I up everything and ruin everyone's life

The title says it all. I've talk to Bob. And he hates me and he have gotten differnent girlfriends. He told me he doesn't know he's feelings for me. I know ive fuxked up his life. And it cause I feel like and I've gotten so low that I thought of commiting sudice.


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NOOOO!!!! Don't kill yourself because of that Bob!! You can get through it, honey. You haven't ed up his life because life is always like that. You have people who loves you, even here. I wish we could meet and I can comfort you. And bring my friends with me so we can comfort and make you laugh all the time.
But never think of suicide or cutting yourself or anything like that. I know you feel and all, but dieing isn't going to solve anything. Try talking to someone who you trust a lot and telling all your problems will lift the burden from you. You can tell me anything by pm me.
Oh my, darling. Don't... It REALLY is not worth it.

Please read my latest blog post. Please. Before you even consider doing anything.