Be careful what you say.

Look, as an author I get how important comments are but to rant at the end of a chapter and be like "I don't mean to sound like a but aren't we all" is too much for me. Does she not get that basically that statement means "I don't mean to sound like a ; but really I don't give a damn"? To me commenting is like leaving a tip at a resturant. It's important to do and it's rude to not do it. Yet, you can't force a person and by having an attitiude you really end up deserving nothing.

It's not what you say but HOW you say it and that is not how you say it because for me, it turned me off the fic and it's a HimUp fic so you know what that's doing to me.

So please, to every author out there, I'm not saying not to adress the comment thing, but be careful how you do it.


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I don't think not commenting is 'rude' but I agree. It's not an absolute rule on this site that you HAVE to comment. People are free to do so or not do so. It's their choice and I can't stand authors, who force their readers to comment.
fightingme #2
Wow! There are still people like that? Dude if you dont want to write because we didn't give you like 10 comments for one chapter then fine, your story isn't worth it all. UNSUBSCRIBE!
I know that feeling especially when the story is about the ship we love. It's just so fcked. Oh and,have you met any authors that like to sulk? You know what I meant,like,she only got a few comments [yet of course,her subbers was a lot. like 60+] and one day she be like 'IF YOU GUYS WON'T COMMENT I WON'T UPDATE' and I was like 'nigga,what about me? I had been commenting the first freaking chapter for unicorns' sake!' . I just hate that kind of authors. --;
I've seen author notes where the author bashes certain comments... there was one story where the author said the reader had to answer every single question they asked or else they wouldn't update (and they asked at least 10 questions at once). They also cussed at people who have subscribed but never commented. I hate people like that and I would instantly unsubscribe to a story with author notes similar to that.. >.>