome to melbourne!!!!! but be prepare with the bipolar weather.../evil laugh/
extremely hot on thursday, 40 degree and it will drop down to 20 something...don't get sick because of the weather changes.
Have fun!!!!!!!
Congrats!!! Hope you have fun and find wifi fast
sounds fun. well, enjoy your trip. XD
omo, glad you got there safe and sound. hope you get some rest soon :D