
Rest In Peace Columbus 

Unfortunately today we had to have my beautiful kitty cat Columbus put down because of old age and illness taking over him. It was the kindest thing we could do for him. We got Columbus when I was 5 years old (15 years) and I can't remember life without him in it. It's sad, but it would have been cruel to let him suffer any more. He passed away in my Mother's arms with me giving him his favorite ear tickles.
Words can't explain how sad and heartbroken I feel right now but then I know it was the best decision for him. 

There was no cat more loved than my Lumpy was by me.
Columbus (aka Lumpy) is at peace now.
I'll love you forever Lumpy <3


Fics may be on hold for a little while whilst I come to terms with this.

Maybe just for a day (writing may help) but maybe a while more. I'll still keep up with the Secret Santa but my writing may slow down. I don't know how writing will be for me, it may help to take my mind off the real world. I don't know. I'll make no promises. I may just abandon my fluffs for a while and write something really angsty tomorrow to vent my emotions. Or maybe something semi-fluffy about death of pets to cheer me up... I dunno.


Sad :(



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evangeline101 #1
Oh god I'm so sorry I remembered how I felt when i had a tank fulk of fish and one by one they started dying till all that was left was Spots (yes I know so incredibly original) and she was my favourite and she died a few days later and god I felt so sad. T.T /gives a hug/
-pats head- You take your time now and grieve.
I have a cat too and I can't imagine needing to put down my ChenChen.
R.I.P Columbus
I am so sorry for you.
I understand, a few years ago I had to put down my kitten even though I only had him for a few months. You take your time to grieve ok <3
R.I.P Columbus
Awww im so sorry *hugs* :( My cat died as well about a year ago...
OH geez I am so sorry. *hugs* I have kitties too and I know that nothing I say can help with the pain of the loss, but do know that I am here if you want to talk about him or anything at all. *cuddles*
i'm sorry to hear that :(
i also have cats at home and i know how it hurts to be when our cat must be gone :( i had had feel like that too, when my little baby kitty dead he was only 3 months :( he was sick and both my sister and i feel so extremely sad :((
i wish colombus rest in peace <3
I'm so sorry.
I understand your grief...pets are not just animals they are family and we love them as such.
Losing them is like losing a bit of yourself.
But he lived a long life so was obviously happy with you all.
You can hold on to knowledge that you gave him a loving home and he will always be in your heart.
Take all the time you need hun. Don't let grief stay inside though. Cry and get mad and grieve all you need to.
*hugs you* stay strong <3
That's really sad to hear. Take care. =)
He's at a happier place now.
Stay strong!
Aww, I feel you. I lost my cats many times. Just cry all you want.
I'm sorry for your lost :( I understand your feeling, I also had a cat that die because of some epidemic. I was really sad back then. Take your time and cheer up :)
Awww take your time I know something like that can be really hard so take it slow and hope you will feel better soon ^--^
Aaaaw, my condolences, he seems like a lovely kitty. Take your time to mourn for him, I've lost pets as well and know how hard it is. Stay strong!
I know the feel, my dog that was with me ever since i was born died a few years ago... i was really sad, just like you because literally i couldn't remember life without her :c
Lumpy, please R.I.P<3
Cheer up, he's better where he is now :3