✻ ( 4U - For You - Jang Ye Rin )



“you're just a sad song with nothing to say”


“Let’s Start
Username : cassieng08
Nickname : Cass
Activeness : 8.5/9
“Getting To Know You
Character Name(s) : Jang Ye Rin
Nicknames :
Candies monster; She is addicted to Candies.
Miss Ace; She is excellent at sports and mostly academic except for mathematics.
Little Miss Mathematics hater; She hates math equations and number
Miss blank mong rin; She tends to blank out at times, especially when there something important.
Rinny; All  the kids calls her that since they couldn't pronounce her name correctly.
Age : 22
Ethnicity : American-Korean
Languages : Korean-fluent, English;fluent, Chinese;conversational
“Hey, Pretty Girl
Face-claim : Park Sung Sin
Gallery or Links : 1
Back-up : Kim Soo Yeon/Mint
Gallery or Links : 1
“Let Me Know You
Personality : Ye Rin is a kind and a mature person. She likes to think before she acts and she always ready to learns new things about anything. Unfortunately Ye Rin is very socially awkward and she wish to change that someday when she's ready to get out of her shell and meet new people.She is the type of person who can't express them self and who's also fragile/shy.

Towards her members, family members or even her father's employees; She's very motherly like and mature. She never have a self centered  point of view, she usually thinks of others before herself, and takings things in a stride. She tends to treats the members and some fans to go eat with them, even if she doesn't have a lot of money. She takes cooking lessons at her University whenever she's free and shares it to her members what she had cook. She's able to understand that are to learn a positive lesson from obstacles (weather they are good or bad. She supports her members for the choice they usually make, although it might be a bad choice she would always tell you there always a good side to that choice. ) Sometimes, she doesn't know how to understand her members who has made pretty bad choices but she would always tries to comfort them and stick with them. If the members tends to get in trouble with the CEO, Trainees, or even their mentor, she would take the blame and the consequences for the situations. She tells all the members to responsible for their actions if the situations ever happens again.

She's someone who take things very seriously and is very hard working. She never disappoint her fans, families, friends, and members since she shows her mature self. According to her members and fans, she's very clumsy.  Fans have videos of her slipping on stage but as she stand up, she would blank out for a second and stick out her tongue, and continued her dance or song.  She's is like an angel. She always tries to do help and talk to her fans whenever she can,  but she doesn't like fans buying things for her since she believes it's a waste of money and they didn't have a lot of money. She always say talking to them is enough for her.

However, Ye Jin's a dis organize person. She really hates cleaning up since she tends to get lazy at times or when she's exhausted. Her members would always yell at her, tell her to tidy her bed or clean out her closest. Even if she said she will do it, she would do it later or when her members tell her to do it, a couple of times. She would always yells at the members when she can't find her things, she takes her things and throw every where in the dorm which makes the dorm into a mess. Usually, one of the members will scold her but she will end up cleaning up the mess herself. 

She tends to forget things. Often she will get scold by her mentors if she keeps forgetting her lines or dance moves. Another flaw she has is she doesn't do things right away. She would just relax a bit and then do it, but sometimes if you don't tell her to do something relevantly; she would just forget it until the end of the day. When Ye Jin get angry or depress, she will ignore people and lock herself in her room or she would often kick/ throw things at people.She usually never think anything negative but if she does she will listen to ballad songs and make herself go to sleep. Sadly, she's is mad at someone, she would go to her father's hotel gym and start running in the tread mill until her stress is gone. If she is on a variety show and she really mad, she would always sigh and say nothing at all. If MC ask her a question, she will answer in a few words and possibly give them a death stare.

Trivia’s :
  • Her role model is BoA and Lee Hyori
  • She debuted as an actress at the age of 18, starred in Heart String as Han Hee Joo and Master's sun as Young Cha Hee Joo
  • Close with Actress Park Shin Hye, CN Blue Yong Hwa, Wonder Girls Ahn Sohee and Infinite Kim Myungsoo
  • Appeared in Mv's with Henry's 143, Infinite's Be Mine
  • Mentioned in EXO's xoxo album from Kris
  • Plays the piano, violin and cello
  • Comes from a wealthy family
  • Her father owns 6, 5 stars hotels all over Seoul
  • When she lies, she twirl her hair, but when she's nervous she tends to click a pen
  • She has a phobia of insects, clowns and Santa clause
  • She likes to take pictures of land scrapes, baking and cooking, reads philosophy and self improvement books, and plays sports
  • She dislikes alcohol,liars, her ex boyfriend, loud noises, math equations and numbers
  • She used in be a trainee at Woolim for 4 years before she was switched over to SM
“Stage Presence
Stage Name : Yenny
Persona :Caring Umma
Position :Main Rapper and lead dancer(M)/vocals,lead dancer, rapper (K)
“One and Only
Love Interest : Kim Joomyeon/Suho
Personality :He’s from a wealthy family. he had really good schooling and also had a well off house and etc. He always treats his friend to eat and pay afterwards. Girls would have probably liked him but to an extent, some girls would want to go out with him because he could buy a lot of things but at the same time, Suho is awkward and also did not know many things about people. He still is gentle and stuff but he's someone who trusts people easily and cares a lot about people where in the end, he gets hurt.
Interactions : After they reunited, they became very close friends.  He often take her to SM Entertainment to introduce his sunbaes and members. Many of the Idols from SM mistaken as a couple since they did a lot of skin ship together for example kissing each other on the cheek, holding each other's hand, etc. Ye Rin usually give EXO an discount whenever they need a hotel to stay in when they are oversea since her father own many hotels. They always joke and play around but often when they are reading together; they become very serious and passionate about reading. At times, Suho makes smooth but also cheesy pick up lines to Ye Jin and she would blush furiously.
Status : friends/crushing
“Let’s Stop
Comments : Hello there~ Thanks for reading my app :) Sorry for my bad grammar, English isn't my first language. Please excuse that.... Anyways, Good Luck on your story !!
Suggestions : Hm.... Not at this moment.
Scene Requests : Exo and 4U have a duet performance at Music Core, 4U be on running man; ripping off the running man's name tag, Participate at the Idol Olympics,  4U makes their own reality show, Suho and Ye Rin have a scandal together, 4U members and EXO members have a dance and singing battle,




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