AFF username: Chochocho

AFF profile link:

Character Name : Wen Xi Liu

Character Stage Name : Marie

Character Age  : 24

Ulzzang Picture Link :

Ulzzang Picture Name : Jung Seo Yeong or Lee Youn Ju ( )

Personality: Xi Liu is a hardworking girl. She might be a bit childish but when it comes to people she loved, she would very protective towards them. Rather than have that 'umma' aura, she has an aura of a strong leader who won't tolerate unprofessionalism because she was trained to be that way since little. She is very outgoing and you won't find her stay quiet when she meet new people. She likes to smile A LOT and her smile is contagious! She's a straightforward girl who won't be fake to anyone, if she doesn't like something from a person, she will tell it directly to him/her. She is a type of person that hardly tell her secrets or problem to anyone except for the closest person of hers. She will try to solve her problems by herself and if she thinks that she can't solve it, she would ask for opinion to her mom.

Past or History :
Xi Liu was born in China on 9th January 1987 with a lovely mother. But at the age of 4, her father died in a terrible accident which cause her and her mom to moved out from their home. Since then, she always helped her mother on her store or sometimes did part time job. But she is well known as a street dancer in Beijing. When she heard about the audition held by SM, she was really determined to win it because she can make her mother proud of her and she can buy her mother a house for her to live.

Hobby :

- Online

- Play tennis

- Eat

- Reading novels

- Improve her Korean

- Collecting sunglasses

-Draw clothes
- Watch TV


Habit :

- Make some random noise when she's bored

- Ca n stay awake until 2 am if she's reading an interesting book or watching TV or online

-Tidy up her stuffs

- Gritted her teeth to restrain her anger

Likes :

- Chocolate cake

- Ice cream

- Sunglasses

- Apples

- Horror novel

- Aquamarine blue

- High speed internet connection 

Dislikes :

- Cuss words

- Unprofessionalism

- Dirt of her clothes

- Coffee

- Garlic, onion, etc

- Too muscular guy

- Someone messin up her stufs

other talents:

- Play violin 



- Amber F(x)

- Jia Miss A

- TOP Big Bang

- Henry Lau Super Junior M


Partner: Han Geng

 How you met him:

It was a rainy day in China when Xi Liu was about to go home. Then she bumped into Han Geng. It happened before Han Geng debuted with SJ. From there, they dated each other for about 3 years than have to break up because of Han Geng was chosen as the trainee of SMEnt. 

Position: Leader, Lead vocal


Rival(s): none



I hope you like my application author-nim ^^~ And i'm an ELF as well XD


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